
Kings Coast Medieval Kingdom | Minecraft Map

Kings Coast Medieval Kingdom screenshot 1Kings Coast Medieval Kingdom for Minecraft is a large adventure map that invites you to go on an exciting adventure and have a good time. The map introduces a completely new world, which is filled with a medieval atmosphere, has many interesting places, and allows you to simply enjoy the unique history transmitted through the environment. 

Kings Coast Medieval Kingdom screenshot 2

We are sure this map will certainly please you and give you a chance to achieve a good result in your adventure. Please be careful and try to thoroughly examine the various details of the environment. We wish you good luck and success!

Kings Coast Medieval Kingdom screenshot 3

How to install a map:

1) Download the archive with a map.

2) Unpack the archive to extract a folder.

3) Copy the folder with the Kings Coast Medieval Kingdom map to .minecraft/saves (if this folder does not exist, create it yourself).

4) Find this map in the "Singleplayer" tab of the main menu.


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