
Cyclic for Minecraft 1.14.4

Cyclic 1.14.4 screenshot 1Good and very interesting modification Cyclic for 1.14.4 version attracts the attention of players by adding a large and varied number of blocks, useful items needed by players during the play.

Added such feature as tiles, the properties of which boil down to the fact that they have the effect of attraction of objects, a trampoline tile and a conveyer tile. Let's list some mod additions that may be useful for you: new potions, a fishing net, dynamite, carrots for horses to improve, blocks for harvesting your crop and many other things.

Cyclic 1.14.4 screenshot 2

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Cyclic mod package to the .minecraft / mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (75)

Kecha35 17/11/2020 16:04
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diamanpro 19/08/2020 19:41
0 0
o no me deja usar el mod o no se como usarlo

bachachan068 17/04/2020 22:46
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e´ta super shidori

flflflflflfl 28/03/2020 10:07
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там не все блоки.

WeirQ 01/03/2020 01:29
0 0
i have chroma

NOSHUTUP 27/02/2020 22:00
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hello darkness

salman_GOSALMAN 27/02/2020 12:40
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Fade_Bruh 13/02/2020 14:51
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I think its good mod.

Virgulaaaaa 12/01/2020 15:52
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shadowise47 10/01/2020 16:06
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luisdaniel251109 10/01/2020 03:57
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e legau

jason360 07/01/2020 19:40
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RedStalker1206 23/12/2019 13:48
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para poner mods hay que instalar forge

RedStalker1206 23/12/2019 13:46
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el mod esta muy bueno

labakalola 14/12/2019 23:23
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no se poner mods por favor me explican

labakalola 14/12/2019 23:23
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no se poner mods por favor me explican

mepicalcul0 10/12/2019 15:28
0 0
No se poner mods si me explican :'v

dante8 09/12/2019 00:16
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BeaRainbow 07/12/2019 23:33
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luiscar 05/12/2019 23:53
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DiegoOPxDggOmega 05/12/2019 22:04
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no lo probe y ya comente XD

ultrarojo500 05/12/2019 14:32
0 0
WOW es muy bueno este mod :D

RussianDa 28/11/2019 22:33
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xXzairCRXx 25/11/2019 19:32
0 0
buen mod

seef123max 25/11/2019 09:38
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Razvanbosut 22/11/2019 13:25
0 0

UwUkawai 20/11/2019 23:48
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hola :v todos por wakanda XD

alisemi2006 20/11/2019 20:23
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OPlvl7 19/11/2019 21:03
0 0
not bad its a good yup very good

Vukkkk1234 19/11/2019 20:58
0 0
god games Minecraft

scxlez_YT 18/11/2019 01:42
0 0
i love this loncher

Ma_Panda227 17/11/2019 11:21
0 0

JayKowski 17/11/2019 09:51
0 0
omg omg omg

Tamidakid_2009 16/11/2019 15:31
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Tamidakid_2009 16/11/2019 15:30
0 0
oh. this can NOT DOWNLOADING?!

isaaccevalle 15/11/2019 16:15
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Hermosiisimo :v

Anibalexboy 13/11/2019 03:33
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jaja que bacan el mod un saludo a mi compa rubius

WithergamingMC56 12/11/2019 19:26
0 0
this launcher for minecraft is awsome

MEGADROD 11/11/2019 16:56
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sin palabras =/

tdsss555444 10/11/2019 04:10
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lalalinda123gg 09/11/2019 17:46
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Tamidakid_2009 08/11/2019 18:00
0 0
this can not downloading! :(

diogogame09 03/11/2019 20:06
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vou ve se dar serto cabei de abaixar

Tamidakid_2009 03/11/2019 08:01
0 0
the cyclic mod for minecraft can not downloading! :(

KaczorV2 01/11/2019 08:39
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KaczorV2 01/11/2019 08:39
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KaczorV2 01/11/2019 08:39
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Tamidakid_2009 30/10/2019 08:53
0 0
ist very cool

jaden10754 26/10/2019 21:42
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MORGEHSTERH 26/10/2019 15:31
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aldwinraine 21/10/2019 10:31
0 0
how do you install fabric

10122009 18/10/2019 14:26
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FareMasterXD2020 18/10/2019 14:23
0 0
so cool

playergamer2233 16/10/2019 19:55
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crepeer_lime 16/10/2019 16:52
0 0
Nice ladder is so cool

Uragan1207 15/10/2019 13:49
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Uragan1207 15/10/2019 13:22
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romnick8015 14/10/2019 13:19
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XxvictorxXDXx 13/10/2019 13:11
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dog man

XxvictorxXDXx 13/10/2019 13:03
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AlexPenguin 12/10/2019 11:16
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montano96 12/10/2019 10:49
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BANANA_21 12/10/2019 08:22
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santinodekarito123 12/10/2019 03:41
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el megor mod le doy un 10

middevilgamer_dz 11/10/2019 20:53
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xXWhyXx 11/10/2019 20:37
0 0
no se poner mods xd

BAMBUS01 11/10/2019 19:10
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gabrielpulamuro 10/10/2019 16:04
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wuijad 10/10/2019 13:41
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que chulo el creador es crack

wuijad 10/10/2019 13:41
0 0
que chulo el creador es crack

Finulet 10/10/2019 13:29
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kitte101 10/10/2019 12:39
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zukaplayzzz 10/10/2019 04:15
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яглф 547

zukaplayzzz 10/10/2019 04:15
0 0
яглф 547

mato5843 09/10/2019 19:00
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