
Minecraft 1.7.2 Download

Logo Minecraft 1.7.2The generation of the world the developers have not been touched, only making minor changes to fix bugs. And finally, they have announced a update related to the biomes - Minecraft 1.7.2.

Once it is clear that the biomes became much more, new types, and they generated a little differently - the world has become much more colorful and interesting. In addition, the game has more colors, which all sparkle with new colors. Obviously, you remember that earlier there were not many that were particularly upsetting to girls, but now all are happy!

New biomes new blocks like red sand, views of the outdoors with him is just amazing! Of course, this unit can be used as ordinary sand, for example, for the manufacture of sand. But because of his color, is a good decoration in your buildings. If you are interested in, then simply go to the link below to download Minecraft 1.7.2 for free.

Biomes in Minecraft 1.7.2

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Download Minecraft 1.7.10

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Download Minecraft 1.6.2

Comments (100)

aShadow1991 28/05/2023 22:14
2 1

crazyays2 16/04/2022 14:00
1 0
i am pretty sure april fools are all very funny XD

crazyays2 16/04/2022 14:00
1 0
i am pretty sure april fools are all very funny XD

dragogamerxdx 22/10/2021 17:00
1 0
por favor, mojang suban la 1.17.2 en tlauncher

dragogamerxdx 22/10/2021 17:00
1 0
por favor, mojang suban la 1.17.2 en tlauncher

hannu96 26/09/2021 06:48
1 0
plz i request mojang to uplaod 1.17.2 in tlauncher

Phenobio 06/09/2021 22:38
0 0
there is warden?

Poland_Invader 23/07/2021 14:05
0 1
why can i use my skin in 1.17 it cant show the skin icon beside the release number

Poland_Invader 23/07/2021 14:05
0 1
why can i use my skin in 1.17 it cant show the skin icon beside the release number

piterZaZa 09/07/2021 06:46
0 0
forge 1.17.1 !

its_jason962 21/06/2021 16:14
0 0
when will 1.17 forge come out?!?!??!

its_jason962 21/06/2021 16:14
0 0
when will 1.17 forge come out?!?!??!

Thunderx369 11/06/2021 05:18
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how do i get skin in 1.17 cause i can't get my skin when i open the world its showing skins are not supported how do get the skin

oreopup 09/06/2021 12:51
0 0
1.17 got released yesterday

oreopup 09/06/2021 12:51
0 0
1.17 got released yesterday

Laviniainnit 08/06/2021 19:33
0 0
WHERE IS 1.17?

cbm1337 08/06/2021 15:10
0 0
Can you guys add it now? or whats the problem?

PROGHOST838383 08/06/2021 15:00
0 0
Man where is 1.17

_DynamicAK_ 08/06/2021 14:19
0 0
plz add fast

DiamondBar1234 25/05/2021 04:09
0 0
please just release the 1.17 I can't just play snapshot!

xXhenrickbraboXx 26/04/2021 12:15
0 0
a versao 1.17 e a nova versao do manicraft original mas a inda da beta entao temos que espera pra conserda manicraft original e manicraft pirata

Kryzys7 16/03/2021 10:11
0 0
*Guys C'Mon Just release the new version 1.17* I'm really waiting for it to come !!

PrideDoggeUwU 15/03/2021 15:36
0 0
what about 1.17??

NotIja 14/03/2021 13:25
0 0
what vesri 1.17?

XC8 08/03/2021 14:29
0 0
i wait 1.17

Ayon__ 08/03/2021 08:09
0 0
this is nice

24kMagma 05/03/2021 17:39
0 0
Wo ist 1.17?

STIVENGAMER4847 04/03/2021 14:58
0 0
queremos la 1.17????????

akemy11 04/03/2021 03:01
0 0

rebkok1230 27/02/2021 16:33
0 0
quando rilasciano la 1.17?

Saad10MC 27/02/2021 16:01
0 0
what is this?

ZyadAboTEEZ67 27/02/2021 11:22
0 0
im waiting for 1.17 thats all what i want.

Kryzys7 26/02/2021 11:42
0 0
I am waiting for Minecraft *1.17* =_= in Tlauncher.org

lightboy25 24/02/2021 16:38
0 0
you know i am gonna use the original minecraft launcher not the stuiped tlauncher

lightboy25 24/02/2021 16:37
0 0
when is 1.17 coming

lightboy25 24/02/2021 16:36
0 0
how much is it

lightboy25 24/02/2021 16:36
0 0
i am tired

blackberry_cream 24/02/2021 08:18
0 0
Uhh didn't help

Ranpooh 22/02/2021 02:23
0 0
still waiting for the 1.17-

Matixpapu 16/02/2021 18:54
0 0
cuando va a estar la 1.17 en tlauncher?

ngominhngoc 10/02/2021 11:18
0 0
toi can 1.17

lightboysmp 09/02/2021 13:58
0 0
so i want forge and optifine 1.17 so i can use my skin

lightboysmp 09/02/2021 13:57
0 0
all i have to do is to use snapshot but when i use snapshot he well not return my skin

lightboysmp 09/02/2021 13:55
0 0
thats it

X1stEngineX 05/02/2021 02:00
0 0
hi emm when version 1.17 comes out

gunggang 04/02/2021 06:55
0 0
i want copper and more pls

gunggang 04/02/2021 06:54
0 0
wt i want 1.17 i can get the snapshot or beta but i want it i want see copper ore and cave structures pls everyone 1.17 will come out in sometime end of the 2021

wireplayz 04/02/2021 00:21
0 0
but when does 1.17 come out :|

Dissplays 29/01/2021 12:18
0 0
It's not the real one don't get me wrong but this looks promising but it's not it's gonna be laggy af bugs and stuff so why to download it then wait for it to come out for real.

douma_RDP 21/01/2021 23:00
0 0
yo tambien

SUFANZ12 10/01/2021 13:14
0 0
I Need 1.17

lightboysmp 08/01/2021 21:25
0 0
how to download 1.17 i am tired !

