
MakeUp - Ultra Fast для Майнкрафт 1.16.5

MakeUp - Ultra Fast screenshot 1Бывает так, что пользователям вместо глобальных улучшений необходимо наоборот, снизить качество окружения, сильно не портить картинку и сделать мир более производительным. Специально для такого случая вам следует обратить внимание на шейдер MakeUp - Ultra Fast 1.16.5 для Майнкрафт. 

MakeUp - Ultra Fast screenshot 2

Он не только предлагает большой инструментарий для детальной настройки окружения, но имеет еще и автоматический режим, который гарантировано позволит вам добиться хорошего результата и повысить уровень производительности. При этом картинка не сильно страдает от изменений и просто позволяет приятно проводить время. Желаем вам приятного пользования и хорошего настроения!

MakeUp - Ultra Fast screenshot 3

Как установить шейдер:

Первый шаг: скачайте пакет с шейдером по ссылке ниже.

Второй шаг: Распакуйте скачанный архив и скопируйте папку MakeUp - Ultra Fast по пути c:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks\ (если данной папки не существует, создайте сами)(Для Windows)

Третий шаг: В игре зайдите в Настройки, далее в Пакеты ресурсов. Там нажмите на иконку в левом списке на появившийся новый пакет шейдеров.


Комментарии (45)

spya3143 04/07/2024 12:12
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nice wow thank you 10 fps

Fe1ozen1 09/06/2024 18:31
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adama black pencil

Alpha12_Boy 21/01/2024 02:19
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I Like Is shader

hemanth2113 09/12/2023 15:39
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super thank you tlauncher

Xero_Gm_YT_VTV 02/11/2023 12:33
0 0
Omg whatta hek TLauncher Thank You!!

BigBear_LMAO 12/07/2023 08:44
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bruh its good as hell

clardertyli4 25/06/2023 00:11
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fps 60 shader new yes

bnTandstik 28/05/2023 11:38
0 1
Perfect I can have 65 fps now

TaoTuVN 01/01/2023 10:22
0 1
good,it's can work on my old intel hd 30 laptop :)

DeezNutsAreMine 10/06/2022 05:25
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i cant wait to play

DeezNutsAreMine 10/06/2022 05:21
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i cant wait to play

Imran32 09/06/2022 16:10
0 0

AnkiGames 20/05/2022 15:23
1 0
all black :(

Dino1018 30/04/2022 09:09
0 0
is beautiful

51aux 08/04/2022 11:27
0 1
120 fps very nice

51aux 08/04/2022 11:26
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120 fps very nice

_Feeling_Dead_ 02/02/2022 10:29
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so for weak pc's, i don't recomended it. i didn't try it cuz my pc $uck and im scared that it'll explode i my face. as to ppl who say "doesn'twork" maybe ydk how to apply it, so i'll recomended it for ppl with "strong" pc's.

_Feeling_Dead_ 02/02/2022 10:29
0 0
so for weak pc's, i don't recomended it. i didn't try it cuz my pc $uck and im scared that it'll explode i my face. as to ppl who say "doesn'twork" maybe ydk how to apply it, so i'll recomended it for ppl with "strong" pc's.

ImVillagersLovers123 28/12/2021 10:10
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Is it for high or low device?

MasiveBoii 08/11/2021 02:46
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is it good ?

BxrbieNotB3e 29/10/2021 09:39
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Fun fact: Thats rare here to find an working mods/shaders

Yooplaylol 04/10/2021 17:35
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У меня не видит.

GamerpPro1 25/08/2021 03:25
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i would say this is the best shaders recommended for low end pc i like it it made my minecraft world super realistic

feijao_YT 16/08/2021 15:51
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esta lindo funciona muito bem só á um problema quando eu vou equipar o vidro para fazer uma casa ou assim que eu deixo o vidro no inventario passado uns 3 minutos ele vira um bloco de terra mas quando eu boto ele no chão ele fica o vidro normal do mine

Craftnie 15/08/2021 11:44
0 0
Thanks! Let me see if it works

Gangster_01 02/08/2021 14:23
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lets see will it work or now?

realhuygamer 24/06/2021 12:45
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very lag lol

realhuygamer 24/06/2021 12:44
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very lag lol

MR_OG9 31/05/2021 14:11
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i dont konw why but it lags too badly

Abuelor02 19/05/2021 00:23
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No lo se

BrxkenRose 14/05/2021 09:25
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can someone help

Your_Mom_69_ 13/05/2021 15:40
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its nice but dont work

lucatony2007 12/05/2021 22:42
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idk sometimes whith shaders i get like messages in game like error invalid gbufers idk plz help tnx

GhostFlameyPVP 08/05/2021 06:05
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it desen't work :c

pedrinwt122 04/05/2021 19:34
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a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

Plebtot 04/05/2021 06:25
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thank you kursirusak1!! wouldn't have done it w/o u. ^^

Wheeep 03/05/2021 07:02
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its not work

LeSee 02/05/2021 07:53
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Nice shader bro.

Xx_AND_xX 26/04/2021 07:19
1 0
If its not working click TL mods then create a modpack then click on the tool button on the top left corner and select manual installation and then click shaderpacks on the top right corner and then click select files and slect the shaderpack

Damiiiiiiiir 14/04/2021 14:18
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i had 80 fps on low pc and high preset

efesnck 08/04/2021 05:27
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Nice shaderpack thanks!

Rae_sama 27/03/2021 10:06
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Thank you for the help kursirusak1!

kursirusak1 25/03/2021 01:18
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it actually work just download the shader files then if it .zip extract it then place it in c:\Users\User\AppDataoaming\.minecraft\shaderpacks\ then download optifine 1.16.5 in your Tlauncher (if you don't have) then you click on "enter the game" then if you don't have the optifine 1.16.5 it will downloading. when is it done downloading just click "enter the game" again than it will open minecraft optifine 1.16.5 then you just click on "Options" then "Video Settings" then "Shaders" then just click on the shader that you just download and place in c:\Users\User\AppDataoaming\.minecraft\shaderpacks\ when you click on the shader it will loading then when it done just click "Done" and just join your world or make a new world. Enjoy!

rjubsz 22/03/2021 19:57
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it isnt working

bluepepper2021 22/03/2021 17:41
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my shader is no working