
Download Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 (Torrent)

Logo Minecraft Story Mode Season 2
The sequel of the successful Minecraft Story Mode series with a storyline was finally released. In Season 2, the new adventures with old friends, new acquaintances, as well as even more serious enemies await us. We have no doubt that the episodes will please the fans!

Therefore, one can confidently download Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 via torrent from our site. Jesse and his friends are waiting for your return!


Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 1 - Hero in Residence
Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 2 - Giant Consequences
Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 3 - Jailhouse Block
Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 4 - Below the Bedrock
Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 5 - Above and Beyond
Download Links and Installation on Windows
Download Links and Installation on Android
Minecraft Story Mode Season 1

Logo Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 1

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 1 - Hero in Residence

At the beginning of the Episode 1 of the Second Season, Lucas reads to his friends an excerpt from a future book about the adventures of the New Order of the Stone. Jesse, Axel and Olivia offer to change some controversial points. Then all five go to Beacontown separately to prepare for the city’s Founding Day. A little later a new Jesse’s assistant – Radar also makes his appearance.

After finishing that, Jesse goes to the mines with Petra. Having successfully repulsed the attack of monsters, the heroes found a llama (named Lluna) and a strange glowing glove. Suddenly the ground beneath their feet collapses, revealing a bottomless pit. The heroes quickly cover it up and had time to escape, but the evil lurking inside does not sleep!

In the Episode 1 you will travel to the Champion City and will meet Stella, a charming villain who considers Jesse her enemy, visit an underwater temple in search of the Structure Block, and for the first time behold the full power of the Admin, an ancient creature of enormous size, which vowed revenge for its awakening...

Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 1 Screenshot 1

Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 1 Screenshot 2

Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 2 Poster

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 2 - Giant Consequences

The Admin, driven by a burning desire for revenge, attacks Beacontown. In a fight with a giant statue Jesse almost dies by his/her own negligence. An accurate shot of Lucas saves the protagonist. Jesse eventually finds a way to destroy the Admin, destroying half of Beacontown in the process, including the giant tower clock that is responsible for the day and night cycle.

Jesse and the citizens are doing everything possible to eliminate the consequences of the fight, but their troubles do not end there: in Beacontown suddenly begins to snow, and a snowman appeared out of nowhere (another disguise of the Admin) announces that the eternal night and cold will hang over the city until the Order gets the tower clock, hidden in the icy Palace of Despair.

This time the team of adventurers (joined by Stella and Vos) has to go through a real obstacle course, where not only monsters will be enemies, but also those whom you used to consider friends… Will Jesse be able to return the normal time cycle in Beacontown and save the citizens from the monsters? It’s up to you!

Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 2 Screenshot 1

Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 2 Screenshot 2

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 3 - Jailhouse Block

Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 3 Poster

It's time to continue the adventure through the world of Minecraft Story Mode, and this time you have the opportunity to play a new game episode, Jailhouse Block. Yes, as you might guess, this time you have to escape from prison, not from the prison itself, however, but from the Sunshine Institute. As you know, this place is meant for users, which have become unfit and "difficult" for admin, so you can immediately imagine a local contingent and environment. But don’t let it put you down, together with your faithful friends, you can escape and go through all the trials that await you in the future.

The adventure will be full of not only a variety of investigations, battles and conversations, but also unexpected encounters with other characters. In any case, the new episode will reveal a lot of new details that are so necessary for the further victory over evil. Have a nice adventure!

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 4 - Below the Bedrock

Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 4 Poster

After a successful escape from the Sunshine Institute, our heroes set their course to the Underneath. In their opinion, this is the only place where they cannot be found and where they will be safe. However, they have judged too hastily and now they will get new problems where the very life of the group will be at stake. Numerous monsters, dangers and unexpected challenges, all this will become a new stage and an obstacle for our heroes. Will they cope? What will be the result of their new trials? And is it possible to believe in a brighter future? The answer to these questions can only be obtained after the completing the episode.

