
Pandoras Creatures for Minecraft 1.14.4

Pandoras Creatures 1.14.4 screenshot 1The Pandoras Creatures mod was released for 1.14.4 version, which is still at a certain stage of development, but already adds a completely new and independently designed mobs to the game, which have unique models, unusual sound, as well as an interesting animation.

Those mobs, which you can already meet on your path, should be mentioned. It may be dancing crabs or hellhounds. There is one the mysterious character, which description resembles on a mixture of a golem and a spider (which can be called a mini-boss). From the drop of this creature you will obtain a great hammer.

Pandoras Creatures 1.14.4 screenshot 2

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Pandoras Creatures mod package to the .minecraft / mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (23)

majorhasaan 28/03/2020 21:34
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fraxner 29/02/2020 02:39
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yo quiero sabe como pero como lo meto aljuego

fraxner 29/02/2020 02:25
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a hasi como se mete al juego XD

fraxner 29/02/2020 02:24
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yo quiero sabe como pero como lo meto aljuego

Lasalvaje1609 27/01/2020 14:02
0 0
ok gracias y por cierto soy nueva :|

dum_v1 16/01/2020 18:34
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si quieren meterlo al juego tienen que abrir la carpeta del launcher y meter en la carpeta de los mods

Ziemnnniak 12/01/2020 20:53
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Roti12 03/01/2020 04:51
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Indisius 17/12/2019 23:49
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andres_felipe_ 16/12/2019 16:46
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como lo meto al juego

Yasuiced 01/12/2019 22:58
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como lo meto al juego ??

hanskibananskilol 11/11/2019 14:43
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i cant install it

Pata_Rata_Kun 09/11/2019 11:07
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интересно интересно

Freak277 15/10/2019 11:17
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Unnm Interesante, a probarlo! :3

romnick8015 14/10/2019 13:20
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Nuparo 12/10/2019 19:39
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como se instalan los mods ?

vladilez19 11/10/2019 22:17
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ira_korobo4ek 10/10/2019 18:24
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zzzzzw 10/10/2019 12:29
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кротый мод и если я неперипото то крутые кравбы нгнгшггшщгмернргрптоьриптргпрщлтг я робоптичка

zzzzzw 10/10/2019 12:28
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а чото биб буб ашибка ашибка я робат я ра душегп

zzzzzw 10/10/2019 12:26
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а чото биб буб ашыбка ашыбка я робат я ра душегп

repzvfvf 09/10/2019 17:36
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28015801 06/10/2019 05:52
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