
Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.18.32 Download

minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 logo1.18 is a major update for Bedrock Edition released on November 30, 2021. It is the second Caves & Cliffs update, which completely changes the generation of mountains and caves.

A New Item

The game has got a new record — “otherside” by Lena Raine. This music disk can be found in treasuries, as well as in the fortresses of the Nether. It differs from all other discs in texture, as it is brown, while disks are usually black.

minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 скриншот 1

New World Generation Options

The mountains have now been completely reworked and received a completely different structure. A mountain now consists of various biomes: at the very bottom, there are meadows, then a grove, snowy slopes, and peaks. The latter are threefold: jagged, frozen, and stony.

minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 скриншот 2


It is the lowest layer of a mountain located at its foot. It is most often generated near plains as well as other temperate biomes. There is a lot of vegetation there, especially flowers. All the plants have a color close to a turquoise shade. Sheep, donkeys, and rabbits usually live there, but there is also an opportunity to meet other mobs. Besides, there is a chance of generating inhabited villages in this biome. It is also possible to come across a pillager outpost.

minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 скриншот 3


It is the next layer of a mountain, almost completely covered with snow. It is virtually a snow-covered taiga. Besides spruces, there is no other vegetation there due to the snow. There are quite a lot of animals in this biome, among which there are rabbits, foxes, wolves, chickens, cows, and pigs. Villages are not generated there, but you can come across a pillager outpost.

minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 скриншот 4

Snowy Slopes

This biome is generated only if there is a plain or grove at the foot of a mountain. It mainly consists of the usual snow, but there is also a lot of powder snow there . You will not see friendly creatures there, except for goats and rabbits. As for hostile mobs, pillager outposts and igloos can generate there.

minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 скриншот 5


There are three types of peaks in total, and all of them generate under certain conditions. Among the peaks, there are jagged, frozen, and stony. A jagged peak biome appears only if a mountain borders cold or snowy biomes. If there are other biomes nearby, other peaks will generate. Jagged peaks mainly consist of snow blocks, but you can also see stone there. A frozen peak biome generates if a mountain is not so high and borders on cold or snowy biomes. These peaks are covered with snow and ice. There is both usual and powder snow there. Only goats live on these peaks. As for the stony peaks, there are no mobs at all there, except pillagers in their outposts. A stony peak biome appears if a mountain is high enough and borders warm biomes, such as desert or jungle. As its name suggests, it consists of stone blocks, but there is also gravel here.

minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 скриншот 6

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minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 скриншот 8


The caves have also been completely reworked and become deeper. They now stretch down to a height of -59. The layer up to 0 usually consists of stone; below, there is deepslate. From 0 to -7, there still can be stone, but only deepslate generate below. The deepslate layer consists only of this block, along with ores. There are no dirt, diorite, and other blocks there.

minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 скриншот 9

Deep ravines and noise caves can now generate in the game world. The first resemble canyons but are narrower and stretch much deeper. There are also ore veins of two types. The first type is a copper ore vein. It is generated at the height of up to 0 along with granite. There is also an iron ore vein generating at the level below 0 along with tuff.

minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 скриншот 10

Noise caves are divided into two types: cheese and spaghetti. The caves of the first type have a huge height and are very spacious. Their salient feature is rocky columns stretching to the very bottom. Spaghetti caves are rather elongated, and aquifers are sometimes found in them.

minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 скриншот 11

minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 скриншот 12


Due to the expansion of the caves to a lower level, the spawn height of some mobs has changed accordingly . Amethyst geodes are now generated only up to a height of 30 and below. There are no more geodes above Y=30. Many underwater species such as cod, salmon, pufferfish, tropical fish, dolphins, and squid  now appear at heights from 50 to 64.

minecraft bedrock edition 1.18.0 скриншот 13

Download Links [Android]

Download Майнкрафт PE (Release):

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Minecraft PE

Minecraft PE (x86)

Download Minecraft PE (Release):

