
Last Played Logger for Minecraft 1.14.4

Last Played Logger screenshot 1If you love to have a good time and enjoy detailed statistics of your achievements, it will be enough just to consider using the Last Played Logger add-on for Minecraft. This time you will have just to enjoy the new environment and automatic tables that will contain logs recording the network activity of players. 

Think that such a feature is useless? Try to not rush with your decisions and simply enjoy each game moment. What exactly the meaning and purpose it will have is solely up to you. We wish you good luck!

Last Played Logger screenshot 2

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Last Played Logger mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


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