
Item Scroller for Minecraft 1.14

Item Scroller screenshot 1Gradually, as you begin to discover a lot of interesting and unique locations in the game, the inventory begins to be filled up with various resources and items. Eventually, the problem arises that boils down to the fact that it becomes not so convenient to move or store them. 

Item Scroller screenshot 2

Therefore, for convenience, we suggest using Item Scroller 1.14 for Minecraft. This improvement makes it possible to easily use the settings panel where you can set additional buttons for moving items. It remains only to enjoy a favorable atmosphere and start applying new functions.

Item Scroller screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Item Scroller mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (5)

mackarrones 25/03/2022 22:58
0 0
vижу ничео обздатель маина и грздатель маина и грздатель маина и грм саздатель маина и гриф м нивижу ничео общего ї хам саздатель маина и гриф м нивижу ничео общего ї ха

dagmaraban11 09/09/2020 18:49
0 0
wow wowoowowowowowoowowowowoow

JakerPro 08/12/2019 08:47
0 0

KoNe_Na_VeLiKe 24/11/2019 18:00
0 0
ем саздатель маина и гриф м нивижу ничео общего ї хахахахах я пашутил:))

Dhast261 23/11/2019 10:30
0 0
с техпор как я скачал етат мод я стал ГРИФЕРИТЬ !