The help for TLauncher

This page will be located on the guides TLauncher, they will be supplemented, as finding problems and add new features.

The website:
- Instructions for sending bug on TLauncher developers
- How to activate Premium
- How to change Login / Password / Mail on
- How to remove a account
Skins and capes:
- How to install skins in TLauncher (Install HD skins)
- How to install cape in TLauncher
- Animated Capes in Minecraft
- System skins to your own versions
- How to start playing
- Settings
- Memory allocation (RAM) for Minecraft and TLauncher
- How to play Minecraft on LAN
- How to install snapshots and old versions of Minecraft in TLauncher
- How to remove TLauncher
Other installing:
- Mod packs without crashes (Collect your)
- How to install mods in Minecraft
- How to install texture packs in Minecraft
- How to install maps in Minecraft
- How to Install Fabric for Minecraft
Technical Instructions:
- Installing Java for TLauncher / Minecraft
- Deleting _JAVA_OPTIONS variable in the system
- CHKDSK utility hard disk check
Problem Solving TLauncher:
- Solution: "Do not run TLauncher"
- Solution: "Can't load libraries so check the connection with internet"
- Solution: "The skin TLauncher is not displayed / problems with authorization"
- Solution: "The lack of JavaFX in OpenJDK" when starting TLauncher (Linux)
- Solution: ...\.minecraft\versions\1.14\natives\OpenAL32.dll (Access denied) in TLauncher
- Solution: "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ...\jre1.8.0_121\bin\jfxwebkit.dll"
- Solution: "java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Program Files\Java\***\bin\glass.dll"
- Solution: TLauncher does not start due to Windows 10 update [KB4515384]
- Solution: "org.tlauncher.exceptions.ParseException split incorrectly"
- Solution: "java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: ... \server-resource-packs"
- Solution: "java.lang.NullPointerException: Complete version is NULL"
- Solution: "Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $"
Problem Solving Minecraft:
- Solution: Minecraft does not start (Developer Console)
- Solution: "Low FPS in Minecraft with TLauncher"
- Solution: "Failed to verify user name!"
- Solution: "Failed to Login: Invalid Session in Minecraft/TLauncher"
- Solution: "Freezes/throws out of Minecraft when changing language"
- Solution: "Minecraft closed with exit code: -1073740791"
- Error solution: Driver incompatibility for Intel G41 in Minecraft
- Solution: ig4dev32.dll / ig4dev64.dll in TLauncher
- Solution: ig9icd32.dll / ig9icd64.dll in TLauncher
- How to Join Hypixel and MinePlex Via TLauncher
- How to Create a New User in Windows
Minecraft Guides:
- Where to Find Minecraft Advancements in TLauncher
- How to Turn On the Creative Mode in Minecraft
- How to Teleport by Coordinates in Minecraft