
Minecraft 2.0 Download

Logo Minecraft 2.0
Minecraft 2.0 is an April fool's joke that was created on April 1, 2013. We all know that Mojang loves to make fun of the players, so they released this secret version of the game! The Internet has quite a lot of the reviews on this version of the game, so I decided to collect the most interesting moments, which are not found anywhere! But you can download Minecraft 2.0 by yourself and look for all the changes!

At first glance, it seems that this is a usual version of the game, but after a couple of seconds after the map creation, you will be struck by lightning, thunder and confronted by a bunch of charged creepers who want to blow up your little heart, the fire wrapped you in a ring and you start to panic, but...

Mobs in Minecraft 2.0

If you open the inventory in the creative mode, you can see an interesting Etho Slab block. If you try to activate it, it will explode no worse than dynamite. From such a half-block of dynamite, you can craft a whole one putting 2 half-blocks on top of each other.

TNT in Minecraft 2.0

If you craft such a solid block of dynamite from its semi-blocks, and, in a survival mode, try to break it, then the block of dynamite will start talking to us!

Talking dynamite in Minecraft 2.0

Let's try to live a normal Minecrafter’s life and imagine the situation: you came to your home, you have iron ore that needs to be melted. Putting the ore in the furnace, you can watch as the furnace actively emits a lot of smoke. This clearly can’t be good! After a couple of melted ingots, the furnace will explode. Yes, you will not be able to melt ingots for a long time.

Stoves in Minecraft 2.0

Of course, the version is not without new mobs. For example, a blue chicken may spawn with some chance. However, it isn’t just a chicken, if you hit it, all the chickens in the vicinity will attack you until your death!

Chicken in Minecraft 2.0

If you have a pig spawn egg, you can try your luck and spawn a unique pig. Also, do not forget that you should not overfeed pigs, otherwise they will burst!

Pigs Screenshot 1 in Minecraft 2.0

Pigs Screenshot 2 in Minecraft 2.0

What do you know about sheep? Certainly, the fact that they can be of different colors and eat grass, but this is precisely what I was expecting. So, having launched this version of the game, if you feed a sheep with a golden apple, she will learn to fly! Yes, yes, just think: sheep will fly.

Flying sheep in Minecraft 2.0

A conversation with the blocks is not over today, because only a coal block can finish it. Yeah, now it also can talk if you start breaking it.

Talking block in Minecraft 2.0

Imagine the situation that you decided to distribute diamonds on spawn. You put the generator, put the diamonds in it, put the lever and use a switch. Guess what's going on? In ancient times, fish was the most expensive resource on Earth, and the developers certainly recalled it and now fish will be produced instead of diamonds.

Replacing items in the dispenser Minecraft 2.0

And what other secrets Minecraft 2.0 contains? Find out for yourself, trying to play this funny, but at the same time complex survival game. Have a nice game!

Even if you have TLauncher, use the installer anyway to make version 2.0 appear in the launcher.

Download (Windows)

Comments (138)

NicoLikesOrange 21/06/2024 13:45
1 2
appears below 1.15.1 for some who can't find it. IT WORKS

NicoLikesOrange 21/06/2024 13:46
0 1
@LemonadeGuy724, but it crashed

NicoLikesOrange 21/06/2024 13:45
0 0
appears below 1.15.1 for some who can't find it. IT WORKS

NicoLikesOrange 21/06/2024 13:45
0 0
appears below 1.15.1 for some who can't find it. IT WORKS

Barad_YT 21/05/2024 19:59
2 0
This update is shit

Barad_YT 21/05/2024 19:59
0 0
This update is shit

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:50
2 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:50
1 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:50
1 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:50
0 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:50
0 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:50
0 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:50
0 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:49
0 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:49
0 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:49
0 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:49
0 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:49
0 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:49
0 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

CaRrOm_GaMiNg 29/03/2024 16:49
0 0
gays i found a way to play minecraft 2.0 just download and install then download legacy launcher and swap the version from tlauncher to legacy and start the game

kesha6463 07/02/2024 10:18
0 1
ошибка 6 ошибка 6 наступает 6

kesha6463 07/02/2024 10:18
0 0
@kesha6463, ошлграоаоаоа

jonix321X_2 31/01/2024 13:03
0 0
Всем пр!

jonix321X_2 31/01/2024 13:03
0 0
Всем пр!

bonuka23 31/01/2024 05:30
0 0
Just install the app

robertZT96 07/01/2024 09:52
0 0
i don't even know how to download and use this.