Gentile3 07/01/2021 12:00
0 0
sla meu pc e muito velho mas muito velho q nem aguenta ..--..

PreachedRook770 07/01/2021 09:20
0 0

PreachedRook770 07/01/2021 09:19
0 0
eut tah

PreachedRook770 07/01/2021 09:19
0 0

Przemek503 05/01/2021 13:30
0 0
Fajne bardzo podobnę!

lightboysmp 05/01/2021 10:54
0 0
i think the capes is really bad when told us to give money

lightboysmp 31/12/2020 09:35
0 0
hey can you add things for this update all i want is {telescope,clay pot,brush,bundle,goats,azalea trees,glow berries,spore blossom,plant and azaleas,plateform,dripstone cave,sluck growths,wool occlusion,wirless redstone,warden,amethyst geddes,copper block,copper slap,copper ore,copper stairs,lighting rod,archaeological excavations,blue ceramic shard,axolotl spawn egg,axolotl bucket,glowing squid spawn egg,

lightboysmp 30/12/2020 19:36
0 0
all i can see is 1.16 or 1.16.1 1.16.2 1.16.3 and 1.16.4

lightboysmp 30/12/2020 19:32
0 0
guys if you did not install this update i will rate for 1 star

SEMIZACK 26/12/2020 04:37
0 0
need the update goddamit

380985213873 20/12/2020 18:04
0 0
ребят если не знаете как им пользоваться то не скачивайте ну а если уже на то пошло дело то посмотрите как им пользоваться в ютюб и не надо обсирать разработчики старались делали для того чтобы мы играли а вы обсираете! Разработчикам обидно же они долго его делали и старались

Dbxv1 18/12/2020 15:31
0 0
how to download 1.17

lightboysmp 15/12/2020 21:56
0 0
how to download 1.17

lightboysmp 15/12/2020 21:54
0 0
i want in 1.17 there be a warden and candels

shourya123456 14/12/2020 11:31
0 0
How to download the cave update I want to play hypixel and explore my world

potas123 14/12/2020 08:56
0 0

wallcatt 11/12/2020 13:22
0 0
im trying to play minecraft multiplayer, it does let me in, but when i try to go to survival or minigames, it says "use the latest version" but i have 1.16.4 and theres no later version. how do i install 1.17?

fxmachoa 09/12/2020 19:08
0 0
how do i play 1.17 all i see is 1.16.4

IbraIs5us 06/12/2020 13:12
0 0
I'm sorry I didn't mean to say "Whereas", I was wanting to write Therefor.

IbraIs5us 06/12/2020 13:10
0 0
Well, you see it's worth waiting for valuable moments and objects. Whereas, I'd rather wait for the update for TLauncher (The Real One). Then it would be easier to play Minecraft's 1.17 update. Seems about right to me, how about you guys? Look, I'm giving my own opinion here don't take me wrong-Minecraft's 1.17 update is really awesome. That's why it's your choice, either wait and play with freedom or download now and play with glitches, bugs, lag, etc, etc, etc . So yeah, your choice.

nourddinelauncher 28/11/2020 06:46
0 0
this old verison

De_Wierdo 20/11/2020 05:20
0 0
Go make the tl can play at HYPIXEL

GoFuuf 14/11/2020 08:49
0 0
uhm uhm uhm

RetroHigh15 13/11/2020 09:13
0 0

mrstoothpast 07/10/2020 18:00
0 0

Gladosikus 14/09/2020 15:45
0 0
CJYEJNBJ1_25 прочти название версии ещё раз, там ты увидишь ЧТО ЭТО НЕ 1.17.2 А 1.7.2 и fogoceta facepalm, ты что там в майн не можешь поиграть?

GriKC 03/08/2020 16:15
0 0
это лаунчер а не майнкрафт! не скачивайте!

JastenBebra 08/06/2020 07:04
0 0

JastenBebra 08/06/2020 07:03
0 0

CJYEJNBJ1_25 22/04/2020 18:50
0 0
ВРУны!1 никоГО МАЙНРАФТА 1.17.2 НЕТ! КАЧАЮ ПИШЕТ НОВЕЙшаЯ вЕРСия 1.15.2 ЭТО ИЗА ТОГО ТО ЧТО Я УжЕ ЕГО сКАчИВАла с верСИи 1.15.2?

zcanaewedwdderfeedsdsds 14/04/2020 07:48
0 0

KrisperYT 21/11/2019 16:22
0 0
мда мда.. неплохо..

Ilya132454 18/07/2019 08:09
0 0

NoobGaming_2ST 11/06/2019 01:04
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prapor540 04/05/2019 13:25
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adninkarim 13/04/2019 07:06
0 0
very cool

D1kodraz8 04/02/2019 13:03
0 0
Нормально нормально

kareem212 13/12/2018 06:54
0 0
it not downloud with me

chanyeol224 14/08/2018 12:53
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kairon90 12/08/2018 10:33
0 0
драсте ет лаунчер и там нет 1.7.2

rabakop 19/07/2018 05:07
0 0
привет всем

kydo 14/07/2018 00:52
0 0
this is very cool

kimwellyen 26/06/2018 06:12
0 0
hello Guys

ElizaVime09 08/06/2018 09:55
0 0

Tiger_Snaiper 25/05/2018 11:38
0 0

StevenLOL 24/04/2018 17:28
0 0

WinNT 21/04/2018 10:16
0 0
Эмм это только лаунчер!

victor_fofinho 11/04/2018 18:43
0 0