
Robobo1221's Realistic для Майнкрафт 1.16.4

Robobo1221's Realistic screenshot 1Robobo1221's Realistic для Майнкрафт – уникальный шейдер, который позволит без особых проблем погрузиться в огромный и проработанный мир. На этот раз автор улучшения сделал все возможное, чтобы достигнуть не только благоприятного результата, но и просто получить доступ к новым функциям и возможностям. 

Robobo1221's Realistic screenshot 2

Мы рекомендуем вам особо не торопиться в ваших новых приключениях и просто получать эстетическое удовольствие от всего увиденного. Автор поработал практически над каждым доступным эффектом и визуальным оформлением, которое отлично сочетается между собой и создает невообразимый эффект полного погружения.

Robobo1221's Realistic screenshot 3

Как установить шейдер:

Первый шаг: скачайте пакет с шейдером по ссылке ниже.

Второй шаг: Распакуйте скачанный архив и скопируйте папку Robobo1221's Realistic по пути c:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks\ (если данной папки не существует, создайте сами)(Для Windows)

Третий шаг: В игре зайдите в Настройки, далее в Пакеты ресурсов. Там нажмите на иконку в левом списке на появившийся новый пакет шейдеров.


Комментарии (100)

Daniyal_flamers 28/01/2024 04:53
0 0
nice shader so beautiful so elegent just looking like a wow

MurkHaLo 30/04/2023 12:12
0 1
దజ హ్్దహ్బదహ ్హబద హద హదబ సగవ హేబ్్సహ్బ సదస

Lick_Sonia 23/04/2023 10:25
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А как загрузить ?

Tresh_332 15/01/2023 22:08
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Мод самый хужый

Fro_gaming 09/11/2022 05:00
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I Cant see the pack/shaders in the game!

Ainur4il 14/04/2022 09:34
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Мод не работает самый худший я его не могу загрузить

HELLOFYT 26/02/2022 16:17
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It doesn't work for me!

Hogalallaezioripdreamyboy 17/02/2022 12:29
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Karolek2022 16/02/2022 18:07
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FarhanMubassir 15/02/2022 05:34
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FarhanMubassir 15/02/2022 05:27
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ShaheenGamerz 07/11/2021 11:22
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Good shader, but pls add for 1.17 as well, other then that vary nice

ShaheenGamerz 07/11/2021 11:22
0 0
Good shader, but pls add for 1.17 as well, other then that vary nice

kipo-kipo 03/11/2021 10:50
0 0
NICE, and very cool

anoceanaway 24/08/2021 11:31
0 0
pretty cool.

ThatWeirdBox 27/07/2021 17:45
0 0
e ok I can't have it bc the download doesn't work

RISHI_FF_134 24/07/2021 05:02
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very nice shader

RISHI_FF_134 24/07/2021 05:02
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very nice shader

Inexysx 20/06/2021 23:37
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Nose si es mi pc pero va muy lag

DEFER799 20/06/2021 18:27
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espero que se vea bien en la 1,16,4

knightmoverz 15/06/2021 05:07
0 0
i this available ?

_NotFares_ 20/05/2021 16:36
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he is not work

AnisaflewHome 06/05/2021 18:23
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it wont work

AnisaflewHome 06/05/2021 18:17
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lol so coo

yoshimurachi__ 01/05/2021 05:45
0 0
wow omgj

faresalhazmi45 18/04/2021 22:15
0 0
good shaders is so classic

faresalhazmi45 18/04/2021 22:14
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i love minecraft

mxysqn_ 11/04/2021 13:30
0 0
no vab top

SynagogueDog 08/04/2021 08:54
0 0
RTX 12381238909801329081238903129081328901208931289031298032189012389031289012891289123891238123890123890123890123890 D:

SynagogueDog 08/04/2021 08:54
0 0
RTX 12381238909801329081238903129081328901208931289031298032189012389031289012891289123891238123890123890123890123890 D:

SynagogueDog 08/04/2021 08:54
0 0
RTX 12381238909801329081238903129081328901208931289031298032189012389031289012891289123891238123890123890123890123890 D:

SynagogueDog 08/04/2021 08:54
0 0
RTX 12381238909801329081238903129081328901208931289031298032189012389031289012891289123891238123890123890123890123890 D:

SynagogueDog 08/04/2021 08:46
0 0
RTX 12381238909801329081238903129081328901208931289031298032189012389031289012891289123891238123890123890123890123890 D:

SrUrurazu 31/03/2021 13:07
0 0
Gracias, pero no me terminan de cargar. Saludos.

westnaz 29/03/2021 09:01
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does it work tho?

jim65079 24/03/2021 09:34
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мне этот сайт очень нравится в нём всё хорошо без обманов,всё работает. Клас!!

CATAN2112 19/03/2021 18:22
0 0
I want dowland but. i have a bit of afraid

STERNLY 19/03/2021 06:28
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can anyone tell me how to on shaders

XXRightglowXX 17/03/2021 12:28
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um can i install this shader on my server so that others can also see it

GRIMCOLEK 17/03/2021 10:48
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ok kedijeofneofnsknf its reallyy good

dksajadlkkasjlkjl 15/03/2021 07:46
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I love these shaders so much!

