
Ender Chested for Minecraft 1.15.2

Ender Chested screenshot 1Ender Chested is a very simple mod that will allow you to equip  a horse with an ender chest. You will be able to use any horse. This function is hightly useful, as it allows one to get items from an ender chest right while riding a horse. 

Ender Chested screenshot 2

Moreover, if you installed the mod correctly, the chests should be visible even on modified horses. This is the sole feature of the mod as it implies only one innovation. It should be compatible with other mods without causing any bugs.

Ender Chested screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Ender Chested mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


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