
RRe36 для Майнкрафт 1.16.5

RRe36 screenshot 1Если вы давно мечтали сделать любимый мир игры более приятным и сочным, мы предлагаем вам обратить внимание на дополнение RRe36 1.16.5 для Майнкрафт. Оно уникальное и позволит без проблем достичь благоприятного результата в плане исследования красивого и сочного мира. 

RRe36 screenshot 2

Автор постарался насытить игру свежими и ярками красками, улучшил отображение многих объектов и хорошо поработал над освещением. Теперь вы будете с большим удовольствием исследовать мир и стараться любыми путями добиваться хорошего результата. Не стоит терять времени и просто приступать к этому приключению. Желаем вам удачи!

RRe36 screenshot 3

Как установить шейдер:

Первый шаг: скачайте пакет с шейдером по ссылке ниже.

Второй шаг: Распакуйте скачанный архив и скопируйте папку RRe36 по пути c:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks\ (если данной папки не существует, создайте сами)(Для Windows)

Третий шаг: В игре зайдите в Настройки, далее в Пакеты ресурсов. Там нажмите на иконку в левом списке на появившийся новый пакет шейдеров.


Комментарии (88)

mekillingmygpu401 30/11/2021 15:06
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ram: 8GB

mekillingmygpu401 30/11/2021 15:06
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cpu : i5 6400T intel core

mekillingmygpu401 30/11/2021 15:06
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please buy GTX 950 i try it on my real pc and it runs on 30 fps fancy and 7 chucks (its cheap)

mekillingmygpu401 30/11/2021 15:06
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please buy GTX 950 i try it on my real pc and it runs on 30 fps fancy and 7 chucks (its cheap)

mekillingmygpu401 30/11/2021 14:28
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say your video card and i will show what you need video card for 256x or 512x and shaders (i have GTX 950 and i wll try it)

GAMESPIKE 28/09/2021 10:13
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dude u need optifine forb the shaders and its so (*) cool

Skirro200 08/09/2021 09:48
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If you read this it means you have a small cock ;)

Keanu_Maula 31/08/2021 00:49
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Its a very cool shaders

Darkspeed1249 09/06/2021 01:54
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how do get the friking shaders

Akdepredador 01/06/2021 03:00
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its very good

cipriana00 28/05/2021 13:08
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its very good shader

AmirVIP 26/05/2021 07:01
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very good Shaders

LeafyMintz 20/05/2021 10:32
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It's nice! But it's pretty laggy for me lol Great work btw!! ^^

Minecraft_olivia 15/05/2021 06:37
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Works but ⚠️ Warning! laggy⚠️

larikos 14/05/2021 10:48
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very good shaders

kappa_2115 14/05/2021 07:34
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good shaders

KiraXcX 13/05/2021 15:59
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Esta bien el shaders un poco mas de arreglos y estará bien :)

Annihilator77777 13/05/2021 12:06
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it a little laggy

Cgn0207 12/05/2021 16:00
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nice shaders

Cgn0207 12/05/2021 15:38
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nice shaders

Jepexx 12/05/2021 05:59
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yep like it

Pinshi_Panda 11/05/2021 22:08
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A XD xd XD xd XD xd xd x d d xsd

he_moxxie 08/05/2021 08:53
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bbhfkufhe 06/05/2021 12:58
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how to apply it ?

craqjiw 05/05/2021 10:22
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x ws5edryfg5rtydfgc

Streamer1btw 04/05/2021 06:45
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It's really good I like it

Blacker1865 02/05/2021 14:26
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Thats preety good

GTSTROKE 02/05/2021 07:48
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es hora de comer this works so nice

GTSTROKE 02/05/2021 07:47
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soy español y el mod me encanto

LUROGR 30/04/2021 17:28
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soy español y el mod me encanto

MhoChi_01 29/04/2021 13:56
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is very very crazy

StevenChris 29/04/2021 12:02
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es hora de comer this works so nice

Cakewaseaten 28/04/2021 08:18
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work so nisely

Alternative_User 27/04/2021 12:35
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this works u dont know how to use it

Spitzer78 26/04/2021 22:02
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doesn't work

Spitzer78 26/04/2021 22:02
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doesn't work

Muchaaaa 26/04/2021 08:09
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wszystko fajnie bardzo ładny ,ale ręka i item który w niej jest jest rozmazany ale tak to git

TimyGaming 26/04/2021 07:01
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I don't know how to use it

PerritoXDjajajajaa 24/04/2021 16:05
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alguien habla español? XD

ItsYeetboi 23/04/2021 21:44
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how to use it

casiocalculator 23/04/2021 14:07
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does it support aternos?

