
Triton для Майнкрафт 1.16.5

Triton screenshot 1Если вы любите детально проработанное освещение, то мы предлагаем вам воспользоваться дополнением Triton для Майнкрафт. Оно предлагает воспользоваться совершенной новой системой освещения, которая влияет практически на все. 

Triton screenshot 2

Тени, работа с оттенками и текстурным изображением, абсолютно все в игре позволяет без проблем пользоваться разнообразными и интересными вариантами приятного времяпрепровождения. Вы даже не представляете, насколько преобразится игра с использованием этих улучшений. Нам остается пожелать вам удачи и всего самого наилучшего, ведь теперь у вас будет возможность приятно провести время.

Triton screenshot 3

Как установить шейдер:

Первый шаг: скачайте пакет с шейдером по ссылке ниже.

Второй шаг: Распакуйте скачанный архив и скопируйте папку Triton по пути c:\Users\Пользователь\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks\ (если данной папки не существует, создайте сами)(Для Windows)

Третий шаг: В игре зайдите в Настройки, далее в Пакеты ресурсов. Там нажмите на иконку в левом списке на появившийся новый пакет шейдеров.


Комментарии (100)

cat_cookies 13/07/2022 20:14
0 0
пойду проверять шейдеры , хех')

ktheking 04/06/2022 09:25
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is parfecte thx

razzaqminecraft 30/01/2022 10:40
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yo op graphics

OsaPolar91 15/01/2022 18:41
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no me funciona

itzalxzz 10/01/2022 05:53
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dumbass isnt a bad word lol

trandinhhoan 08/01/2022 15:14
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very good

monterrainid 03/01/2022 22:33
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un poco mas y expota el CPU

GOMESCADMAN 23/12/2021 15:12
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GOMESCADMAN 23/12/2021 15:12
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Kickleme_kick 15/12/2021 13:19
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nebilim ben

TINKUASSASIN 05/12/2021 07:29
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this is cool

Metrosnow 09/11/2021 16:40
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yall dum ngl

capitano92 06/11/2021 04:55
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Don't swear

pichulonmartin 04/11/2021 20:04
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24kxcikl0 09/10/2021 16:51
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u need have the versione 1.16.5 dumbasses

24kxcikl0 09/10/2021 16:51
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u need have the versione 1.16.5 dumbasses

aokira 05/10/2021 11:53
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didnt work

ma4891075 26/09/2021 08:59
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i dont like this

Rayku_Sama 24/09/2021 01:16
0 0
Vamos a ver si mi pc explota ª- DGSVADHASD

Rayku_Sama 24/09/2021 01:16
0 0
Vamos a ver si mi pc explota ª- DGSVADHASD

EnderKawai159 21/09/2021 23:14
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con esto me explotara la pc unu

isabelymaria2010 06/09/2021 18:16
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se der certo eu volto

_kittentiff 25/08/2021 00:27
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thank's you it work's

Chanchico 24/08/2021 21:56
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Idk how to download dis! I am new here! I also like name of chanchico

nimadardevil 24/08/2021 00:39
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didnt work.LOL

Alexdreaming 23/08/2021 12:15
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wow thx for this

Kiwi246 21/08/2021 15:42
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idk how to do this help please

arik21 15/08/2021 14:45
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it look's too realistic on my eye's awesome

JackPlayzz_MC 15/08/2021 03:42
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its work

ShojoDesu 14/08/2021 01:32
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it work?

Debzoogaming 11/08/2021 17:45
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Lol I am scared to download because of these comments

BiscuitsT 11/08/2021 15:10
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nope, doesnt work at all :/

BiscuitsT 11/08/2021 14:55
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Idk if it's work so Imma try it lol

MrEggs21 09/08/2021 12:16
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I am scared to download it

FuCK_YEAH 05/08/2021 16:04
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lol i m scared because of these comments

FuCK_YEAH 05/08/2021 16:04
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lol i m scared because of these comments

smelly_rico 05/08/2021 05:59
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you need 1.16.5 :/

Epic_Artillery 02/08/2021 23:52
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i would be cool if it worked

CertifiedClover 31/07/2021 04:41
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might work might not

green_emerald 30/07/2021 06:36
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thank you!!

dogetar 29/07/2021 20:22
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not working

Aarav3082 24/07/2021 08:14
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theking3874 23/07/2021 15:13
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i say nothing ;-; he d indnt work

theking3874 23/07/2021 15:12
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lol he work

kingpyroflame 22/07/2021 14:31
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it doesnt work only black come up i defenetly recomend :{

