
Just Another Ruby for Minecraft 1.12.2

Just Another Ruby screenshot 1Just Another Ruby for Minecraft 1.12.2 is a mod that will add several interesting blocks and items to the game. There will be a lot of gems, and one of them will be a ruby. You can use a pickaxe to get it in the regular world. Ruby is a valuable item, and you can use it to create a block or as a decoration. 

Just Another Ruby screenshot 2

Besides, you can use your ruby as a structure for a lighthouse. What’s more, the mod has a prismarine helmet, which allows you to get the effect of water breathing and night vision. Apart from this, you will get a unique opportunity to create armor and tools from emerald and lapis lazuli. Have you long dreamed of diversifying your game world? Hurry up to download this add-on and make your world even more exciting!

Just Another Ruby screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Just Another Ruby mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).



Uron_v29/10/2023 21:02
фигня полная
Looper_77726/04/2023 12:57
Furrito_00022/12/2022 03:10
Me gusto mucho el mod gracias por la creación de el.
FutureChel26/10/2022 06:29
Норм модик :)
FutureChel26/10/2022 06:29
Норм модик :)
Dasmas19k17/10/2022 08:32
Как скопировать пакет мода?
p0midozik24/09/2022 17:00
Epic mode, but its hard to get on survival. :(