
Escape The Nether Nightmare for Minecraft Pocket Edition

Escape The Nether Nightmare screenshot 1Escape the Nether Nightmare for Minecraft is a unique adventure that offers you to try your luck and escape from the Nether. You have been imprisoned for the past few thousand years, and now you have a chance to stop all your torments. On your way, there will be mazes, dangerous locations, traps, and even puzzles.

Escape The Nether Nightmare screenshot 2

And so that you do not get bored, we suggest that you actively use all your opportunities and try to achieve a favorable result. Unique locations, discoveries, and a lot of other content await you. It remains to wish you a good mood and excellent results in your adventures. Try to get out of the trap and become free!

Escape The Nether Nightmare screenshot 3

How to install the map:

The first step: Download the package with the map (Unpack if the file is in the archive).

The second step: Copy the folder with the Minecraft Escape The Nether Nightmare map to the /games/com.mojang/minecraftworlds (if this folder does not exist, create it yourself)

Step three: Run the game and select the downloaded map.



Pardy_chuu12/08/2021 01:53
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pyzadaras25/07/2021 13:14
1h Download