
MLGdrop | Map Minecraft

MLGdrop screenshot 1How about go again in an exciting adventure in the vast of Minecraft game? It is enough to take advantage of new opportunities and map that is called MLGdrop for Minecraft. It is unique map and it offers about 30 options to test in order to prove your superiority. 

Do not relax because this direction would become much more difficult over your passing.

MLGdrop screenshot 2

Therefore we offer you to be as attentive as possible, to seek the final result and just play effectively. We are confident that you will succeed and get much more positive emotions than it might seem at first glance. Good luck!

MLGdrop screenshot 3

How to install the map:

The first step: Download the archive with the map.

The second step: Unzip the archive to make the folder.

The third step: Copy the folder with the MLGdrop map in the .minecraft / saves section (if this folder does not exist, create it yourself).

Fourth step: In the menu in the "Single player" tab, find this map.


Comments (52)

Ishan24pog9211 08/08/2022 15:31
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good map

MopeBegginer 11/11/2020 13:57
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i cant add it in singleplayer i did put it in saves but it wasnt in singleplyer

Foginho_br 28/03/2020 21:23
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medakm 02/12/2019 09:37
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cool mapa men

Zaaki300 07/10/2019 10:10
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AwayGirl2003 06/06/2019 11:38
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mechman 09/05/2019 03:19
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just open the folder and extract

leofrunza 07/05/2019 12:42
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MasterZee1 04/05/2019 12:01
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ha ha

michdog 17/04/2019 11:41
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nacimamara09 14/03/2019 18:53
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wow it's so dumb

nightmer_emi 13/03/2019 16:14
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Cool cool dobra mapa.

LIBYA_man 12/03/2019 07:07
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i can get it its for is joining your LAN network its col

nopalramadan2 01/03/2019 12:01
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ko bisa yah s

darklaunch3D 23/02/2019 04:31
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leobalos 27/01/2019 07:11
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yeah cool

husnainRafique 18/01/2019 23:52
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sup every one

kutasonoski 09/01/2019 22:26
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cool spoko

JaeEmile 29/12/2018 19:51
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Um Welp ;/ Guys just learn this Omg STOP HATING ITS EASY

yumyumburritos 10/12/2018 05:07
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FahdEl 01/12/2018 10:48
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he he he

Link1234567 08/11/2018 21:25
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Really fun

MarkDark 06/11/2018 18:53
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uUm GooD EnGHLisH mAP

sandia123pro 04/11/2018 14:54
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alaflamal90 25/09/2018 18:05
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alaflamal90 25/09/2018 18:05
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alaflamal90 25/09/2018 18:05
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alaflamal90 25/09/2018 18:05
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LikeDiadi_YT 10/09/2018 16:30
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Well good

GRYZOTA_TO_KOZAK 05/09/2018 15:18
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its cool map

iceBitel 30/07/2018 13:58
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карта а*а

Volshia_Sleza 29/07/2018 12:12
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эта карта супер

AboodNazeeh 26/07/2018 07:20
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venezhiya 19/07/2018 10:33
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как скачать карту помогите пожалуйста?

jonik8868 06/07/2018 10:48
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Ninja_Gaming 30/06/2018 03:25
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Wassup guys

vikyli 30/06/2018 00:51
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nh188067 27/06/2018 04:19
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i hate zip folders

NAJIB2018one 26/06/2018 17:42
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RainPlayzYT 22/06/2018 19:00
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RainPlayzYT 22/06/2018 18:51
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Can you add a Video Tutorial?i need help with this!

MONETO4KA_YT 19/06/2018 11:49
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круто прям вобще ло кек чебурек

helobineerror 13/06/2018 22:37
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Also game naù whenever using tlancher lan 854

ellavoloshina 12/06/2018 11:51
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KitKat_C_Kofem_UwU 07/06/2018 17:45
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notchcraft 03/06/2018 14:08
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In fact I be playin boiz!

notchcraft 03/06/2018 14:07
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Hey Unzip the zip file when it is found in Saves in Appdata/roaming.Minecraft/saves and play it but DON'T remove the zip file. NotchCraft

DayanaBoss 03/06/2018 13:20
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khawar1024 01/06/2018 12:57
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wubstance you are Right

Angel538 30/05/2018 07:26
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RaluBalu 22/05/2018 13:00
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We cant get it :(

Wubstance 19/05/2018 16:48
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Also, whenever using TLauncher, I cannot get others to connect using LAN