But it’s not a good time to relax, the enemies have become much stronger and faster, moreover, the group probably wormed traitor, and there is an urgent need to bring it to light. Be careful and do not make mistakes, we wish you good luck and to be in a good mood!

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 5 - Above and Beyond

Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Episode 5 Poster

Our heroes managed to defeat a terrible and powerful enemy. But should they celebrate the victory and what should they fear after success? In fact, everything is much worse, especially given that the enemy was a part of this world and after his death, the world will not return to its former state. Therefore, the question arises, to leave it as it is or try to change nevertheless? And can the new changes have a negative impact on the world balance? Let alone the fact that the death of a powerful enemy struck almost every corner of the world. Therefore, the heroes have to go on a journey again to help each and every one who is in danger.

This time the adventure will have a more positive tone, but it’s not a good time to relax, there is a lot of work to be done, so you need to do your best to achieve a good result. We suggest not to lose a minute. Good luck!

Download Links and Installation on Windows

Attention! Need a torrent client, for example μTorrent!

Download Torrent file (Includes 5 episodes of the game!)

1) Download using torrent and unzip the archive.
2) Run * .exe and complete the installation.
3) Play!

Download Links and Installation on Android

Attention! Need a torrent client, for example μTorrent!

1) Download Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Android (Includes 5 episodes of the game!)

2) Unpack the downloaded archive and copy the MCSM.S2.v.1.11.apk file to the phone.

3) The com.telltalegames.minecraft200 folder is copied to your phone along the way /android/obb/ (To get it /android/obb/com.telltalegames.minecraft200/main.20101.com.telltalegames.minecraft200.obb)

4) We go into the file manager and run the file MCSM.S2.v.1.11.apk, follow the instructions to install the game.

5) Launch and play.

Comments (110)

MOHAMEDGAMES14 17/07/2024 10:23
1 1
thics is amysen

macs65 18/11/2023 12:43
0 0

Faniks_vBane 15/10/2023 09:26
0 0
я [****]s

kirillchik2277 30/04/2023 11:26
2 0
он на русском?

1zharnos1 05/09/2023 12:59
0 0
@kirillchik2277, там есть русский

1zharnos1 05/09/2023 12:59
0 0
@kirillchik2277, там есть русский

RoDioN_6754 25/04/2023 11:04
0 1
Мне понравилось:)

sharkiman 07/04/2023 15:10
0 0
This is not fake, this is real and can download it.

muh20 26/10/2022 12:56
0 0
nasıl indiriliyor pc de

muh20 26/10/2022 12:56
0 0
nasıl indiriliyor pc de

muh20 26/10/2022 12:55
0 0
nasıl indiriliyor pc de

muh20 26/10/2022 12:55
0 0
nasıl indiriliyor pc de

Ping_png 23/10/2022 05:51
0 1

riostorich 28/09/2022 06:38
2 5
я украинец

vanchuga227 21/12/2022 09:04
1 2
@riostorich, а я русский

ScratchPython 09/09/2022 16:12
0 1

NO_Uses_TL 24/08/2022 06:13
0 2
NOT estafa not virus bug

NO_Uses_TL 24/08/2022 06:12
0 0
NOT estafa not virus

NO_Uses_TL 24/08/2022 06:12
0 0
NOT estafa not virus

NO_Uses_TL 24/08/2022 06:12
0 0
NOT estafa not virus

Xxx_Ultimate_xxX 16/08/2022 14:15
0 0
Хорошая игра! Последователь Minecraft Dungeons

_MRzixmen_233_ 27/01/2023 12:24
0 0
@Xxx_Ultimate_xxX, стори мод вышла намного раньше данженса челл.

lMahmoudGaming1 11/08/2022 16:38
0 0
OMG THERE IS SEASON 2?!?!?? *vine boom*

lMahmoudGaming1 11/08/2022 16:37
0 0
iTs nOt VirUs ItS JusT yOuR ANTIvirUS

Makson4ikBeluga 17/07/2022 06:32
0 2
я не понимаю как поставить русификатор чтобы он работал в самой игре а не в меню!? ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛОСТА!

