
City Build World | Карта Майнкрафт

City Build World screenshot 1City Build World для Майнкрафт – это уникальное развлечение, которое позволит вам отправиться в новое путешествие. Не стоит волноваться, на этот раз автор постарался детально все проработать и в итоге получите возможность наслаждаться интересным игровым процессом, который точно не заставит скучать. 

На этот раз на карту появится множество дополнительных элементов и целых два графства, каждое из которых будет со своими особенностями и прочими интересными моментами. Предлагаем вам особо не терять времени и просто начинать активно действовать. Новые просторы вас ждут, не теряйте возможности насладиться этим окружением.

City Build World screenshot 2

Как установить карту:

Первый шаг: Скачайте архив с картой.

Второй шаг: Распакуйте архив, чтобы получилась папка.

Третий шаг: Скопируйте папку с картой City Build World в раздел .minecraft/saves (если данной папки не существует создайте её сами).

Четвертый шаг: В меню во вкладке "Одиночная игра" найдите эту карту.


Комментарии (102)

4wrtsgtwtgtstg 09/01/2024 06:47
0 2
nice and cool map but not interesting too much.

Ruben_newgamer 17/08/2023 12:33
0 0
I dont like this map

loinkiller 02/09/2023 07:29
0 3
@Ruben_newgamer, nice and cool map

loinkiller 02/09/2023 07:29
0 0
@Ruben_newgamer, nice and cool map

marc_dark1 25/03/2023 20:12
0 2
pentru ce versiune este (for what version is this mod?)

RayxoxoKosy 16/03/2023 19:59
0 2
i dont understand

SirBanan4ik 11/03/2023 11:57
0 0

DanhhNewPlayer 05/11/2022 12:01
1 1
can someone help me i can't

marc_dark1 25/03/2023 20:12
0 0
@DanhhNewPlayer, nus

Jellybean094 28/10/2022 11:05
0 0
i like it but it take way more time i thought =

Jellybean094 28/10/2022 11:05
0 0
i like it but it take way more time i thought =

Jellybean094 28/10/2022 11:05
0 0
i like it but it take way more time i thought =

Jellybean094 28/10/2022 11:05
0 0
i like it but it take way more time i thought =

Jellybean094 28/10/2022 11:05
0 0
i like it but it take way more time i thought =

Jellybean094 28/10/2022 11:05
0 0
i like it but it take way more time i thought =

Jellybean094 28/10/2022 11:05
0 0
i like it but it take way more time i thought =

Jellybean094 28/10/2022 11:05
0 0
i like it but it take way more time i thought =

Jellybean094 28/10/2022 11:05
0 0
i like it but it take way more time i thought =

furkan_akbay 09/10/2022 13:54
0 0
boş harita geldi neden

yasser7341 18/04/2022 13:59
0 0
nice map

yasser7341 18/04/2022 13:59
0 0
nice map

Pawelos323 16/04/2022 14:05
0 0
i dont know how dowoland this

EKIODETE40 14/02/2022 03:07
0 0
Es increible dios

EKIODETE40 14/02/2022 03:06
0 0
Es increible dios

alikabachilava 06/02/2022 08:12
0 0
Guys here is no version this you can play anywhere!

SuperMax56421 28/01/2022 05:27
0 0
I Love It

morganharrison2 14/01/2022 15:33
1 0
stop spamming

RendyPLayz 06/01/2022 08:48
0 0
I love it

RendyPLayz 06/01/2022 08:48
0 0
I love it

RendyPLayz 06/01/2022 08:48
0 0
I love it

RendyPLayz 06/01/2022 08:48
0 0
I love it

RendyPLayz 06/01/2022 08:48
0 0
I love it

RendyPLayz 06/01/2022 08:48
0 0
I love it

RendyPLayz 06/01/2022 08:48
0 0
I love it

RendyPLayz 06/01/2022 08:48
0 0
I love it

waiphyowin 16/12/2021 04:25
0 0
what version

7wSoi 12/12/2021 03:33
0 0
1. maays

MapdYT 16/11/2021 18:52
0 0
what version?

DSPYDERYTGAMING 28/10/2021 13:48
0 0
it's super cool one i've seen ever

avikathepro 23/10/2021 03:29
0 0
best map ever seen

jljy5769 15/10/2021 09:26
0 0

Spiderman16313 23/09/2021 16:55
0 0
Cool Map

unknown user 30/08/2021 21:09
0 3
serve pra versao 1.12?

