
BedWars for Minecraft Pocket Edition

BedWars screenshot 1If you like team games, we suggest that you should not miss the opportunity to use the BedWars map for Minecraft. It offers to go on an exciting adventure and fight other players to claim the title of the strongest.

You will have to put a lot of effort to try to achieve a favorable result. Thus, you need to join one of the teams, start actively building a fortress and try to do everything for its defense.

BedWars screenshot 2We suggest that you do not waste much time and just try to learn all the rules carefully. They won’t be very complex but you'll like them. Such a PvP battle is famous among players and will surely become the basis for your favorable pastime.
BedWars screenshot 3

How to install the map:

The first step: Download the package with the map (Unpack if the file is in the archive).

The second step: Copy the folder with the Minecraft BedWars map to the /games/com.mojang/minecraftworlds (if this folder does not exist, create it yourself)

Step three: Run the game and select the downloaded map.


Comments (111)

Handsomenice 25/04/2024 05:36
0 1
How to make it work

Bzerra 03/11/2023 18:00
0 5

Ivkohalai 28/04/2024 04:43
0 1
@Bzerra, Mario

Ivkohalai 28/04/2024 04:43
0 1
@Bzerra, Mario

Ivkohalai 28/04/2024 04:43
0 1
@Bzerra, Mario

Ivkohalai 28/04/2024 04:43
0 1
@Bzerra, Mario

Ivkohalai 28/04/2024 04:43
0 0
@Bzerra, Mario

navistrikebro 16/05/2023 08:55
0 1
69 nice map

Arshanino 01/12/2022 19:03
2 1
Not working

ffllixdux12 25/09/2022 19:29
1 2
lan türk yokmu ,

Altay808 18/07/2023 15:04
0 1
@ffllixdux12, Var

Musab_Saad 07/06/2023 15:41
0 0
@ffllixdux12, wadwa a s adqa

Musab_Saad 07/06/2023 15:41
0 0
@ffllixdux12, wadwa a s adqa

Musab_Saad 07/06/2023 15:41
0 0
@ffllixdux12, wadwa a s adqa

Musab_Saad 07/06/2023 15:40
0 0
@ffllixdux12, wadwa a s adqa

Musab_Saad 07/06/2023 15:40
0 0
@ffllixdux12, wadwa a s adqa

dorukberil_07 25/09/2022 18:09
1 1
çalışmıyor bende

sgit 23/08/2022 04:56
0 0
how to play

sgit 23/08/2022 04:55
0 0
how to play

Eren_Jaegar800 17/08/2022 19:54
1 1
eeg wars açılsın

JuegofriYT 24/04/2022 01:44
0 0
no se voy a ponerlo a prueba xde aunque no entiendo bien los pasos (soy principiante)

JuegofriYT 24/04/2022 01:43
0 0
no se voy a ponerlo a prueba xde aunque no entiendo bien los pasos (soy principiante)

JuegofriYT 24/04/2022 01:43
0 0
no se voy a ponerlo a prueba xde aunque no entiendo bien los pasos (soy principiante)

Alfronzo 21/04/2022 07:17
1 1
works for me :>

Alfronzo 21/04/2022 07:17
1 1
works for me :>

danhdung6886 25/03/2022 08:09
0 0
how to play

liamnevverdies 12/03/2022 16:57
0 0
idk how to make it work

JaykiiVN 10/03/2022 07:28
0 0
dosen't work

NokiNoobKasumi 04/03/2022 04:09
0 0
not working at all

Max09090909 02/02/2022 20:37
0 0
he dosent working

UrDeadMom 25/01/2022 18:15
0 0
Dosen't work

azbe735A 10/01/2022 16:28
0 0
it´s not working

hostilegaming 19/12/2021 13:05
0 0
1@#HM Z4fgm h65h7j8 g09-ukg ghiilhil hpi ghu fy uc iguio weu 8u go

hostilegaming 19/12/2021 13:05
0 0
1@#HM Z4fgm h65h7j8 g09-ukg ghiilhil hpi ghu fy uc iguio weu 8u go

xxAlt2 17/12/2021 12:44
0 0
how to download?

830108 16/12/2021 11:45
0 0
if I download what should I do?

Babaue 09/12/2021 23:45
0 0
Doesn't even work.

xfurruyrXD 01/12/2021 05:22
0 0
huhh i dint understand

123_foxy 28/11/2021 14:12
0 0
thật là super idol

Gabekebabe15678765 24/10/2021 15:15
0 0
Um i can't figure out how to use it!

YodaLokisLucas 23/10/2021 00:07
0 0
Minecraft minecraft

Tomioka_akatsuki 23/10/2021 00:04
0 0
cala a boca bry

YodaLokisLucas 23/10/2021 00:04
0 0
Minecraft ;=;

YodaLokisLucas 23/10/2021 00:03
0 1

i9am 05/10/2021 12:24
0 0
I will try

king1212326 01/10/2021 04:03
0 0
AH! i cant figure it out! :c

Lexy_Lenxy 07/08/2021 09:18
0 0
Easy pissy

lijialin666 05/08/2021 07:56
0 0
pls I want to play bed wars

zeroistaken 30/07/2021 00:11
0 0
to many peaple

Hunterrxxx69 19/07/2021 15:27
0 0
easy pisy

AkasVK 19/07/2021 08:55
0 0

Harsh2145 16/07/2021 02:29
0 0
lol i need help

ibiwbibiw1 02/07/2021 20:37
0 0
i can't find it.