E_DemonicPancake_Z 10/03/2021 12:31
0 0
I can't add it :(

ninjadaniel5 08/03/2021 00:41
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pis make 1.17.0

anaceciliaa 05/03/2021 20:45
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eu acho todos esses shaders bonitos , pena q n sei instalar nem um K

ITSANSH 05/03/2021 10:40
0 0
good it is awesome

nikolalac1 04/03/2021 13:57
0 0
this shaders are beutiful!

YahyaBatur 04/03/2021 10:55
0 0
i hope this is good

garyiscool123 04/03/2021 09:57
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now i cant download it cause i dont have winrar ~Facepalm~

garyiscool123 04/03/2021 09:57
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e it have winrar

garyiscool123 04/03/2021 09:52
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me download it if its good

garyiscool123 04/03/2021 09:49
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garyiscool123 04/03/2021 09:49
0 0
me download it if its good

SCR0LL3X 03/03/2021 12:27
0 0
It really looks like the pictures and it is super cool thanks for these cool shaders

ou_papare_ 01/03/2021 11:42
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coolAiden 28/02/2021 15:11
0 0
shaders are not loading for me ;(

32xLiez 25/02/2021 13:24
0 0
good shader

krankerblaze 24/02/2021 02:27
0 0
Good shaders

AbdulWarrior 23/02/2021 14:12
0 0
it do not works

SorekYT 23/02/2021 13:36
0 0
czy to nie wirus

SorekYT 23/02/2021 13:36
0 0
a to nie ściągnie mi żadnego wirusa

SorekYT 23/02/2021 13:35
0 0
A to nie ściągnie mi żadnego wirusa??

SorekYT 23/02/2021 13:35
0 0
A to nie ściągnie mi żadnego wirusa??

shriyans143 23/02/2021 08:17
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hello tlauncher love u

DekoTeko 21/02/2021 18:33
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i cant find Realistic

Davedino15XD 21/02/2021 12:34
0 0
Good Shader Was Very God

_Salix2233_ 19/02/2021 12:09
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uno esque no me descarga y segundo es que puedes crearlo para 1.16.5?

PsaTeam 16/02/2021 09:33
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you tlancher?

emi_elpro12 15/02/2021 21:48
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hola a todos este us un muy buen modpack pero se traba mucho

XTRMmonster 15/02/2021 05:52
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its very lagy what should i do

HDMAX_YT 14/02/2021 15:07
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es una mierda

MATIAS487YT 14/02/2021 00:57
0 0
una putisima mierda no sirve

nathdan19 11/02/2021 10:19
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At first it wasnt working well cause i didnt know how to add the shader pack. It works epicly. Ill write the instructions. 1. download shaders ( it will be zip/vlc file) 2. After download search *This pc * in search option in desktop 3.go to downloads , select file and press copy. 4 open t launcher and start game. 5. in game go to options , video settings shaders. 6.press on select shaders file and when it opens tab right click and select paste. 7. the shader file will suddenly appear in game select file then press done and test it : )

ninjamasterpro 11/02/2021 06:46
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Looks cool but haven't tried it yet and can u make a bedwars texture pack I really need one

sonddan 10/02/2021 22:12
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it works for me

Dark3210 10/02/2021 16:02
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When I say download nothing happens

RiaPlayz19 09/02/2021 03:51
0 0
dosen't work its not in my recource packs area even if its in my folder '-'

cloudlessrush 08/02/2021 06:50
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let me try it

HansYodad 08/02/2021 06:09
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1.16.5 pls MGA BOBO

wertys2010ez 07/02/2021 15:01
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lol fajne troche lagi ale spk

Pandaloverss 07/02/2021 13:29
0 0
how i can use that?

XxHexeptionXx 06/02/2021 19:31
0 0
Shaders Are good but lag alot :(

_wowNoahwow_ 06/02/2021 11:54
0 0
1.16.5 pls

Devrajwarrior12 06/02/2021 10:41
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yes please make 1.16.5

AtharvaTITAN 06/02/2021 07:03
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nice shader , but lags a lot

vensussy 05/02/2021 15:50
0 0
Make a 1.16.5 pleasee??

edrizeraa 05/02/2021 11:27
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this is best shader

Gabuz 04/02/2021 14:22
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pls make 1.16.5

Ponkar 04/02/2021 08:05
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can u make 1.16.5

IvyXenon 03/02/2021 13:23
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can you make for 1.16.5?

Aurazon_1 03/02/2021 09:15
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Pls ADD Can Use Skin In Snapshot

BANDIIGOORXD 31/01/2021 12:57
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can you create for 1.16.5 please?

Seldiablo 29/01/2021 14:20
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Meo123456789 29/01/2021 04:05
0 0
It Do Soo Much Land So * The Person Who Created This

escravin_kkj 29/01/2021 01:51
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@calyxman , this works when you go in options > graphics > shaders. not in resource packs.

iamsebi 28/01/2021 18:28
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it do so much lag

BestBuddy_12345 28/01/2021 15:24
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all i want is like the water looking cool

EnderWasabi_Best 28/01/2021 04:16
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how to download

calyxman 26/01/2021 17:27
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I tried 1.16.4 OptiFine/Forge, but that did nothing. I did see a Mod Resources thing in Resource Packs, but when I bumped that up to the top of the list, it did nothing.

calyxman 26/01/2021 17:21
0 0
Hey. I haven't tried it yet, but it does not appear in Resource Packs (1.16.4, OptiFine version if you're wondering) and I copied the "shaders" folder (and everything in it) to resourcepacks. Did I do something wrong?

Fnaferiminer 26/01/2021 14:04
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чот не работает