Error Solution: " ...\.minecraft\versions\1.14\natives\OpenAL32.dll (Access denied)" in TLauncher

The error occurs when the game starts due to the blocking of the file specified in the window by your antivirus. Most common in 360 Total Security.


1. Add the entire .minecraft folder to the antivirus exception.

2. Open the "Settings" in the antivirus and go to the "White List" tab.

3. In this tab, click on "Add Folder" and select the folder with the .minecraft game (there is a path in the error window), click on OK.

4. We are trying to launch the game version through our launcher.

Different files may be locked, for example: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.14.1\natives\OpenAL32.dll (Access denied). C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.14\natives\lwjgl_opengl32.dll (Access denied). C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.14\natives\lwjgl32.dll (Access denied).