Error Solution: "Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $" in TLauncher
When the game starts, you may see the error java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $ and the launch will not happen.
1 solution
1.1) Uninstall all Java from your computer (video guide)
1.2) Reinstall Java from the official website
1.3) Check if the problem has been solved!
2 solution
Download the latest version of the launcher: Download TLauncher
3 solution
To remove from the folder .minecraft (to get it, click on the icon "Folder" in the TLauncher) the following file: TempOptifineStore-1.0.json (Plus delete the files from the mods folder)
4 solution
If not helped by the first method, a fully try to delete the folder .minecraft (Retaining the desired folders saves and mods, for example) and to reinstall the version of the game.