
Hunter's Dream for Minecraft 1.12.2

Hunter's Dream 1.12.2 screenshot 1With the advent of a new Hunter's Dream modification for 1.12.2 version of Minecraft you can now not be bored at all and engage in real hunting.

It will not be a simple hunt for ordinary wild animals, though, but a real fight with huge supernatural creatures. The mod adds to the game special equipment for hunting, as well as a beautiful silver arsenal. Scary werewolves and artful hunters for them will be quickly spawning in the world. Here events happen very quickly, try not to miss anything and take an active part in everything.

Hunter's Dream 1.12.2 screenshot 4

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Minecraft Forge (In the launcher you can select the version with it).

Second step: download the modification.

Third step: copy the package Hunter's Dream in section .minecraft/mods (if this folder does not exist, install Rift again or create it yourself).


Comments (31)

dani_gamer5 27/04/2023 10:59
0 0
hm i like it

SAHI999_YT 09/11/2021 17:30
0 0
Bro thats FAKE

SLAVA20091216 02/05/2021 15:10
0 0
мод рили норм

SLAVA20091216 02/05/2021 15:08
0 0
мод рили норм

shour123 26/03/2021 16:59
0 0
nice nice hm

SytheGaming 24/03/2021 05:43
0 0
I will play with my friend

Hermitage_ 24/03/2021 02:44
0 0
Hunters dream?

Liounl 19/03/2021 04:24
0 0
hunters vs speed runners hmm..

gangdev 08/03/2021 15:54
0 0
it was op nice

frostghost111 10/11/2020 09:44
0 0
gg gamemod

NXBgaming 18/08/2020 15:22
0 1
dm dm dm dm

wertyui642u 16/06/2020 09:32
0 0

mamuk 28/04/2020 18:41
0 0
! like veri good thanks boy veri good

Zsello 14/04/2020 18:20
0 0

DucNhatBB 18/02/2020 10:37
0 0

javiruxomg01 16/02/2020 12:31
0 0

bintem 17/01/2020 16:44
0 0

bintem 17/01/2020 16:32
0 0

Reeeman 04/12/2019 02:34
0 0

Aly_Diskord 12/11/2019 12:08
0 0
норма мод, правда в вживании приходиться попотеть

Sasha_Craft2008 09/11/2019 20:31
0 0
а на виживания как ето сделать

oyunservisi 09/11/2019 15:24
0 0

AJPLAYZ29 08/11/2019 02:31
0 0
english plz?

spoiler_141 03/11/2019 16:46
0 0
что пишет эта девка а?

BLUEASASIN 26/10/2019 20:03
0 0

WOLFtami 21/10/2019 19:36
0 0
amuyg joó direkt írom úgy hogy jou

WOLFtami 21/10/2019 19:36
0 0
ez nem joú

Aidcrak 21/10/2019 17:28
0 0
esta muy chetardo y almismo tienpo mierda

KindaKrayons 17/10/2019 09:10
0 0
lolz hehe

tagam25TL 11/10/2019 10:04
0 0
мне рависа

tagam25TL 11/10/2019 10:03
0 0
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