Wh1teParad1se 15/07/2022 13:19
0 0

Wh1teParad1se 15/07/2022 13:19
0 0

ali12312255 14/07/2022 11:31
0 0
why do i have to download torrent?

minbp 13/09/2023 21:10
0 0
@ali12312255, iran 09918011545 zang bzan

ali12312255 14/07/2022 11:30
1 0
why do i have to download torrent?

Slash1234onthemove 17/12/2023 17:49
0 0
@ali12312255, easiest way i think

tvoibebrik 04/07/2022 06:09
0 0
наверное только мы здесь русские

Rondix_4175 13/06/2022 15:08
0 0
Я единственный, кто здесь русский?

IstheAmbush 09/06/2022 17:08
0 0
i can't install

mhebbo 20/04/2022 20:57
0 0
how do i change the language?

mhebbo 20/04/2022 20:57
0 0
how do i change the language?

ALUCR00T 10/04/2022 13:13
0 0
i feel so dumb

Just_PlumsyPlayz 30/03/2022 06:22
0 0
why does it need torrent?

Nadeesh_Gamer 28/03/2022 08:20
0 0
it not works

_Gamestech_ 22/03/2022 10:11
0 0
um its very nice

Dur25 11/03/2022 10:49
0 0
y is it not working

Reenen 22/01/2022 23:55
0 0
size is 5 GB an it wont download and the only thing i have on the pc is chrome and a massive memory card

DAKCKOZ 22/01/2022 06:26
0 0

slayrbao 15/01/2022 05:04
0 0
trinh duet virus khong cho

Marin_Cat 07/12/2021 13:40
0 0
спасибо за торрент!

TrickerSonic14 18/11/2021 14:56
0 0
on mac os NOW!

Slash1234onthemove 17/12/2023 17:50
0 0
@TrickerSonic14, YES!

Slash1234onthemove 17/12/2023 17:49
0 0
@TrickerSonic14, YES!

Opjas 15/11/2021 03:15
0 0
My name is jaskaran

Yso_85 06/04/2024 17:18
0 0
@Opjas, I thought it was opjas

sreedu 09/11/2021 08:58
0 0
oh its torrent if it download with win rar or setup that will good

Ksawier333 01/11/2021 15:43
0 1
wie ladet mann mc story mode herunter

whitegtx10242 30/10/2021 01:21
0 0

gQG5XMurgfZWHHv 17/09/2021 05:08
0 0
i downloaded dugeons and still downloading story mode

ancientminecrafter 13/09/2021 10:17
0 0
Ugh and i cant install it,every time i do ot shows how do you want to open this app with no options.

SAW4ik689 07/09/2021 14:05
0 1
Надеюсь на рус языке субы и норм игра ваще

TyTroZz 06/09/2021 19:33
0 0
es bueno

PrismaLion 11/08/2021 08:47
0 0
why is the setup russian

PrismaLion 11/08/2021 08:47
0 0
why is the setup russian

PrismaLion 11/08/2021 08:43
0 0
why is it russian I cant understand it pls help

Indonesian_Games 30/06/2021 04:40
0 0
i like this

_CaXaRoK_YT 31/05/2021 10:51
0 0
Круто! Супер игра, всем советую, кто играет в майнкрафт тому точно понравиться, ведь в ней есть сюжет который можно играть. Класс игруха!

