
Fantasy Bedwars for Minecraft Pocket Edition

Fantasy Bedwars screenshot 1Fantasy Bedwars for Minecraft is a special map designed exclusively for competing with other players. You will have to take full advantage of all the features and try to actively use all your opportunities to achieve a good result. 

Fantasy Bedwars screenshot 2

You will have to make use of the resource generator, calmly assess your capabilities, and just gradually achieve success. The main impediment will be constituted by the fact that you will have to actively defend yourself from other players and protect your beds — otherwise, proper respawning will be no longer possible. So, be careful and strive for a good result.

Fantasy Bedwars screenshot 3

How to install the map:

The first step: Download the package with the map (Unpack if the file is in the archive).

The second step: Copy the folder with the Minecraft Fantasy Bedwars map to the /games/com.mojang/minecraftworlds (if this folder does not exist, create it yourself)

Step three: Run the game and select the downloaded map.


Comments (14)

restrusat 27/10/2023 00:40
0 0
only in ohio only in ohio

mattherus 19/04/2023 11:16
1 0

Arshanino 01/12/2022 19:01
1 2
It isn't working !

page_12 08/05/2023 13:40
0 0
@Arshanino, protoze to neumis

Baton_0 23/11/2022 10:20
1 1

DEADTReeGeR 22/09/2023 12:06
0 1
@Baton_0, ты далбаеб?

DEADTReeGeR 22/09/2023 12:06
0 1
@Baton_0, ты далбаеб?

IgrokDEmon 11/11/2022 17:51
1 2
у меня не получается её загрузить

abdo2009ff 14/09/2022 14:11
1 1
how to play this map?

rainimatorlayson20 16/05/2022 06:53
1 1
the bedwars mod minecraft pocket

QwaciaTV 10/05/2022 10:01
1 1
łał pobiorę ją w sensie tą mapkę

QwaciaTV 10/05/2022 10:00
1 1
łał pobiorę ją w sensie tą mapkę

Marek2106 07/04/2022 16:46
1 1
super mapa libí se mi

YouvsMee 02/11/2021 01:56
1 1
how come all of the bedwars mods are for pocket edition