
Sildurs для Майнкрафт 1.16.5

Sildurs screenshot 1Sildurs для Майнкрафт – отличная возможность отправиться в удивительное приключение, которое позволит вам получить максимум удовольствия от всего происходящего процесса. 

Sildurs screenshot 2

Дело в том, что новое направление позволит вам получить не только максимум удовольствия, но и оценить современные шейдеры. Автор приложил немало усилий, чтобы благодаря своим изменениям затронуть практически каждый элемент этого мира. Поэтому у вас будет возможность просто насладиться каждым мгновением приключения и постараться эффективно использовать все свои возможности в плане путешествия. Желаем вам удачи и отличного настроения.

Sildurs screenshot 3

Как установить шейдер:

Первый шаг: скачайте пакет с шейдером по ссылке ниже.

Второй шаг: Распакуйте скачанный архив и скопируйте папку Sildurs по пути c:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks\ (если данной папки не существует, создайте сами)(Для Windows)

Третий шаг: В игре зайдите в Настройки, далее в Пакеты ресурсов. Там нажмите на иконку в левом списке на появившийся новый пакет шейдеров.


Комментарии (102)

AtticusOP 10/06/2023 13:19
0 0
It is good but i wanted the lite version..how do i get lite version?

Mdimran1234 29/06/2023 20:21
0 0
@AtticusOP, From the website of the shader

Mdimran1234 29/06/2023 20:21
0 0
@AtticusOP, From the website of the shader

thuoctrusau 11/02/2023 23:38
0 1
very good , it is beautiful

RazGamingMC 26/11/2022 10:20
0 3
very very very cool

Tomoe_mami07 22/09/2022 14:53
0 1
WOW! this is SO C-RAZY! you guys have to download THIS! (in you guys you should read in 2.5 speed okay)

MrCrunchop 20/08/2022 10:32
0 1
best shader i recommend everyone this shader made game looks cool

GameGamerTR 29/06/2022 15:36
1 1
very good

tgartin1389 25/05/2022 09:53
0 1
very good

aaribkhan2222 20/03/2022 17:18
0 0
this is high end shders but ok my pc can run this

KAMRONBEK12 16/03/2022 14:37
0 0
very good

Bhuvan4565 04/03/2022 07:42
0 0
very good shaders

talhakk1905 28/02/2022 13:20
0 0

talhakk1905 28/02/2022 13:20
0 0

pololor 26/02/2022 16:00
0 0
this shader creater well be famous

pololor 26/02/2022 16:00
0 0
this shader creater well be famous

pololor 26/02/2022 16:00
0 0
this shader creater well be famous

MALAYALY_KRISHNA 19/02/2022 08:13
0 0

MALAYALY_KRISHNA 19/02/2022 08:13
0 0

Karolek2022 14/02/2022 13:47
0 0
nie działa

dreeam12377 11/02/2022 09:45
0 0
nice shader it s so cool

crist1234 29/01/2022 14:35
0 0
merge oare

OrgyXXX32 25/01/2022 21:33
0 0
˘dont work

fangagyni 18/01/2022 02:49
0 0
Verry good but you must know how to use shader, Tlaucher say the wrong way to use it.

xSaikogamer 17/01/2022 16:45
0 0
this shaders is nice,i'm gonna download now :D

deebesh 17/01/2022 14:41
0 0
worst shader ever

AVANTIKA_PRO 14/01/2022 11:51
0 0
Its not a mistake ✨ITS A MASTERPIECE✨

DanikCZcz 05/12/2021 10:19
0 1
not function :(

MarTTenTT 04/12/2021 07:39
0 0
very good shader

MUHAMMET5656 29/11/2021 13:27
0 0
bir türlü yapamadımm nasıl yapabilirim

muhammadrahmat08 22/11/2021 10:24
0 0
aku pun jelek

bikaganteng123 22/11/2021 03:37
0 0
jelek bagi aku

Ashrobi1350 16/11/2021 04:50
0 0
will it work on 2gb ram pc

Max98120_MC 13/11/2021 11:46
0 0
good shader

GakJagoBedwars 10/11/2021 03:46
0 0
This shaders is cool but need good laptops

GakJagoBedwars 10/11/2021 03:43
0 0
This shaders is cool but need good laptops

hafiz324832 04/11/2021 15:59
0 0
it is super

hafiz324832 04/11/2021 15:58
0 0

OneTanzim 18/10/2021 09:13
0 0
i am trying this

Bapun_MC 16/10/2021 13:02
0 0
i can't see:(

oagaming123 11/10/2021 03:55
0 0
I can't see

matvey1795 10/10/2021 14:44
0 0
О боже Спасибо!

NasywanZ123 09/10/2021 02:20
0 0
i like it????