MertElosGG 02/07/2021 19:04
0 1
:D woowa

Chris_onlyArts69 29/06/2021 14:00
0 0

ThisisEdvin 19/06/2021 11:14
0 0
Hi i don't know how to dowload can anyone teach me plzz

Joanna_Kal 14/06/2021 18:03
0 0
I want the link!

wellimnotfoundanyway 05/06/2021 15:43
0 0
i dont know the adress

wellimnotfoundanyway 05/06/2021 15:43
0 0
i dont know the adress

nadvt 28/05/2021 15:28
0 0
i have java rip

Marytz 25/05/2021 18:20
0 0
Esto sirve? :v

Albayna 21/05/2021 07:24
0 0
Bruh.Im Hanako-kun

AarjavWarriors 19/05/2021 13:50
0 0
I am Ujjwal

AlistairEric 14/05/2021 02:20
0 0
Subscribe me Plz

AlistairEric 14/05/2021 02:20
0 1
I am dream

AlistairEric 14/05/2021 02:19
0 0
It does not work *

Foxolotol99 11/05/2021 13:18
0 0
do it work for pc?

Foxolotol99 11/05/2021 13:18
0 0

siddhanthking 07/05/2021 07:53
0 0
ok les see

Terry_CYS 05/05/2021 07:19
0 0
wow amazing!

furiat500 30/04/2021 05:54
0 0
ludzie jak to zrobić

Kad_PvP 25/04/2021 08:56
0 0

Rafix32434 22/04/2021 13:44
0 0
map dowload pls screen

Rafix32434 22/04/2021 13:43
0 0
What is no more dowload what here

Naman_master 19/04/2021 06:15
0 0
i have 1v1 in bedwars with waillibear

Naman_master 19/04/2021 06:15
0 0
is my skin good

MxAtomicYT 18/04/2021 11:58
0 0
and pls help me i need to play with my friend so give me tips to make a multi player sever

MxAtomicYT 18/04/2021 11:56
0 0
boi y happy birth day from me to every one whos useing TL every single birth day each day bye bye

MxAtomicYT 18/04/2021 11:51
0 0
okay mayby its not a rip off at all but i am not dowloading this my lap top is lagy real lagy allso get fortnite for free dowload epic games and install fortnite also minecraft noobs this tips are for you number one get iron and gold number two protect your bed and kill other teams bed boy

MxAtomicYT 18/04/2021 11:41
0 0
this is a rip off i have bed wars vast of time sorry i am only 6 years old so i dont know how to spell

GrnGred 13/04/2021 12:06
0 0
mano tem o jvnq

arekxp1 07/04/2021 12:27
0 0
jak to zainstalować

feijao_YT 18/03/2021 14:38
0 0
ow to play?

Iruffs 25/02/2021 07:33
0 0
hi I am techno blade this is god

Fraserlw 15/02/2021 18:07
0 0
can some one pls help me

7Co-Co7 15/02/2021 15:55
0 0
przepraszam za błendy poprostu ze złości

7Co-Co7 15/02/2021 15:54
0 0
zrobiłam wszystko krok po kroku i nic a miałem zagrać z kolegom i muszę odwołać po nie moge go odtworzyć

NecroBlad 10/02/2021 01:03
0 0
its i think verey nice thing to play minecraft for free

Tortu135711 06/02/2021 21:28
0 0

MASTER1ACE 04/02/2021 10:09
0 0
does this thin work plz explain me breefly me noob

suhaildragon 04/02/2021 06:23
0 0
bruh meme gang

adam989 02/02/2021 12:28
0 0
i got hacked when i downloaded

lhester994 01/02/2021 06:32
0 0

rishh 28/01/2021 02:26
0 0
bruh press download

VarshilgmrGOD 22/01/2021 10:22
0 0

SailentTMC 20/01/2021 11:01
0 0
doesnt really work

Gissssssssssson 19/01/2021 00:11
0 0
how to playing?

Vardos_Kraytt 16/01/2021 14:23
0 1

desknoob 16/01/2021 09:48
0 0
guys press download

desknoob 16/01/2021 09:48
0 0
guys how do i download bed wars

desknoob 16/01/2021 09:44
0 0
how do i download it?

_Desanimado 01/01/2021 20:59
0 0
nao funciona demorei 2 horas para tentar e nao deu certo

viggywiggy 01/01/2021 01:13
0 0
doesn't work..

LDcGamer122 30/12/2020 13:32
0 0

notaayanplayz 21/12/2020 10:47
0 0
doesn't work worst map ever created

kyryns2 28/11/2020 01:02
0 0
its ok i guess i dont know how to download it

sawn4a 21/11/2020 16:03
0 0
how to palay plz

Soham_HS 21/11/2020 12:02
0 0
how to play ;-;

Ahmetkurt04 20/11/2020 15:39
0 0

YuanYuan_ 16/11/2020 04:49
0 0
i will go try it!

xFunkyGamErZx 15/11/2020 08:26
0 0
awesome ngl :))