
More Shearables for Minecraft 1.12.2

More Shearables скриншот 1More Shearables 1.12.2 mod for Minecraft is a very interesting add-on, which slightly expands the usual rules of the cubic universe. The key emphasis of the modification is made on interactions with farm animals.

Shearables 1.12.2 modification for Minecraft allows gamers to shear pets, including: sheep, chickens, pigs and other farm animals. It is noteworthy that each trimmed pet drops resources: skin, fluff, etc. Using new resources, it is possible to make a funny pig skin armor, which will look quite comical.

More Shearables скриншот 2

More Shearables скриншот 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Minecraft Forge (In the launcher you can select the version with it).

Second step: download the modification.

Third step: copy the package More Shearables in section .minecraft/mods (if this folder does not exist, install Rift again or create it yourself).


Comments (23)

Glencito 10/03/2021 00:26
0 0
ta weno4t4t44te4te4te4t4et

Glencito 10/03/2021 00:26
0 0
ta weno4t4t44te4te4te4t4et

yuriplays456 13/10/2020 17:03
0 0
the mod are good

QENBERTR 08/08/2020 09:30
0 0
duxbhxblhlxkjvxjvx buhushdhfsfhdjdhdkfuhkjhfkdhfjvkdfhckj nvnkjhdvnkjhfdvncducvhduvcv hjdvhdjvhjxvhcdhxkcjvcnxmdbvdb siktirxjfkf

QENBERTR 08/08/2020 09:29
0 0

_G0rd0n_ 21/07/2020 09:03
0 0
dziwne, ale pomocne :)

5albous 22/05/2020 11:58
0 0
what! its not awesome

Martinshu 16/05/2020 18:14
0 0
ta weno

diegolsss 29/04/2020 02:14
0 0

tntBoy_1999 14/03/2020 03:22
0 0

LegendBrat 14/09/2019 08:23
0 0
how can i use this?

jueurtue 03/09/2019 07:38
0 0
it doesnt work!

VANYAD 07/08/2019 09:41
0 0
this is not working its not there in my Minecraft world what should I do!

FlyinBurrito 29/07/2019 19:58
0 0
RUssian faggots

Hubsek0302 16/07/2019 17:51
0 0
супер мод хе-хе

poopyman12334421 13/07/2019 10:57
0 0
Вы должны добавить золотые ножницы !

ferewer 29/12/2018 06:25
0 0
скачиваете мод который показывает рецепты крафтов и научитесь крафтить их

Rodion_2010 19/12/2018 13:46
0 0
ета мод крутой

Marina_Milers 04/11/2018 14:07
0 0

Yarobrine 04/11/2018 06:16
0 0
как скачать его!

gumk 02/11/2018 04:14
0 0

maxsim33334444 31/10/2018 07:25
0 0
как зделать нозницы алмазовы

Garuspm 29/10/2018 14:55
0 0
как скрафтить золотые ножницы