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:36
2 1
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:36
2 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:36
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:36
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:35
2 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:35
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:35
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:35
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:35
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:35
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:34
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:34
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:34
2 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:34
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:34
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:34
0 1
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:33
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:33
0 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:33
0 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

Makpi 29/12/2023 12:33
1 0
украiнска бiмба напала на маю дэрэвню памогите пжпжпжпжпжжпжп

ilyamonfared 12/12/2023 13:56
0 0

ilyamonfared 12/12/2023 13:56
0 0

ilyamonfared 12/12/2023 13:56
0 0

ilyamonfared 12/12/2023 13:56
0 0

artem_taburet 12/12/2023 13:00
0 2
я хз что тут происходит, кста мой скин имба это Чарли Чарплин

MicroSharp 06/12/2023 21:18
0 1
xd? idk if this is sure :

Mrugdhraj 30/09/2023 15:16
0 0
Bruh its the simple tlanchaur! this is scam!

AsomGbone 30/07/2023 21:25
1 1
Bruh version

MoonZo_ 09/07/2023 12:01
1 0
im not sure why did i even download it

_NotVoid_ 06/07/2023 20:36
1 0
it didant work for me:(

_NotVoid_ 06/07/2023 20:33
0 0
wtf wth

hytend 30/06/2023 15:29
0 0
it crashed

randeep_singh 27/06/2023 13:34
0 0
it didn't work for me :( :( :( :( :( :(

aks123ua 18/06/2023 08:53
0 0

pmg4_8539 31/05/2023 15:21
0 1
почему это удалили :(

MINECRAFTFOXSNNNN 11/06/2023 12:14
0 0
@pmg4_8539, не знаю

MINECRAFTFOXSNNNN 11/06/2023 12:14
0 0
@pmg4_8539, не знаю

Dr4x_Bruh 25/05/2023 13:48
0 1
como baixa esse bagui?

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:26
0 1
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво?!

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:26
0 1
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво?!

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:26
0 1
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво?!

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:26
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво?!

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:26
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво?!

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво?!

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

hey_yu 02/12/2023 06:25
0 0
@Dr4x_Bruh, чаво

Dr4x_Bruh 25/05/2023 13:24
0 0
como baixa esse bagui?

DeveloperPlay 11/05/2023 14:27
3 0

DeveloperPlay 11/05/2023 14:27
3 0

DeveloperPlay 11/05/2023 14:27
3 0

BotBrother2 28/04/2023 17:03
0 0

BotBrother2 27/04/2023 17:35
0 0
it did not work

crokzin10 22/04/2023 17:51
0 0
não mudou nada '-'

_MapsMAC 12/04/2023 07:25
2 1
почему и как называется версия? я просто найти не могу у себя в лаунчере

SuperVlog 08/04/2023 06:07
1 2
Это враньё

SuperVlog 08/04/2023 06:07
2 1
Это враньё

SGAS196 26/03/2023 11:32
0 1
как почемуаа

FELIX9608 16/03/2023 08:43
0 5
Что делать если я его запускаю сначала идет моджанг а после него крашится майн? как исправить проблему

mario0986 02/03/2023 20:19
0 1
it do not work

pro170712 14/02/2023 17:52
0 0

mrminecraft2022 01/02/2023 18:00
1 0
bruh tlauncher

mrminecraft2022 01/02/2023 17:48
3 1

robertZT96 07/01/2024 09:53
0 0
@mrminecraft2022, shut up bro

wandson02 31/01/2023 00:13
0 0
entao o tlauncher tem uma versao 2.0

Lopestw 20/01/2023 20:35
0 1
omaga my god omg

mucilon123 09/01/2023 18:06
0 0

mucilon123 09/01/2023 18:06
0 0

mucilon123 09/01/2023 18:05
0 0

cacazin_pp 02/01/2023 21:47
0 0
meu nome e cauan

mucilon123 09/01/2023 18:06
0 0
@cacazin_pp, tem discord?

