
EvilCraft for Minecraft 1.12.2

EvilCraft 1.12.2 скриншот 1EvilCraft 1.12.2 mod for Minecraft is a small modification that will add new features aimed at the development of the character. The main focus of the modification is to provide the player with the powers of the dark mage. With the help of new abilities, the gamer will receive unprecedented power, allowing to deal with enemies.

EvilCraft 1.12.2 modification for Minecraft is both a magical and technical mod that adds the oldest source of evil to the game. Through a new artifact, the players have the opportunity to master black magic, and then to improve their own strength.

EvilCraft 1.12.2 скриншот 2

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Minecraft Forge (In the launcher you can select the version with it).

Second step: download the modification.

Third step: copy the package EvilCraft in section .minecraft/mods (if this folder does not exist, install Rift again or create it yourself).


Comments (89)

anton_cryt 28/05/2022 09:02
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MukileXD 26/05/2022 20:14
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no se le doy un 8/10 para mi

Polar7430 04/01/2021 05:28
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Es buenisimo lo recomiendo mucho :D

andreygamer_77 18/11/2020 18:06
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si esta bueno

andreygamer_77 18/11/2020 18:05
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si esta bueno

RosPlay90 01/11/2020 08:38
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buenardo solo por la sangre y los hombre lobo G

Papa_felizzz 26/10/2020 12:40
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esta cool :D

Aeo9887 07/10/2020 12:19
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pluju_360 14/09/2020 11:28
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Peter_303 21/08/2020 22:11
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es vueno00

yurimaster7809 09/08/2020 22:02
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RosPlay90 08/08/2020 23:44
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ami igual krampu te ablo por discord pregunta adiciona tienes un server krampu¿

Kraminpro 02/08/2020 11:36
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gg esta bien pero como se pone sialguien me lo dice me contacte por discord mi ID: K.R.A.M.P.U.#3073

BrayanElVroM20 25/07/2020 19:24
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FilippoFilipinni 21/07/2020 14:48
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se le ve bueno

AHMEDdsayeD 25/06/2020 22:15
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nice mod i like it

AHMEDdsayeD 25/06/2020 22:15
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nice mod i like it

pamu44 14/06/2020 15:37
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hmm? o ok ey

youngyoungyboy765 27/05/2020 12:12
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nice, good mod

Foxby31YT 15/05/2020 13:52
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pues tengo hambre

EricGamerXL 26/04/2020 19:03
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love it, monsters can attack you, just lovely. only if you modify the mod

DoomHelios 19/04/2020 23:12
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nada mal

Nanginho 08/04/2020 23:41
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gabriel152 05/04/2020 17:09
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brutal :V @soyespañolALV!

Raul2309 01/04/2020 19:33
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para agregar el mod tienes que instalar forge

Mohamed_GO_YT 15/02/2020 16:20
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mintynogops 30/01/2020 13:30
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to be onest my favert game is fortnite

mintynogops 30/01/2020 13:29
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so cool im from south afrika

tilariuss 27/01/2020 16:30
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que cool

Miistake 15/12/2019 22:03
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Es Brutal

RAJA1122 15/10/2019 13:35
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3bood2110 09/10/2019 18:55
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Maurici34541 08/10/2019 17:34
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I am from Brazil

patrick_bot 08/10/2019 02:19
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TweakyHealer162 07/10/2019 15:31
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i want to try it is it good

juanwarrior4591 05/10/2019 13:50
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629709 03/10/2019 18:12
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Rossy02 02/10/2019 16:30
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it's fantastic

afikgbggggggggggg 29/09/2019 23:23
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samu678 29/09/2019 17:55
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woaw cool

justinbro6468 28/09/2019 09:52
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this mod is cool I like it

hungvuacc 28/09/2019 09:34
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FireLightPlays 27/09/2019 01:56
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umm how do u add the mod

anthony852 25/09/2019 13:15
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how do youadd the mod to minecraft

I_kill_u 25/09/2019 07:19
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uh What?

zander0guillory 23/09/2019 02:02
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ItsJackPlayZ 23/09/2019 00:04
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hm Not bad at all

NEO_NEKIZ 22/09/2019 01:40
0 0

martosizan 21/09/2019 14:33
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nunaphu 20/09/2019 12:25
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conrad09 20/09/2019 09:01
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DHworked 20/09/2019 03:33
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not bad

cleverjumo8 16/09/2019 21:21
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0LittlePerson0 13/09/2019 02:03
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pacan007 06/09/2019 13:52
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коли я зробив все що треба він не ск

X_OH 03/09/2019 23:04
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s2das24 03/09/2019 17:17
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jueurtue 03/09/2019 16:39
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Is not about mod..but why i can log in n Tlauncher?

hoanglongvnmc 18/08/2019 04:35
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fullowf155 14/08/2019 16:51
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Coolsunshine1471 11/08/2019 13:11
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How do u send it to minecrft?

lender206 02/08/2019 13:17
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ça ne marche jamais on ne peut méme pas l ouvrir dans un windows 8.1

lender206 02/08/2019 13:17
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ça ne marche jamais on ne peut méme pas l ouvrir dans un windows 8.1

Datboi3151 29/07/2019 11:43
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p.s. its hat down cross town livin like a rockstar spend a lot of money on my brand new guitar baby's got a habit diamond rings and fendi sports bras ridin down rodeo in my maserati sports car got no stress i've been through all that im like a marbro man so i kick on back wish i could go on back to that old town road i wanna ride till i can't no more

Datboi3151 29/07/2019 11:40
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if this was a remake of minecraft it should have. MORE FLIPPING MODS cuz i want to have the furniture mod

Experiment101 26/07/2019 07:44
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I eat poo for dinner. I eat nans for breakfast. I eat grass for lunch. What am I?

iets 26/07/2019 07:43
0 0
Hat down cross town living like a rock star spend a lot of money on my brand new guitar

xKeremStrafee_ 23/07/2019 11:23
0 0
not bad

gigantosaurio450 23/07/2019 00:29
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Articuno474 20/07/2019 22:46
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Does it work?

druggedfeels 20/07/2019 17:19
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sgioy253 20/07/2019 15:43
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KingCharleston 17/07/2019 12:43
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Fair enough

NemanjaKing2321312 16/07/2019 12:13
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GAME_AFON 15/07/2019 10:03
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jmnune 14/07/2019 13:32
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Coolsunshine1471 13/07/2019 10:53
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how do u play evilcraft LOL

skuizy 10/07/2019 23:58
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soy un crak

Saschok20 09/07/2019 03:07
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просто у меня работает

Saschok20 09/07/2019 03:07
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простой майнкрафт будет работать с модами

Soton 10/05/2019 12:29
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Deniskaaliev2012 08/05/2019 20:01
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укавыаавппегртрппнраоарне павпвыапрявкрвке к ев кн явк нч еааг чаегш пн шргщпр гщ ригщ

pernaty666 05/05/2019 07:51
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AntonCool091 06/04/2019 07:09
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6263165463265 05/04/2019 06:55
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непонравился мод почему небуду говорить

Crossik 30/03/2019 22:31
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Forge это специальное дополнение,которое позовляет другим модам вписывать свой код в игру.Без форджа или других "пропусков" на ваниле с модами играть невозможно.

MexVod5748 28/03/2019 13:10
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ste2662: я если не скачивать майн вобще мод будет работать?(без форджа не один мод работать не будет)

ste2662 27/03/2019 02:45
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ентиресно если не установить forg мод будет в майнкрафт?

LeraTur21 25/03/2019 18:29
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