Minecraft PE

Minecraft PE (x86)

It works on servers without Xbox Live and supports skins

Other versions:

Download Minecraft PE 1.19

Download Minecraft PE 1.17

Download Minecraft PE 1.16

Download Minecraft PE 1.15

Download Minecraft PE 1.14

Download Minecraft PE 1.12

Download Minecraft PE 1.11

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Download Minecraft PE 1.8

Download Minecraft PE 1.7

Download Minecraft PE 1.6

Download Minecraft PE 1.5

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Download Minecraft PE 1.2

Download Minecraft PE 1.1

Download Minecraft PE 1.0

Comments (144)

RevenClaw101 08/04/2024 22:45
1 3

bavepal1 10/03/2024 02:21
0 1
why nothing version minecarft 1.20.60?

bavepal1 10/03/2024 02:21
0 0
can launching?

bavepal1 10/03/2024 02:20
0 0
i think is fake i want minecarft bedrock in minecarft bedrock can use emote?

AcktivniyKotYT 06/02/2024 11:00
0 1
это на телефоныы, алоу

SershPly 05/02/2024 16:27
0 0

SershPly 05/02/2024 16:27
0 0

real_madrid2024 03/02/2024 02:37
0 2
I can't download this minecraft. I think it's for phone, right?

wolf_5065627 29/12/2023 11:02
0 5
А как на пк скачать?

AIDZEN2 21/02/2024 16:27
0 0
@wolf_5065627, хз

SershPly 05/02/2024 16:28
0 0
@wolf_5065627, [****]ать слона

SershPly 05/02/2024 16:27
0 0
@wolf_5065627, [****]ать слона

SershPly 05/02/2024 16:27
0 0
@wolf_5065627, [****]ать слона

SershPly 05/02/2024 16:27
0 0
@wolf_5065627, [****]ать слона

SershPly 05/02/2024 16:27
0 0
@wolf_5065627, [****]ать слона

SershPly 05/02/2024 16:27
0 0
@wolf_5065627, [****]ать слона

SershPly 05/02/2024 16:27
0 0
@wolf_5065627, [****]ать слона

SershPly 05/02/2024 16:27
0 0
@wolf_5065627, [****]ать слона

SershPly 05/02/2024 16:27
0 0
@wolf_5065627, [****]ать слона

8867666776 29/12/2023 04:22
0 0
Is there any pc versions of this? Майнкрафт

yazxcuwu 16/12/2023 08:19
2 0
Подскажите пж а эта версия бедрока,уже есть на пк версии?

Gamexsub 09/12/2023 16:06
1 0
can I launch this on pc?

Wither_kunal 12/05/2024 06:41
0 1
@Gamexsub, ya ya ya

CezarGaming2015 21/02/2024 08:44
0 0
@Gamexsub, Nu Doar pe telefon

ADAMPUBG 30/09/2023 14:57
0 0
adad zdzd za

LayaSantos 22/08/2023 13:29
0 1
pc please :((

minelife1223 26/07/2023 06:58
0 1

Mind_of_Heko 08/07/2023 11:33
0 10
need pc version

piratebot 03/07/2023 21:02
0 4
is there a pc download

ERROR923 01/07/2023 07:27
1 1
sometimes i think that minecraft made only for android and phones

face4 30/06/2023 09:03
0 1
не работает

Player051TL 24/06/2023 18:51
0 0
не скачивается

_lali_pop_ 24/06/2023 08:16
0 1
что за херня?

27warssk 23/06/2023 18:22
0 1
ни как ни скачивается

alexXDnyan 14/06/2023 08:42
0 0
how do i download bedrock ver. from tlauncher ?

im_rblx_iris 12/06/2023 18:27
0 3
а кяк скячать?

ilya201084345 26/05/2023 17:13
0 1
эт мой скин

gomsopiD 26/05/2023 16:01
0 0
лохЁ! мама

gomsopiD 26/05/2023 16:00
0 0
лохЁ! мама

solom79 06/05/2023 16:05
0 0

hvithvit 24/04/2023 04:34
0 0
это версия на телефоны?

