
Extra Golems for Minecraft 1.14

Extra Golems screenshot 1If you want to actively use new features in the game expanses, it will be enough to apply the mods. One of them is the Extra Golems 1.14 mod for Minecraft that allows you to create and control powerful golems. They can be created from a variety of materials and resources and then used as the defenders or scouts. 

Extra Golems screenshot 2

If you use golems correctly, you will be able to significantly improve the gameplay efficiency and just discover a lot of new and interesting content. The golems will be a nice addition to the in-game atmosphere.

Extra Golems screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Extra Golems mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (13)

miguelitoayala2023 30/10/2023 19:48
0 1
Hola yo17901yo

miguelitoayala2023 30/10/2023 19:48
0 1
Hola yo17901yo

hugoem803 23/05/2021 23:52
0 0
hola brhotera xd xd no se por que todos disen eso! xd xd xd .

Nimdavi09 22/03/2021 11:39
0 0
mt loko na moralzinha

Me170901Me 17/10/2020 15:53
0 0
hola brothers

gaminglighthing 12/09/2020 01:33
0 0
hola brothers !

gamerpro345 09/09/2020 18:45
0 0
muito bom esse mod muito bom ou melho

EDTHEBOSSGamer 29/05/2020 11:43
0 0
hola brothers

daniilb2211 23/05/2020 18:43
0 0
у меня почемуто не открывается файл с модами

kirill194q 11/03/2020 19:20
0 0

9317 10/12/2019 16:38
0 0

Dimamus2020 02/12/2019 14:07
0 0

Diana_5_4_2008 29/11/2019 10:59
0 0