NouhPlays 23/04/2021 09:34
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ahh THE WATER is looking so good! the clouds i cant stop playing minecraft!

ryannot 22/04/2021 16:06
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esse sharders e bunito

marcStanlie 22/04/2021 10:24
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what it dont work

sorvethi320 19/04/2021 14:07
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it's not a shader problem it's you who don't know how to use

tunaishere2021 18/04/2021 12:15
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i doesn't work

KamiGamesLoL 17/04/2021 18:43
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how to use it

KamiGamesLoL 17/04/2021 18:42
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Como lo uso

GuardBot 17/04/2021 08:15
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This works But it Very Laggy i disconnect every time if i play with friends

iskalievErnur 17/04/2021 04:44
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crashnite 16/04/2021 04:51
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its very col

SasukeButSus 16/04/2021 01:28
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it dont work

Foxfili 15/04/2021 02:29
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It didn't quite work but i'll keep trying

shamricr7 14/04/2021 10:41
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this is not downloading?

shamricr7 14/04/2021 10:39
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this is not downloading?

BennyBoi69 14/04/2021 08:46
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How do I do this for Macs?

Eboy1234 11/04/2021 10:21
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Спасибо за шейдеры очень крутые!

AnImEcHnIk0 11/04/2021 08:00
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Спасибо это клёво

mikhey_rey 08/04/2021 22:14
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rtx in a nutshell

Robledo214530 05/04/2021 19:43
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muy buenos

arielpi123 05/04/2021 16:08
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si sirve

gtno19 05/04/2021 04:17
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How to use it

candyroll 04/04/2021 16:12
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how do I set them up

candyroll 04/04/2021 16:12
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how do I set them up

troy9487 04/04/2021 00:15
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abdullah007pro 03/04/2021 11:36
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Dont know how it will be but still excited.

adanadurum01 03/04/2021 11:01
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its look better than the other shadder ı think ım gona upload this ı hope my pc wont be lagy

Tenglu__ 01/04/2021 19:42
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cant open

MalekYouTube 01/04/2021 18:11
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Cool , so beautiful

lil_kidbro 31/03/2021 10:33
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is it for low end or high end ?

_jello_ 30/03/2021 22:39
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killer_top_1478 30/03/2021 15:09
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чо я не пон чоза топ шеидыр

KehanEngelbrecht 28/03/2021 07:26
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i used optifine 1.16.5, but somehow i cant find it in my resource pack option in minecraft!

AzusaNkano 28/03/2021 03:49
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Cool , so beautiful

denissupuper 27/03/2021 17:47
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it works but its glitchy and there are random white blocks bouncing around

dani626000000 26/03/2021 21:39
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cool its rele work

AnarchistOG 26/03/2021 08:07
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you need to select optifine version

SpaceUKOficial 25/03/2021 21:32
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esto da mucho lag we

SpaceUKOficial 25/03/2021 21:31
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aver aver aver aver

kursirusak1 25/03/2021 01:23
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it actually work just download the shader files then if it .zip extract it then place it in c:\Users\User\AppDataoaming\.minecraft\shaderpacks\ then download optifine 1.16.5 in your Tlauncher (if you don't have) then you click on "enter the game" then if you don't have the optifine 1.16.5 it will downloading. when is it done downloading just click "enter the game" again than it will open minecraft optifine 1.16.5 then you just click on "Options" then "Video Settings" then "Shaders" then just click on the shader that you just download and place in c:\Users\User\AppDataoaming\.minecraft\shaderpacks\ when you click on the shader it will loading then when it done just click "Done" and just join your world or make a new world. Enjoy!

coolrichmill200 24/03/2021 21:33
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it wont work

Xionanthropos 24/03/2021 06:49
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not working

ARHG 23/03/2021 06:15
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not working very disappointed

kanajiro366 23/03/2021 01:47
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is notworking uhh

medioythiago 22/03/2021 21:11
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not work sad

Squaddie 22/03/2021 12:21
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not working sad

Dhaval_Gamer8 22/03/2021 05:12
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op shaders

aqagarnek 21/03/2021 07:12
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