
Hwyla for Minecraft 1.11.2

Hwyla screenshot 1Hwyla for Minecraft 1.11.2 is a universal mod that offers to go on an exciting adventure and try to achieve information prosperity. The fact is that thanks to this add-on, you will be able to easily get a variety of information about the content added by the mods.

Hwyla screenshot 2

It will be enough just to hover the cursor, and the information window will immediately display you all the necessary information. We are sure that you will like these improvements, and this will ensure a favorable process of further development. It remains only to wish you good luck and all the best!

Hwyla screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Hwyla mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (18)

Snezhana7777 22/07/2019 12:22
0 0
мод полезный

ItsMahaPlay 23/10/2018 14:51
0 0
Ещё пекомендую мод JEI/NEI. С этими модами можно узнавать крафты как и вещей/блоков самого майнкрафта, так и модов

ItsMahaPlay 23/10/2018 14:49
0 0
Очень полезно, когда играешь с модами, которые добавляют новые вещи и блоки. Особенно с глобальными модами)

ArtemSL213 23/09/2018 07:54
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Rokki_Boom 11/09/2018 16:56
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крутой мод спасибо разботчикам

78381507078 02/08/2018 20:33
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Serega75986 29/07/2018 19:20
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cat45188 23/07/2018 12:53
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viktor665 07/07/2018 05:30
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классный мод а если вы не умеете пользаватся то это ваша проблема

YouTubeGameru 19/06/2018 18:36
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не знаю ещё не пользовался

_Markull 18/06/2018 10:28
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TheMoonq 16/06/2018 10:03
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uk5gh8 05/06/2018 07:19
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maksgladki 01/06/2018 16:56
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OgyD_I_M_A 01/06/2018 08:32
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не работает

tiiiiim 25/05/2018 12:49
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tiiiiim 25/05/2018 12:49
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tiiiiim 25/05/2018 12:49
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