Dini_b1l2s3 20/04/2023 16:43
0 3
๊݆݆݆ܻܻࣩ࣯ࣩࣩ݅݅ࣧࣨࣤ์๋ືຶ ︎︎  * ҈҉҈҉҈҉҈҉҈҉҈‌҉҈҈ًًٍٍّّܑ๊ܻ݆݆݆݆ܻܻࣩ࣯ࣩࣩ֟֓֒֓֒֘֗ؖؕؖٞ٘ۛܺ݉݊݅݅݅ࣧࣨࣤ์๋ືຶ ๊݆݆݆ܻܻࣩ࣯ࣩࣩ݅݅ࣧࣨࣤ์๋ືຶ᪴* ҈҉҈҉҈҉҈҉҉҈҉҈ ๊݆݆݆ܻܻࣩ࣯ࣩࣩ݅݅ࣧࣨࣤ์๋ືຶ᪴* ҈҉҈҉҈҉҈҉҈҉҈҉҈҉҈๊݆݆ܻܻࣩ࣯ࣩࣩ݅݅ࣧࣨࣤ์๋݆݆݅⠛⠛⣿⡷⢶⣦⣶⣶⣤⣀⠀ ⠀⣿⣷⡀⠀ ⠀⠉⠙⠻⣿⣿⠿⠿⠛⠻⣿⣿⣇⠀ ⠀⠀⢤⣀⠀⠀⢸⣷⡄⠀⣁⣀⣤⣴⣿⣆ ⠀⠹⠏⠀⣿⣧⠀⠹⣿⡿⣿ ⠀⠛⠿⠇⢀⣼⣿⣿⠛⢯⡿⡟ ⠀⠦⠴⢿⢿⣿⡿⠷⠀⣿⠀ ⠀⠙⣷⣶⣶⣤⣶⣦⠃⠀ ⠀⢐⣿⣾⣿⠀⠀ ⠀⠈⣿⡇⠀⠀ ⠀⠙⠻⢿⣿⠟⠁

EGOR_CRINGE_GOD 19/04/2023 13:49
1 2
я егор

pozzzi2012 12/05/2023 13:20
0 0

Dini_b1l2s3 20/04/2023 16:42
1 1

EGOR_CRINGE_GOD 25/04/2023 11:46
1 0
@Dini_b1l2s3, ура,бро

Dini_b1l2s3 20/04/2023 16:42
0 0

sassergiu 18/04/2023 05:44
0 0

Mattuyc19 08/04/2023 13:34
0 0
Мне смешно от коменнтариев!!

Mattuyc19 08/04/2023 13:30
0 0
Мне смешно от коменнтариев!!

blahverybog 30/03/2023 11:28
2 3
я хачу какать от коммов

Kvartoks 17/03/2023 07:54
2 6
Название сайта: Майнкрафт бедрок эдишн. название на картинке которое в самом вверху:Майнкрафт покет эдишн л - логика

wixzeze 24/04/2023 18:31
0 2
@Kvartoks, ало это одинаковые майн

wixzeze 24/04/2023 18:31
0 1
@Kvartoks, ало это одинаковые майн

kivi_guy 02/04/2023 07:39
0 1
@Kvartoks, bedrock edition и pocket edition это 1 и тоже

enderman2011777 04/05/2023 07:27
0 1
@Ero4ka20, покет идишн старая версия для пк и телефона а бедрок более новая

fcf581 20/04/2023 13:02
0 1
@Ero4ka20, нет

Ero4ka20 06/04/2023 13:25
0 1
@kivi_guy, покет эдишан для телефона а бедрок для пк

erasyl1989 16/03/2023 13:43
1 1
в чем различее

VeBro_ 14/02/2023 14:23
0 8

MedicParanoic 10/02/2023 16:43
0 9

fmfsd 16/04/2023 10:26
0 0
@MedicParanoic, да пожалуста

Umka20Games 08/02/2023 06:18
0 3
сайт на котором я скачал заблокировали :(

CAXAPOK989 10/02/2023 13:52
0 2
@Umka20Games, жаль

CAXAPOK989 10/02/2023 13:54
0 3
после 1 комента обрадовался о я тоже скачаю а тут ты написал 2 уже грустно чуть стало((

