
Candy Craft for Minecraft 1.15.2

Candy Craft screenshot 1We continue to please the Minecraft game with various add-ons and improvements. For example, today you will have the opportunity to use the Candy Craft modpack for Minecraft. It is unique in that it offers a variety of interesting content types. 

Candy Craft screenshot 2

Thus, now you will have the opportunity to go on an amazing adventure and try to achieve a favorable development level. But at first, we recommend adapting to all the available conditions and only then start evaluating all the available options for active playing. In short, just explore the content and have a good time. We wish you good luck!

Candy Craft screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Candy Craft mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (58)

VictoriaCristal20 28/03/2021 21:58
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se nota que el mod si es real y esta producido, pero no carga en el juego

sherks_doge 22/12/2020 08:01
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the mod doesn't even load lol

Rainbowcakes158 17/12/2020 07:50
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i love this game its so fun!

MrDima4404 13/10/2020 12:06
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с этом модом играли фиксай и копот!1

Valerychan 09/09/2020 18:20
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Valerychan 09/09/2020 18:15
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ok nu xd

Valerychan 09/09/2020 18:14
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si no funciona elimino el arhibo >:v

Valerychan 09/09/2020 18:12
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a nu es q no descargue el mod :V

Valerychan 09/09/2020 18:11
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Valerychan 09/09/2020 18:11
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weno mejor no lo descargo por que esta cosa horrible se cerro >:v

Valerychan 09/09/2020 18:06
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ni yo sabia que eso era un mod y yo como una tonta buscando mil cosas de como entrar al mundo candy >:,v

luiz88299 21/08/2020 12:57
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cara o mod não funciona eu abro o mundo e não tem nada serio arruma esse ploblema não dá

luiz88299 21/08/2020 12:56
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cara o mod não funciona eu abro o mundo e não tem nada serio arruma esse ploblema não dá

dan1209 11/08/2020 23:22
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nem da pa bota :v

AycerGamerYT 31/07/2020 12:49
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thanks its cool mod

iisaataa 22/07/2020 23:00
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Como lo puedo poner en minecraft? :v

matejabro 16/07/2020 21:36
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thanks good mods

selokkkkk 10/07/2020 22:02
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bem lixo achei que ia adicionar um portal e etc mas n

LilSpleafy 05/07/2020 07:38
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miprox 30/06/2020 19:50
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muy bueno

samgamer512 26/06/2020 08:21
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Cool horible it crased my minecraft:(

Neil5483 23/06/2020 12:56
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thanks your dumb

Neil5483 23/06/2020 12:56
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thanks your dumb

NobVici 23/06/2020 08:49
0 0
isfd9uer9rg98euhfrt8hgi0r9ig0r0'ites peepeepoopoohahapee

bia_games000 21/06/2020 21:53
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mithizinhoken: respondendo ksksk: ai vou baixar agr é muito foda AI EU NSEI me dige ;^;

umarsapi123 20/06/2020 07:52
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Marrionetefnaf 18/06/2020 14:08
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скачала сейчас опробую)

LunaRebon 18/06/2020 01:31
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ta muy weno UwU

satriatria 17/06/2020 04:50
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cool sfhjsahfjaksfjkshfakjs

criscraft88 17/06/2020 02:01
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muy weno

jacker2245 16/06/2020 18:58
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como lo hago

kpzera1 16/06/2020 02:40
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mithizinhoken 14/06/2020 16:37
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é o melhor mod é o mais fofo =3 amei

ChiassaNeru 14/06/2020 16:21
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me encantó jeje

Jeeslyn 13/06/2020 03:27
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mine doesn't work

Terry_ReeP 11/06/2020 03:17
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как открыть ?

Cristofher456 09/06/2020 21:47
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dnbenas jhcshhakjabhsasajhzghshgsh

anlucofe 09/06/2020 20:07
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donde se descarga Fabric y Fabric API ?

m_a_l_an_eta 09/06/2020 18:02
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gostei amuh

Historia_Reiss12 09/06/2020 17:33
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que bonito

rovituilz 09/06/2020 10:23
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coco agradesse

Frangocomcatupiri 08/06/2020 20:11
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oi tendi mani caranba

jcutiepie4059 08/06/2020 08:49
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I cant find any of those folders

XxSoFyxX 07/06/2020 09:48
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;0 Este mod me encanta, antes ni siquiera podia instalarlo porque era para otra version ;"( pero ahora gracias a ti si puedo disfrutar del mod sin problemas! Gracias te re jamo <3

Nubdelnub 06/06/2020 20:33
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es lo mejor que vi

bagetka22 06/06/2020 09:59
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:3 its pretty xdd

UltimateCreeper 06/06/2020 02:54
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good game

SunHeep 05/06/2020 19:04
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Pvtos :D ghghhbnbvgghgfg

ghbhamed9 05/06/2020 01:02
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i tray it

thejoker38 03/06/2020 18:25
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gg oladı

pacapremi 01/06/2020 02:13
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no funciona

ZBEZDA_ADA 31/05/2020 17:26
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супер мне нравиться продолжайте в том же духе!

nikolaxd13 31/05/2020 17:16
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oksa gg easy

Switchplay124 31/05/2020 16:22
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why to load a world in 1.13.2 it takes so long!

milu_patata 29/05/2020 23:12
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no se si me fucionara unu estoy nerviosa

NICOLAS9021 28/05/2020 06:56
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ami no me funsiona no se que pasa

Namer-gemar 27/05/2020 15:36
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alikurt007 27/05/2020 13:32
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minecraft candy craft