N2OPlayz 20/05/2021 16:31
0 0
relly good

BloopBop 20/05/2021 06:13
0 0
how to install it

avillager 08/05/2021 06:56
0 1
the reason why i want this is because the villager

thony10p 21/04/2021 13:12
0 0
legal mano

avbispoam 19/04/2021 17:20
1 0
more SEX LOL

avbispoam 19/04/2021 17:19
1 0
SEX lol lol lol

kashafnavera29 28/03/2021 17:44
0 0
no working

kashafnavera29 28/03/2021 17:44
0 0
no working

celestiaGAMING 23/03/2021 16:31
0 0
how to dowlod this tho

arshanklein 21/03/2021 22:22
0 0
hello how to download minecraft sory mode?

misikekemisimek 17/03/2021 12:30
0 0
It works. The English language can be set in the menu by clicking on the bottom of the second item there then on top of the fourth button and then on the top item once.

Darsh123654 15/03/2021 03:33
0 0
how i can download minecraft story mode season two

Tomthebigman 13/03/2021 16:30
0 0
m i like minecraft story mode season 2 and all episodes

58510794 13/03/2021 02:06
0 0
hola como les va

Ahchongbeng 12/03/2021 10:54
0 0
hi i ant minecraft java premium

dhaan6 02/03/2021 17:15
0 0
please change the files and stuff in minecraft story mode season one and this to english

Unix_0340 01/03/2021 03:33
0 0
hey whats up

Gsusubu 18/02/2021 08:52
0 0
Hi guys how you doing

yalser555 10/02/2021 18:28
0 0
hola chicos como están

9bdu1234 09/02/2021 07:07
0 0
Hi Guys How are you

henrickpropvpUwUbr 26/01/2021 23:03
0 0
e muito bom altorei :D

MilsonBurgerYT 23/01/2021 11:12
0 0
it's working but the language is not English Plz anyone Help me

MilsonBurgerYT 22/01/2021 19:19
0 0

karlatt549 12/01/2021 12:48
0 1
not working

Alk_Kawaii 08/01/2021 19:53
0 0
Funciona? hein?

Alk_Kawaii 17/06/2023 12:32
0 0
@Alk_Kawaii, reply k nn acredito que comentei aqui, slk

M1rage6 21/12/2020 10:58
0 0

yokay23 15/12/2020 19:35
0 0
me gusta este juego tiene mucho historia es larga pero me gusta

camilo50k 11/12/2020 18:59
0 0
tu llamame herobrine men tira camilo50k

bab1om3nt1k 05/12/2020 13:38
0 0
а где можно установить русификатор?

chanchito5014 29/11/2020 13:42
0 0
hola yo hablo español no entiendo nada necesitamos que agreguen el Español y el Inglés.. Gracias

asdsafsdgvvv 29/11/2020 10:55
0 0
Help the language is russian I think How can I change the language?

ZumbaLukase 27/11/2020 09:11
0 0
Uh is here link to download it for Windows I mean season 2

DInfinite_Cool 22/11/2020 15:40
0 0
i love it

DInfinite_Cool 22/11/2020 15:36
0 0
i love it

nine_7575 19/11/2020 12:45
0 0
IDK you guys saying sorry i cant under stand ya all ;-;

Shenya223 23/10/2020 08:04
0 0
че все не русские сайт то русский.-.

karma_sapo 21/10/2020 02:30
0 0
No me sirvio :v

SPEEDZEE 10/10/2020 05:18
0 0
It is not working ????

lego123456cat 07/10/2020 13:50
0 0
a mi no me sirvio

Villo_182 30/09/2020 15:28
0 0
genial story h

zakariagamer4753 28/09/2020 10:21
0 0
je ve installer sur mac

Elizabeth_2010 24/09/2020 02:04
0 0
hola a todos :v

jorge265 22/09/2020 18:35
0 1
a mi si me sirvio

Cakey158 09/09/2020 06:34
0 0
How do you download uTorrent

_Gamzee_ 05/09/2020 07:07
0 0
это без вирусов?

_Gamzee_ 05/09/2020 07:06
0 0
это без вирусов?

pioskfijoppo 18/08/2020 07:29
0 0