How to change Login / Password / EMail on

In this article, let's discuss the possibility of changing your username, password, email from your account on our site. That said, you can do everything yourself in your profile on the site.


Change login on

Change the password on

Change Email to

Change login on

For the change, go to your profile on the site and click on the "Settings" button, find "Change the login and profile address on:" and in the box below enter your new login, click on the "Change" button and ready!

Change login on

This is what the Change Password form looks like!

Change the password on

For the change, go to your profile on the site and click on the "Settings" button, we find "Change password", enter the old password in the first field, and the new one in the second, click on "Change" and ready!

Change the password on

This is what the Change Login form looks like!

Change Email to

1) To change, go to your profile on the site and click on "Settings", find "Change email to new", enter the old email in the first field and the new in the second, click on "Change".

2) If the old Email is correct, you will see a message about sending an email to your old email. Follow the link from the received email, the Email will be updated automatically.

Change Email at

This is what the Change Email form looks like!