
Dungeon Crawl for Minecraft 1.15.2

Dungeon Crawl screenshot 1If you like to explore various dungeons, we suggest that you do not waste time and be sure to use the Dungeon Crawl mod for Minecraft. Thanks to it, you will be able to find a pastime for yourself as the game will have a lot of different and interesting locations to explore. 

Dungeon Crawl screenshot 2

For example, now you can enjoy a particular dungeon or discover extraordinary fort with monsters. In any case, you will have the opportunity to enjoy new experiences and just achieve success in the game. Just fight, look for treasures and prove that you are a true hero. We wish you good luck!

Dungeon Crawl screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Dungeon Crawl mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (4)

KoP4Ik_TiP4Ik 28/10/2020 08:34
0 0
шаулинский манах

ArmenGames 20/04/2020 11:56
0 0
прикольный мод!

amelvczka 26/03/2020 12:25
0 0
Czy jest to dla dwóch osób ?

DarkNight459 23/03/2020 14:00
0 0
я первый и кстати мод очень крутой