Kpunep_c_TonopoM 18/07/2021 12:23
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Но все черное кроме воды

Kpunep_c_TonopoM 18/07/2021 12:22
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thedude0110 17/07/2021 13:50
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Guys, it's not working cause you have to turn ur game to the version

hulkinggrape777 16/07/2021 20:45
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doesnt work :(

No_dev 16/07/2021 12:56
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if it wont work ill rage :/

sreedhil 15/07/2021 12:08
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i am testing this mod i will tell feedback

herobrine2o 13/07/2021 19:39
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unable to copy*

supergamer121001 13/07/2021 02:54
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Well, this is not working!

StreamyPanda554 12/07/2021 17:31
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lets try this!?

SN1ReKnown 12/07/2021 14:30
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it didn't work for me also

Endoro_yt 09/07/2021 17:03
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jak włożyć shadery do minecrafta

BlankaMaj 08/07/2021 19:32
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nie wiem mi nie działa

dani2989 04/07/2021 00:55
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it didn't work :(

bionicispog 01/07/2021 15:00
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i tried to add it but it did not work pls help

Bl8zeXd 29/06/2021 15:46
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I cant find this shader in my folder! Why cant i find?

speedii 28/06/2021 14:13
0 0
dope shaders everything is black lovin it

speedii 28/06/2021 14:13
0 0
dope shaders everything is black lovin it

EymenBaba5561 28/06/2021 08:01
0 0
Çoğu Siteden Olmuyo

TheGuwrfdgf 27/06/2021 10:29
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love this

freehitgames 25/06/2021 08:57
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arifeen13 25/06/2021 07:48
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Mirage7899 23/06/2021 22:31
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Cool :P but my PC laggy -_- I'm using something not to lag it gives me 200+ FPS :D

Ultimate_Guy 23/06/2021 08:01
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Anyone into Uhc

beanos_playz 21/06/2021 20:31
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drag the file of the resource pack into the resource pack option

spanshin 21/06/2021 14:49
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This is like seus renewed

Muxxya 20/06/2021 19:46
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Lol how to use shaders XDD??

wowZboi 20/06/2021 03:30
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Saad_Warrior 19/06/2021 11:01
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thanks this is just a very cool shader

MissCookiegirl 19/06/2021 06:43
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how do you use resource packs in tlauncher

MissCookiegirl 19/06/2021 06:42
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how do you use resource packs in tlauncher

korkusuz1532 18/06/2021 14:46
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2 saat uğraştım hiç bi işe yaramiyi

QuintanaMarkos 18/06/2021 10:29
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OGT_gamerZ 18/06/2021 03:43
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MessBlushes 16/06/2021 13:13
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it works?

Phunguvai 16/06/2021 10:47
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Chaosbean_ 13/06/2021 18:36
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I don't think it works lol

Rafael12366 13/06/2021 02:29
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como abaxa o mod?

Norikari 11/06/2021 14:17
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kinda ok but its SUPER dark at night

_n1colee 11/06/2021 12:17
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I need to buy Winrar for it-

ppapichulo 11/06/2021 10:22
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dont think it works :/

Batinefeersezen 11/06/2021 08:59
0 0
aynen bende de çalışmıyor

Batinefeersezen 11/06/2021 08:59
0 0
aynen bende de çalışmıyor

Batinefeersezen 11/06/2021 08:58
0 0
aynen bende de çalışmıyor

ToxicEag 11/06/2021 07:04
0 0
Doesnt work

Edward_Playzs 10/06/2021 13:07
0 0
lol it works

MuhammedRayan123 09/06/2021 07:22
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why my shaders is not coming in resorces pack in 1.16.5?

MuhammedRayan123 09/06/2021 07:22
0 0
why my shaders is not coming in resorces pack in 1.16.5?

tanqrbigbigfan 08/06/2021 12:50
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how to i add it into the game

Rocky_Mighty 08/06/2021 09:39
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how to insatall

Rocky_Mighty 08/06/2021 09:39
0 0
how to insatall

ESAD1903 05/06/2021 17:50
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olmuyo nasıl yapcaz

antek987654321 03/06/2021 06:48
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jak zainstalowac

MiisterioSombriio 02/06/2021 13:40
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caraca meu ksksks

UwU_Krevetka_UwU 01/06/2021 18:34
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MINER_WOMAN 31/05/2021 13:05
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i am not able to add it in the resource packs mine is the version 1.16.5