
Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21 Download

is a major update to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, which brings  many pleasant improvements. The update pays particular attention to the structure of “the Trial Chambers”, which will become a dangerous place full of content and new challenges. In addition, the update adds several new mobs and enchantments and allows you to use improved arrows and new potions, which will surely come in handy. The update contains many new blocks, among which there are functional ones to diversify your game.

Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 release date: June 13, 2024.


1. New Content

2. Updated Skins

3. New Items

4. New Mobs

5. New Enchantments

6. New Blocks

7. New Structure

8. Download Links

New Content

Content is essential for any update, so it is worth paying attention to. In addition, it is worth noting that the new game version almost entirely consists of new content.

Updated Skins

First of all, please note that a few new skins for wolves will appear in the virtual world:

  1. Pale wolf”: the update will visually change the white-gray wolf found in Taiga.

  1. Rusty wolf”: the unusual name of the wolf indicates the prevalence of a dirty red color. Nevertheless, it looks unusual and will attack you if you look into the Jungle.

New Items

The major improvement is the addition of many new items. Each of them is unique, helpful, and will surely give you a lot of pleasant emotions. Let’s consider all the items in order:

A trial key” is a universal item you can find in “the Trial Chambers” and use to unlock a vault. To get it, you should destroy a trial spawner (the dropping probability is 50%) or hope for luck by breaking pots or opening chests (the dropping probability is about 8%).

A trial explorer map” is an item that allows you to find a new location using landmarks. You can obtain it through regular crafting or buy it from the Cartographer in the village.

A wind charge” is a special projectile that consists entirely of air. It can help you attack enemies, activate a high jump, and interact with various objects (buttons, levers, trapdoors, and doors).

A breeze rod” is a new material used to craft “a mace” with the help of an additional heavy core. You should go to “the Trial Chambers” and fight “the breeze” to obtain this new element. It will drop a small amount of material (up to 7 units with boosts), but it will be enough for further crafting.

An ominous bottle” is a universal item the player can use to obtain a Bad Omen effect. This effect lasts approximately 100 minutes and can help you activate trials in “the Trial Chambers”. You can get the coveted bottle by killing “a pillager”.

A heavy core” is another material for crafting “a mace”. You can obtain it by unlocking “an ominous vault” with an ominous trial key. The dropping probability is only 7.5%, but that’s the only way to get this material.

A mace” is a new melee weapon that is large, with a slow swing and decent damage. To craft it, you should use “a heavy core”. Besides, you will need to use an enchantment to unlock the weapon’s potential (it is advisable to use the new enchantment of this version). In addition, “the mace” has a mechanic of increased damage, which you can activate by throwing a wind charge under yourself and then jumping to hit the enemy with the weapon (the damage will increase several times).

A new painting collection” represents decorative items that will offer 20 new paintings. They include many classic works and beautiful pictures.

A spawn egg” is probably familiar to all Minecraft fans. This version also introduces some new options: “bogged” and “breeze spawn eggs”. You will need them to spawn the corresponding mobs.

Several potions” will be available for alchemy and further use: “a potion of wind charging”, “a potion of infestation”, “a potion of oozing”, and “a potion of weaving”. Each option has its specific effects you can use to enhance your character or weapon.

Arrows with new potion effects” are universal projectiles for a combat bow, crossbow, and “dispenser” that will impose the corresponding effect upon impact.

New Mobs

After dealing with the items, you can study new mobs. There are only two of them, but they fit perfectly into the environment of the new location:

A breeze” resembles an elemental that uses air as its element. When it appears, it seems like a small jumping tornado in front of you. It attacks you with “wind charges”, which can cause damage and harshly push you away. At the same time, its projectiles can interact with various elements: doors, trapdoors, levers, buttons, etc. It doesn’t receive damage from falling from a height, shows severe aggression, and pushes away all projectiles. You can fight it during the trials in the vastness of “the Trial Chambers”. “Breeze rods” are the most valuable items among the loot received after killing the mob.