mucilon123 09/01/2023 18:06
0 0
@cacazin_pp, tem discord?

mucilon123 09/01/2023 18:06
0 0
@cacazin_pp, tem discord?

mucilon123 09/01/2023 18:06
0 0
@cacazin_pp, tem discord?

mucilon123 09/01/2023 18:06
0 0
@cacazin_pp, tem discord?

mucilon123 09/01/2023 18:06
0 0
@cacazin_pp, tem discord?

mucilon123 09/01/2023 18:06
0 0
@cacazin_pp, tem discord?

mucilon123 09/01/2023 18:06
0 0
@cacazin_pp, tem discord?

Mckluch 01/01/2023 20:22
1 0
Норм вроде хз не играл

cacazin_pp 02/01/2023 21:47
0 0
@Mckluch, bfdbg

FakeNoobTH 23/12/2022 15:17
0 0
am idk am think

bot_serwer_open 16/12/2022 11:08
0 0
did not work

pan_morsik_mod 26/11/2022 10:40
0 1
What is download

lolabook 30/09/2022 17:01
0 2

norkrazma 22/08/2022 17:35
2 1
люди там обычный майнкраТ

FELIX9608 16/03/2023 08:49
1 1
@norkrazma, Не правда! Если там заставка майнкрафта 1.0 И он называется просто ''Minecraft'' это не значит что это обыкновенный Майнкрафт. Вот у меня крашится он у меня и я листаю вниз а там Minecraft Version: 2.0

FELIX9608 16/03/2023 08:49
1 0
@norkrazma, Не правда! Если там заставка майнкрафта 1.0 И он называется просто ''Minecraft'' это не значит что это обыкновенный Майнкрафт. Вот у меня крашится он у меня и я листаю вниз а там Minecraft Version: 2.0

Felix5656 18/08/2022 14:43
3 0
это реклама скачивается обыкновенный майн

Felix5656 18/08/2022 14:43
3 0
это реклама скачивается обыкновенный майн

hiromoriyuki123 15/08/2022 12:21
0 0
mn eu quero instalar

Timofey90000 19/07/2022 15:47
3 0
зачем та врать? это не майн 2.0

FELIX9608 16/03/2023 08:50
0 1
@Timofey90000, Не правда! Если там заставка майнкрафта 1.0 И он называется просто ''Minecraft'' это не значит что это обыкновенный Майнкрафт. Вот у меня крашится он у меня и я листаю вниз а там Minecraft Version: 2.0

bi4sv6 17/06/2022 21:15
1 3
мне скачивается т лаунчер

tulekis 11/06/2022 12:24
2 0
мне нравится обычный майнкрафт

_Fixreid_ 09/06/2022 07:09
1 1

DreamBYP 04/06/2022 12:04
1 0
как зайти?

AdminSasha2042 29/05/2022 11:19
1 0

Bovem_123 25/05/2022 09:57
1 1
лол не ма ин 2

FELIX9608 16/03/2023 08:50
0 0
@Bovem_123, Не правда! Если там заставка майнкрафта 1.0 И он называется просто ''Minecraft'' это не значит что это обыкновенный Майнкрафт. Вот у меня крашится он у меня и я листаю вниз а там Minecraft Version: 2.0

TheLuckyCub_ 21/05/2022 14:15
0 1
is not working

IVANICH22 10/05/2022 06:27
3 0
майнкрафт отстой будем играть в это