Bacteria for Minecraft 1.12.2
An original mod Bacteria for 1.12.2 version is devoted to the original theme of bacteria.
The author of the modification added a type of bacteria to Minecraft that will gradually conquer the world and eat it. Also, a great possibility was implemented here, which is worth taking advantage of and experience yourself how the whole process works. It turns out you can also create bacteria with modified genetics. It is these modified bacteria that will not eat everything, but selectively, that is, only certain blocks. You will learn more about bacteria in the game world by downloading the mod.
How to install the modification:
First step: download and install Minecraft Forge (In the launcher you can select the version with it).
Second step: download the modification.
Third step: copy the package Bacteria in section .minecraft/mods (if this folder does not exist, install Rift again or create it yourself).
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