Farhanfani786 08/08/2023 08:43
0 0
@lorrandro17, every version

Farhanfani786 08/08/2023 08:43
0 0
@lorrandro17, every version

KaiserWasTaken 23/07/2021 09:33
0 0
what is this? its fake

SherpySonic1 30/06/2021 07:13
0 0
I love this map it is tremendes

Prince2015132 21/06/2021 12:40
0 0
poty version but map nice

PrincebobTV1 11/06/2021 16:07
0 0
ist ok

el_disc980 24/05/2021 02:09
0 0
no sirve ._.

DSGOD711 05/05/2021 13:56
0 0

Its_TeamSkillz 03/05/2021 16:10
0 1
fake map I am HItman

NethanST 15/04/2021 10:33
0 0
i don't find the city smh

taha854796 28/03/2021 14:55
0 0
gg gg gg g g g g g g g g g g gg gg g g g g g g g g

PizzaKiyoto 23/03/2021 12:04
0 0
Hi U know guys FM_AbdoGamer is me?

CABOOSE2454 14/03/2021 12:45
0 0
which version

dragoongaming314 10/03/2021 07:50
0 0
this is very good, like it

Pli3279Minecraft 25/02/2021 15:57
0 0
can you add the mattupolis map?

Li2028 21/02/2021 16:01
0 0
I'm looking for a map called Mattupolis

sidddddd124 11/02/2021 11:06
0 0
GG nice gu

FM_AbdoGamer 08/02/2021 15:05
0 0
also what a verson lol

FM_AbdoGamer 08/02/2021 15:04
0 0
i love it

sabrienna 05/02/2021 07:04
0 1
i dont know

GktheGamer 02/02/2021 12:09
0 0
great but fake

GktheGamer 02/02/2021 12:09
0 0
great but fake

GamerKitty126 02/02/2021 11:49
0 0
what version

amanpratap 31/01/2021 06:56
0 0
coordinates of city

Purpledd_ 30/01/2021 08:51
0 0
And also what version is dis?

Purpledd_ 30/01/2021 08:50
0 0
When i put the download into .minecraft/saves And opened tlauncher i couldnt find da map

imon4404 21/01/2021 09:24
0 0
lols its not work

Noice1garry 20/01/2021 13:10
0 0
Do v hv to build the city?

AnnaLmaoYT 18/01/2021 16:05
0 0
When i joined I saw a chest with stuff but anything else

AnnaLmaoYT 18/01/2021 15:56
0 0
Well this map seems great but something is wrong and always when I upload a map into the saves folder I open tlauncher and it's not there. {the map}

vaxo20 12/01/2021 16:29
0 0

Thekabir 02/01/2021 07:04
0 0
i loved this map very good to tlauncher organiser

xXMythpatXx 22/12/2020 06:48
0 0
how do this map work plz tell me!

Deuteronomia 19/12/2020 13:21
0 0
I mean, I don't get the steps

Deuteronomia 19/12/2020 13:20
0 0
Do we download this?

apeinshka55 18/12/2020 14:43
0 0

gfefhhfliaykrlsyhuhijcderijhswyzwt 15/12/2020 05:57
0 0
i not played yet but my cousin brother played it andsayed me its a no lagy map and work perfetcly so i gave this 5 stars

plze 11/12/2020 19:28
0 0
I did not get this map yet

julio_7u7 19/11/2020 15:24
0 0
y si no tienes windows nose

julio_7u7 19/11/2020 15:24
0 1
para abrirlo tienes que ir a explorador de windows y te vas a descargar y ai esta

Rainbow_dash20 13/11/2020 16:10
0 1
?!?! we should build it?!?!

XXXValeriaGamerXXX 16/10/2020 20:09
0 0
como lo habro

nickck 07/10/2020 23:01
0 0
parece que es muy divertido

Y0r2 27/09/2020 21:04
0 0
No sirve no carga los edificios

kabomderito 13/09/2020 18:36
0 0
em já ví melhor!

iTsAlex_UvU 08/09/2020 14:48
0 0
good mod :) ❤

bibekroka24 27/08/2020 07:24
0 0
op great maps

djalaldjalal 13/08/2020 21:07
0 0
is new york is great

DINMOGMERZ1 29/07/2020 06:10
0 0
op very good god gameing map

pro765732 08/07/2020 05:27
0 0
good map

NightFallLTYR 17/06/2020 05:59
0 0
Is kinda beautiful

assetto849 04/06/2020 09:49
0 0
has a Very God mp : )

Denremi_123 18/05/2020 12:44
0 0
карта плохая

_Jotaro_Kujo 01/05/2020 16:37
0 0

faruk_78 17/04/2020 08:57
0 0

ESKEP 04/04/2020 11:38
0 0
最高༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

joshdana123 23/03/2020 05:51
0 0
puck you

ckfdf5453 12/03/2020 13:41
0 0

vova12_PRO 03/03/2020 16:45
0 0
Крутая игра!