Minecraft 1.18.1 Java Edition Download
It is a small update for the Java Edition that contains some fixes not included in the main 1.18 update. The release has occurred on December 10, 2021. After installing this update, you will still be able to play on servers running on the 1.18 version.
Minecraft 1.18.1 release date: December 10, 2021.
Official name: Caves & Cliffs: Part II
One of the most significant changes has to do with the fog — this update is mainly focused on it. Now blocks and other objects will be better rendered in fog, as the latter has become a little further away. Besides, its shape has also changed — instead of the former spherical shape, the fog has acquired a cylindrical one.
Some bugs that caused users to get timeout errors each time they connected to a server have been fixed. This was due to a low bandwidth; now everything is fixed. The critical security issue related to the remote code execution has also now got rid of.
There are also some changes compared to the previous version. One of them is related to chunk rendering. Now the chunk rendering distance will be more than in the 1.17.1 version. A bug with bees’ disappearance inside hives or nests when reloading a world has been fixed. Besides, lighthouses will preserve their power when reloading a world.
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