Umka20Games 08/02/2023 06:17
0 2
у меня есть на компе и для семерки и для десятки я скачал лицуху со рабочим Xbox и серверами п.с скачал с инета без вирусов

PremiumZombie 29/03/2023 08:13
0 1
@Umka20Games, дай пж этот сайт

CRYSTALLIK71 21/01/2023 05:23
0 5
Сделайте на ПК

fmfsd 16/04/2023 10:29
0 0
@CRYSTALLIK71, да Сделайте на ПК

analitikin 09/01/2023 10:56
7 1
те кто пишут можно для пк? дак купите официальную не ебите мозги разработчикам тлаунчера

AcktivniyKotYT 28/02/2023 15:20
0 1
@analitikin, я бомж

serAvocado 09/01/2023 17:07
1 0
@analitikin, у мелких детей денег нету

fmfsd 16/04/2023 10:30
0 0
@shakalaka16, Иди работай раз 9

SRMUFA07 27/01/2023 08:44
0 2
@shakalaka16, если такой умный, то что на tLauncher сидишь?

CRYSTALLIK71 21/01/2023 05:22
0 0
@serAvocado, чел мне 12, деньги есть, причем не мало, но тратить деньги на то, что можно скачавть бесплатно это такое себе, тем более, что майкрософт стор я пользуюсь редко, в основном эпик и стим

shakalaka16 15/01/2023 18:35
0 0
@_Feanz_, Иди работай раз 23

Quinkwell 11/01/2023 08:50
0 0
@_Feanz_, ХАХХАХ

_Feanz_ 09/01/2023 18:12
0 1
Мне 23 ДЕНЕГ НЕТУ :(

FeanzKing 08/01/2023 16:44
0 4
Можно для компа

MrGepl 03/01/2023 10:13
0 3
добавьте для компа

fmfsd 16/04/2023 10:31
0 0
@CiberSatana, да добавьте для компа я буду рад!

pasha1222341111 26/12/2022 16:44
0 1
добавьте пж на компьютер, буду очень благодарен вам!)

pasha1222341111 26/12/2022 16:41
0 2
добавьте пж на компьютер, буду очень благодарен вам!)

skaktus2YT 23/12/2022 19:18
0 4
добавьте пж на компьютер, буду очень благодарен вам!)

fmfsd 16/04/2023 10:32
0 0
@skaktus2YT, fmfsd скин как у меня

_TheBot1k_ 23/12/2022 13:22
0 1
Дайте на комп пжжппжжпжпжпжпжрдпажрдпаръ хжвлъхрделкхр

_TheBot1k_ 23/12/2022 13:22
2 1
хочу какать

SamSamuell 26/03/2023 18:06
0 0
@_TheBot1k_, согл

CAXAPOK989 10/02/2023 13:57
0 1
@_TheBot1k_, зачем это писать в комментарии если можешь покакать, и мог не писать это в комментарии

BombeR00880088 17/12/2022 06:25
0 1
Ээ на комп сказать легко просто посмотрите какое нибуть видео о скачивании с Тлаунчера

Hamza547 15/12/2022 13:38
0 1
на комп пж

GG_LOferVY 06/11/2022 06:13
0 0
как на 7 в скачаь

analitikin 09/01/2023 10:56
1 0
@GG_LOferVY, только на 10 умник

FlashGames005 04/11/2022 12:51
0 0
ДОБАВЬТЕ Bedrock Edition на windows 7!