A bogged” is another aggressive mob that resembles a mix of a zombie and a skeleton. It appears in the swamp biome and has a combat bow. The bogged attacks the player from a long distance and applies the poison effect. This skeleton can sometimes appear in the snow biome and “the Trial Chambers”. After killing the bogged, you can get:

    1. arrows;
    2. damaged combat bow;
    3. bones;
    4. poison arrows.

New Enchantments

The new version hasn’t been complete without adding enchantments that will surely help you achieve a good result. It includes the following enchantments:

  1. Density” is a unique enchantment perfect for the new mace. By casting it, you can get a damage boost of 0.5 units for each block affected by the weapon.
  2. Breach” is another mace enchantment, which will add a bonus of ignoring 15% of armor when hitting an enemy.
  3. A wind burst” is a powerful enchantment that allows you to jump high with your mace and deliver a crushing blow. You can only get this enchantment in “the Trial Chambers” when opening “an ominous vault”.

New Blocks

The most extensive update is adding new blocks whose number is impressive. So, let’s not waste time and immediately consider each new block:

  • A crafter” is a unique device that allows you to craft items upon receiving a “Redstone” signal. It has a few unusual functions during crafting and is easy to use. To create it, you will need:
    • iron ingots – 5 pieces;
    • crafting table – 1 piece;
    • dropper – 1 piece;
    • Redstone – 2 pieces

  • Chiseled tuff” is a regular tuff with additional patterned sections;

  • Chiseled tuff bricks” are patterned building materials made from tuff;

  • Polished tuff” is a specially processed tuff block with a new visual design;

  • A copper grate” is a grate block created using copper ore;

  • A copper door” is a door block made of copper;

  • Chiseled copper” is a regular block of processed copper;

  • A copper bulb” is a light source created using copper;

  • A copper trapdoor” is a trapdoor created using copper;

  • A trial spawner” is a block found in “the Trial Chambers”. It is a source of mob spawns and has an additional cooldown period;

  • A vault” is a storage block found in “the Trial Chambers”. You can only open it with a trial key.

Please note that all copper items have several stages of oxidation, which can significantly spoil their appearance and durability. To prevent this, you should scrape copper elements with honeycombs.

New Structure

Lastly, it remains to note that the main improvement is a new structure called “the Trial Chambers”. It is generated naturally and can contain all the listed blocks, items, and mobs. The chambers are exciting to explore, contain treasures, and have locked vaults you can open using a trial key. Remember that you can get a map from the Cartographer who has reached the Journeyman level.

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Comments (106)

ArgaLxrd 27/03/2025 05:01
0 0
for someone searching bedrock edition for windows/PC you can download in the microsoft store, firstly instal the trial version then go to youtube for tutorial how to crack minecraft bedrock windows, and there you go

lucky_pro10 26/03/2025 12:32
0 1
we need for pc bedrock

Ivan_a28 20/03/2025 22:39
0 2
wow pense que nomas en tlaunche se podia jugar solo java

NuvolaDig 20/03/2025 17:23
0 3
i need this for pc

duckjj 19/03/2025 02:06
0 0
My download is almost done!

Reviseea 17/03/2025 15:31
1 1
я играю без покупки

Duedinka 17/03/2025 11:57
0 3
Добавьте ПК версию пожалуйста

AmirPopka123 17/03/2025 11:05
0 6
Ну пожалуйста уже все вас просят добавьте ПК версию🤬

zahar5k03 14/03/2025 11:03
0 0
в принципе норм

leonid2015sl 07/03/2025 14:56
0 0
я venom

VIVIVILKA_1 05/03/2025 13:14
0 1
я тоже русский

wesp5171 04/03/2025 08:37
0 0
я тоже русский

franu2244 03/03/2025 16:24
1 1
this no pc file ):

Dobryu_sok 01/03/2025 15:29
0 0
я один русский,и как его в тл установить на пк?

dark_knight_395 02/03/2025 12:29
0 0
@Dobryu_sok, bro youtube

burgerking522 01/03/2025 11:52
0 0
can it be downloaded in PC?

Lori2112 05/03/2025 08:45
0 0
@burgerking522, i Don't think

Mikuthemiku 26/02/2025 04:33
0 0
hm.. very good mod yes yes ..

