
Ultimate SkyBlock for Minecraft Pocket Edition

Would you like to undergo various challenges while exploring the updated gaming environment? Then, we invite you to pay attention to Ultimate SkyBlock for Minecraft.

The main feature of this map is that it constantly generates new surprises and challenges for you to have fun. Therefore, you should quickly adapt to the current conditions and try with all your might to succeed in your adventure. The main thing is to be confident in what you do and carefully explore your new gaming environment. Otherwise, you will become a victim of circumstance. We wish you good luck and all the best in your future adventure!

How to install the map:

The first step: Download the package with the map (Unpack if the file is in the archive).

The second step: Copy the folder with the Minecraft Ultimate SkyBlock map to the /games/com.mojang/minecraftworlds (if this folder does not exist, create it yourself)

Step three: Run the game and select the downloaded map.


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