
Missing Pieces for Minecraft 1.12.2

Missing Pieces screenshot 1To erect truly unique and interesting structures, it is enough to use a variety of mods. When it comes to Minecraft, add-ons provide a whole gamut of possibilities and positive emotions. Thanks to all this, you will have the opportunity to actively use a lot of additional decorative items that you will be surely handy in the future. 

Missing Pieces screenshot 2

It will be enough just to use the Missing Pieces mod for Minecraft and start exploring the range of the available content. We are sure that all this will be a great opportunity to have a good time and erect truly unique structures. Enjoy the mod!

Missing Pieces screenshot3

Missing Pieces screenshot 4

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Missing Pieces mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (19)

kostyapashenkoukr 20/08/2018 10:19
0 0
Прикольный мод! Хотя бы можно декорации поставить в доме.

TheKIMAI2 16/06/2018 18:11
0 0
Живу, играю, умираю)

Klo4kovaVika 05/05/2018 07:46
0 0

dancer-powerr 27/04/2018 10:08
0 0
мод надо ставить так 1. нажмите 2 правой мышкой на майнкрафт. 2. если у вас стоит версия 1.12.2 Forge то мод пойдёт 3. нажмите левой кнопкой мыши потом когда появиться разрышение файлов папка мод . 4.в папку мод перекинте мод . нажмите ок и играйте п

turkey1duck 25/04/2018 11:40
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Strawberryyss 21/04/2018 23:03
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triadora2010YT 18/04/2018 12:57
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:D ну круто! оценка 10из10

676423 14/04/2018 16:19
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7я тоже

676423 14/04/2018 16:17
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676423 14/04/2018 16:00
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676423 14/04/2018 15:35
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nick2008 13/04/2018 18:24
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Vladok-ok 13/04/2018 07:36
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и чтобы они работали :)

Vladok-ok 13/04/2018 07:35
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а я умею качать моды

__MARGO__ 12/04/2018 11:49
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__MARGO__ 12/04/2018 11:48
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как поставить мод ?

GTRAQTG 12/04/2018 11:12
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как ставить мод

FABRIK888 10/04/2018 17:08
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как ставить мод

nastja123456 10/04/2018 15:34
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