MuajM123 24/03/2025 18:11
0 0
@Mikuthemiku, this ain't a mod

ridapro2011 25/02/2025 20:59
0 1
i dont know

ridapro2011 25/02/2025 20:59
0 0
i dont now

zlcblu 25/02/2025 09:55
0 0
guys, how to play multiplayer online?

mmajw34 25/02/2025 09:50
0 3
how download it on Pc??

Liky_Gamer 18/02/2025 09:26
0 2
bro its ez

burgerking522 01/03/2025 11:53
0 1
@Liky_Gamer, did you download it on PC?

soldddesert6635 17/02/2025 13:18
0 1
i need bedrock edition my guy

soldddesert6635 17/02/2025 13:18
0 2
i need bedrock edition my guy

soldddesert6635 17/02/2025 13:18
0 1
i need bedrock edition my guy

soldddesert6635 17/02/2025 13:18
0 1
i need bedrock edition my guy

soldddesert6635 17/02/2025 13:18
0 0
i need bedrock edition my guy

_Mik00_ 16/02/2025 16:28
0 4
How to download it on Pc ?

lagagats 16/02/2025 10:34
0 3
i hope it will download

Mattilfanta14 14/02/2025 20:15
1 2
i'm installing minecraft bedrock now :)

animexxxx82 07/03/2025 03:53
0 0
@Mattilfanta14, me too bro

Cooke227 14/02/2025 16:44
0 1
ну ок

Ruzgaradam311 13/02/2025 14:39
0 4
Don't try it on computer its apk which is for androids.

Detective_Void11 12/02/2025 06:12
0 0
я думаю можно

nezdemoncl 07/02/2025 16:25
1 4
можно ли скачать майнкрафт бедрок на пк

petrisor1234 04/02/2025 20:24
1 2
never knew tlauncher would give us free minecraft bedrock apks lol

TyzKAS 05/02/2025 15:44
1 1
@petrisor1234, russian kids knew tl

FozzdyYT 02/02/2025 02:04
1 2

mixtor_654 23/01/2025 14:42
1 5
it's working!

duckjj 19/03/2025 02:04
0 1
@mixtor_654, Yes! hoory

duckjj 19/03/2025 02:04
0 0
@mixtor_654, Yes! hoory

CapBunny362 25/01/2025 12:18
3 3
@mixtor_654, did you download it on your PC or phone?

CapBunny362 25/01/2025 11:16
0 0
@mixtor_654, ты на пк или телефон скачивал?

CapBunny362 22/01/2025 18:26
1 3
пж скажите это на пк?

01Anime 01/02/2025 19:56
2 1
@CapBunny362, Да!И не только!

Alpha1427 21/01/2025 13:10
1 6
Make tlauncher bedrock launcher

animexxxx82 07/03/2025 03:54
0 1
@Alpha1427, bruh and it was real i will be happy

valokerm 19/01/2025 14:16
1 1
это для пк тоже?

wwwbatmangwww 18/01/2025 09:50
0 5
pc dowload?

feerverk324 12/01/2025 14:27
1 2
Что у меня со скином? Я ставил стива

CatSasha1234 16/02/2025 14:47
0 0
@feerverk324, 1.21.0

CatSasha1234 16/02/2025 14:47
0 0
@feerverk324, 1.21.0

feerverk324 12/01/2025 14:25
0 1
У меня аккаунт Google Play не работает

feerverk324 12/01/2025 14:20
3 0
Я не могу установить на телефон сделайте APK

kamal_varenic 12/02/2025 19:55
0 0
@feerverk324, в чем проблема переименовать файл??

Kanva221 11/01/2025 13:10
1 10
Pls add file for pc

BlackDevil142 11/01/2025 12:13
1 2

Mr_Sand_2012 09/01/2025 13:31
0 0
I saw a duck in the game. is there a duck in new update?