raphaelmauriciox11 26/05/2023 23:59
0 1
@FlashGames005, sonic

matsey007 28/10/2022 13:33
0 1
а где на пк, тут только android почему?

sbogdan2015 27/10/2022 09:24
0 0
efect 100 seriit

Alizhankhafiz 09/09/2022 04:56
0 0
Как установить на телефон другие версии

necocat0918 04/09/2022 08:40
0 0

faddeyaaaaa12 03/09/2022 16:16
0 1
нету на комп почь

faddeyaaaaa12 03/09/2022 16:16
0 1
нету на комп почь

faddeyaaaaa12 03/09/2022 16:16
0 1
нету на комп почь

dimass_5313 30/08/2022 14:37
0 3
Как скачать на пк?

KHBBragnic 27/08/2022 14:55
0 2

KHBBragnic 27/08/2022 14:55
0 2

Arashi_NO 25/08/2022 13:36
0 1

DreamAccountPro 20/08/2022 08:39
0 1
i dont know how to download bedrock edition on my laptop bc i am dream

DreamAccountPro 20/08/2022 08:39
0 1
i dont know how to download bedrock edition on my laptop bc i am dream

RAICH10 20/08/2022 03:19
0 1
how to download bedrock in pc

DreamAccountPro 17/08/2022 09:48
0 0
i wish i wanna download

DreamAccountPro 17/08/2022 09:48
0 0
i wish i wanna download

steshenko_v 12/08/2022 19:28
0 0

KISLOY 11/08/2022 16:46
0 1

Robot_UwU 11/08/2022 14:31
1 0

piska42legenda 10/08/2022 15:04
0 1
добавте пж на пк а то невозможно будет играть

ResursGan 10/08/2022 11:41
0 0
а как скачять ?

YusufPlay9 09/08/2022 10:44
0 2
Почему на Android?

KAKSHHHI 08/08/2022 07:49
0 0
helo thanks

xxxWENDER 06/08/2022 06:25
0 1
как скачаты

Semm179 04/08/2022 13:34
0 0
Как скачать

Nanyoshka 03/08/2022 10:09
0 0
чтобы играть на компе нужен bluestaks

eshan654321 20/07/2022 10:28
0 0

akmal112 18/07/2022 07:32
0 0
betrock ada ga

Unve1 10/07/2022 09:01
0 0
Это пакет, а не бедрок

922NOT922 28/06/2022 15:23
0 0
а как на комп скачать

TheKuzeyzx02 28/06/2022 14:38
0 0

ZeytinciDevleti 18/06/2022 09:47
0 1
How to dowload it tho?

Sonic300166 04/08/2023 12:28
0 1
@ZeytinciDevleti, +

dasalinil 16/06/2022 16:20
0 0
как на пк скачать?

ExcaliburSerber 14/06/2022 07:38
0 0
У меня одного не получается скачать на андроид игру?

HellsGuy 11/06/2022 06:01
0 0
можно на пк?

TheProdi_YT 09/06/2022 05:25
0 0

SirCheeseThe5th 08/06/2022 01:30
0 0
how to update ?

GGamer_89 07/06/2022 14:10
0 0
come si scarica minecarft bedrock il lanuncher e non la versione

GGamer_89 07/06/2022 14:10
0 0
come si scarica minecarft bedrock il lanuncher e non la versione

PFreeD 07/06/2022 13:33
0 0
Is there a PC download?

Anson100900200 07/06/2022 08:17
0 0
is it only for android?

Lannythecool 06/06/2022 15:13
0 0
How to download?

FireFlightMC 06/06/2022 14:18
0 0
Where is for PC? it's for mobile;

IQ999999yes 11/11/2023 13:19
0 0

IQ999999yes 11/11/2023 13:19
0 0

Anson100900200 06/06/2022 04:49
0 0
yea 1.19 is still coming out

Floppa_Pro27 05/06/2022 16:29
0 0
ну да

oopsanddoops80 04/06/2022 17:35
0 0
tluncher is so good but ı dont have 1.19