Extra Buttons for Minecraft 1.15.2

ExtraButtons screenshot 1Extra Buttons for Minecraft is a special add-on that will allow you to easily take advantage of completely new features to improve various buttons and detectors. It will be enough to closely monitor what is happening and actively use various options and functions that will surely please you.. 


Just Needed for Minecraft 1.15.2

Just Needed screenshot 1Just Needed for Minecraft is a universal add-on that will allow you to easily use a completely new interface. Its main feature is that this mod pack makes it possible for you to easily succeed, enjoy every moment of your adventure, and just boldly achieve a good result. 


Terrestria for Minecraft 1.15.2

Terrestria screenshot 1If you like to carefully explore the various places of the game world, then we invite you to pay attention to Terrestria for Minecraft. This modification allows you to take advantage of all the available features and check out its new places. 


Tesseract for Minecraft 1.15.2

Tesseract screenshot 1To become a successful adventurer and survivalist, it is enough to use new features to open opportunities. A striking example of this kind of interaction is Tesseract for Minecraft. Thanks to its new features, you will have a chance not only to get additional functionality but also to discover a lot of new features. 


Dimensional Dungeons for Minecraft 1.15.2

Dimensional Dungeons screenshot 1Dimensional Dungeons for Minecraft is a special add-on that will allow you to easily go on an exciting adventure and get a completely new experience of going through the dungeons. This modification makes them unique and rather sophisticated by significantly increasing the level of difficulty. 


MCDoom for Minecraft 1.15.2

MCDoom screenshot 1MCDoom for Minecraft is a unique add-on that offers you to go on an exciting adventure and fight dangerous demons from the Doom universe. In addition, you will have a unique opportunity to take advantage of powerful weapons related to the same-themed universe. 


Phenomena Structures for Minecraft 1.15.2

Phenomena Structures screenshot 1Among Minecraft fans, there are probably many lovers of unusual architecture. For example, if you install Phenomena Structures for Minecraft, then you will have a chance to diversify your game with a lot of new places.


Prehistoric Fauna for Minecraft 1.15.2

Prehistoric Fauna screenshot 1Finally, it’s time to go on a new adventure and get the most out of exploring the game world. There is a mod pack that allows you to go to prehistoric times and enjoy newly introduced unique creatures. 


Dungeons Gear for Minecraft 1.15.2

Dungeons Gear screenshot 1Dungeons Gear for Minecraft is a special add-on that borrows most of the content from the Dungeons-themed game. This modification allows you to use new spells, weapons, and armor, as well as other interesting content from the DLC. 


Wormhole for Minecraft 1.15.2

Wormhole screenshot 1Wormhole for Minecraft is an unusual add-on that will allow you to easily achieve the best results. First of all, we would like to note the ability to create portals of different sizes. These portals make it possible for you to effectively use various new wormholes for teleportation. 