ArgaLxrd 27/03/2025 05:01
0 0
@Mr_Sand_2012, that's is chicken bro chicken update

REVERQXD 06/01/2025 23:08
0 2
um what a sigma

usearname 06/01/2025 09:10
0 2
please give tl bedrock edition

L3afy_Fox 06/01/2025 03:48
0 0
bedrock block

KIGhunt 05/01/2025 09:21
0 2
Can't you give us tl bedrock edition

BIG_P 28/12/2024 23:41
0 3
is it possible play this version on pc as well, and can you also play with people cross platform

Diamondytoffishall 25/12/2024 20:01
2 0
every time i join it says i have a server connection problem pls help i want to play again

Nrxnozii 27/12/2024 23:58
2 2
@Diamondytoffishall, you can only play cracked servers on tlauncher the normal ones dont work

Nrxnozii 27/12/2024 23:58
2 1
@Diamondytoffishall, you can only play cracked servers on tlauncher the normal ones dont work

Nrxnozii 27/12/2024 23:58
2 1
@Diamondytoffishall, you can only play cracked servers on tlauncher the normal ones dont work

Nrxnozii 27/12/2024 23:58
2 0
@Diamondytoffishall, you can only play cracked servers on tlauncher the normal ones dont work

Nrxnozii 27/12/2024 23:58
2 0
@Diamondytoffishall, you can only play cracked servers on tlauncher the normal ones dont work

Nrxnozii 27/12/2024 23:58
2 0
@Diamondytoffishall, you can only play cracked servers on tlauncher the normal ones dont work

Raymond4413 22/12/2024 20:40
0 3
pls pc men

Raymond4413 22/12/2024 20:40
0 1
pls pc men

Raymond4413 22/12/2024 20:40
0 1
pls pc men

Raymond4413 22/12/2024 20:40
0 1
pls pc men

Raymond4413 22/12/2024 20:40
0 1
pls pc men

Raymond4413 22/12/2024 20:40
0 1
pls pc men

Raymond4413 22/12/2024 20:40
0 2
pls pc men

Raymond4413 22/12/2024 20:40
0 2
pls pc men

Raymond4413 22/12/2024 20:40
1 2
pls pc men

Drerawdaas1 19/01/2025 11:33
1 0
@Raymond4413, do u find it for pc

HWKMUNEEB 30/11/2024 07:49
0 7
how to play multiplayer there is an error

amin12331 01/11/2024 11:51
4 6
It doesn't install ????

Ultpa_LoL 31/10/2024 12:20
7 4
Ну это обновление 1.21 было лучше, чем обновление 1.20. Советуем всем на 1.21 играть.

chilenopro2010 23/10/2024 23:14
6 8
Yall, if it doesn't work on pc download bedrock launcher too, tlauncher itself can't run bedrock on pc you need the bedrock one On phone you just download the apk and install not that hard

Aya_Minecraft 23/10/2024 13:29
4 2
Жаль что всё что добавили указанно в разброс

FLX7FLX_ 15/10/2024 12:41
5 2
it`s fine!

Xxfhuj 12/10/2024 21:57
7 4
ok that was cool !!

Zenin_theunknown 01/02/2025 03:36
0 1

UncleFed 01/10/2024 05:45
11 2
Как убрать счётчик ФПС и загрузку памяти?

StarDust3366 11/09/2024 04:22
1 3
No tengo ninguna queja ????

StarDust3366 11/09/2024 04:22
1 3
No tengo ninguna queja ????

StarDust3366 11/09/2024 04:22
1 3
No tengo ninguna queja ????

StarDust3366 11/09/2024 04:22
1 3
No tengo ninguna queja ????

_EdwardKenway_ 04/09/2024 12:47
1 7
This is on PC?

ShinyIllager 21/09/2024 23:59
0 6
@C00l_W0lf, Yes, it's also for the phones, but on PC is easier

ZachodPl 01/09/2024 14:13
2 5
hello this in on pc?

fathimatzahra13 30/08/2024 11:02
3 13
bro why not 1.22.1 realesed

fecyke21 30/08/2024 09:11
2 10
Hey Tlauncher When aviable the Optifine 1.21.1?

MinecrafterFixPot_Br0 27/08/2024 13:37
5 8
Wy ckazali na pk a ne Android tam PE napicano

rezanpx 27/08/2024 08:33
3 21
nice its good

baehk 26/08/2024 08:52
6 27
what pc download

uzbek2281488 12/12/2024 10:19
3 0
@baehk, ABOBA