Gamer_Farhan 07/10/2021 03:38
0 0
Its works on 1.16.5 @Abi124

Gamer_Farhan 07/10/2021 03:38
0 0
Its works on 1.16.5 @Abi124

Abi124 06/10/2021 00:52
0 0
its not work!!

akshat_1396 05/10/2021 15:32
0 0
nyc shaders

Kinsington 02/10/2021 13:39
0 0
i am sorry but it didn't work sir

Shadow_e 02/10/2021 05:08
0 0
It does not work, I don't see it

01Zachman 29/09/2021 16:25
0 0
i hope i like it

Hqrriis 25/09/2021 22:02
0 0
boi what da hell boi

MATROXX_11 24/09/2021 17:44
0 0
es perfecto pero mi compu no resiste xd

Basabsing 22/09/2021 13:32
0 0
stfu kids

Basabsing 22/09/2021 13:32
0 0
stfu kids

Artechtenssy 15/09/2021 23:31
0 0
it work! Nice shader

domzy232 12/09/2021 05:57
0 0
doesn't work

Jai_Gabriola 11/09/2021 14:00
0 0
kayense putas

Debil_29 09/09/2021 15:01
0 0
Gde ste be

epicjack7453 04/09/2021 02:29
0 0
we have 1.17.1 now :)

Angelda0000001234 01/09/2021 22:45
0 0
es muy bueno este shader

juansee17 01/09/2021 20:38
0 0
como abro esto es que soy nuevo me dicen pls :(

JHAIRGAMERXD 31/08/2021 22:23
0 0
es loco el sahder pero me gusta

Lankybixfan 30/08/2021 16:36
0 0
wow my pc fans just starting going once i loaded mc

El_Polar_Sovietico 30/08/2021 13:42
0 0
good shader

El_Polar_Sovietico 30/08/2021 13:42
0 0
good shader

boss0112001001 29/08/2021 07:47
0 0
2..1530.35.35 .

alissonbks1122 28/08/2021 00:15
0 0

alissonbks1122 28/08/2021 00:14
0 0

ViolaOtakus 24/08/2021 18:33
0 0
why the 1.17 does`t ave shaders pack

RIVU_02 23/08/2021 09:07
0 0
minecraft java xzs dragon jgf

YOSHWINGAMING 22/08/2021 12:19
0 0
it is very good

SamuelQaQ 22/08/2021 11:36
0 0
wait so how does this thing work I'm supa confused

SamuelQaQ 22/08/2021 11:36
0 0
wait so how does this thing work I'm supa confused

SamuelQaQ 22/08/2021 11:36
0 0
wait so how does this thing work I'm supa confused

SamuelQaQ 22/08/2021 11:36
0 0
wait so how does this thing work I'm supa confused

SamuelQaQ 22/08/2021 11:36
0 0
wait so how does this thing work I'm supa confused

ilkal 20/08/2021 17:28
0 0
i see my laptop exploding with this but why not

yeetsock 16/08/2021 15:36
0 0
me gusta :

yeetsock 16/08/2021 15:36
0 0
me gusta :

jhxanas 16/08/2021 08:50
0 0

HDEduard1234522 15/08/2021 16:54
0 0
its work but you need to go in mineacraft and say add at folder and go to shaders and it work i think

KayxuenYT 13/08/2021 12:51
0 0
i cannot upload it-_-

Angel_Playz_545 13/08/2021 07:54
0 0
No nvm doesn't work lol

Angel_Playz_545 13/08/2021 07:54
0 0
No nvm doesn't work lol

Angel_Playz_545 13/08/2021 07:53
0 0
Nice! 5 stars! Works on Optifine!

duthiquynhtrang 13/08/2021 02:22
0 0

shahriyar1234 12/08/2021 17:17
0 0
do you need optifine?

RulerNJ286 10/08/2021 08:09
0 0
does this work

Cacsuit 09/08/2021 10:48
0 0
is unpack and extract the same?

Iamprogrammer 07/08/2021 13:48
0 0
i know what go to c:\Users\User\AppDataoaming\.minecraft\shaderpacks\ go to shaderpacks insted cut the file and paste it there,then go to minecraft then options then video settings then shaders and select the file now ur DONE!

XD_4Ananasik4_XD 04/08/2021 17:53
0 0
Шейдер класний но есть 1 но У меня фпс 20-30 у меня такой комп'ютер или такой Шейдер =/ Ставлю 7/10

Hnngaming58 03/08/2021 07:19
0 0
Does it works

_Bluwasinio_ 03/08/2021 06:42
0 0
Jest git

kauadisneyoficiall 01/08/2021 00:30
0 0
espero que funcione

X_RUSON_X 30/07/2021 16:19
0 0
espero que me funcione

DogePlatinumYT 27/07/2021 19:02
0 0
does it work on laptop

creeperjack999 26/07/2021 07:29
0 0
it doesnt work even tho i did everything

Darshin117 24/07/2021 10:30
0 0
i cant understand second step what??

locus8 16/07/2021 16:19
0 0
lol my comment gliched

locus8 16/07/2021 16:18
0 0
it is cool

locus8 16/07/2021 16:18
0 0
it is cool

locus8 16/07/2021 16:18
0 0
it is cool