
Pokecube for Minecraft 1.15.2

Pokecube screenshot 1Pokecube for Minecraft is a universal modpack mainly focused exclusively on using updated items and even mega-options that can destroy entire continents. Yes, most of the add-ons are specific, but you will still get the most out of the gameplay. 

Pokecube screenshot 2

The modder tried to form the pack exclusively from those mods that can become a great discovery for you because the power of the items will be incredible and provide the possibility even to destroy entire islands. As for the remaining content, you will explore it yourself, so we just wish you a good mood!

Pokecube screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Pokecube mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (25)

rafael1gamer 16/12/2021 23:57
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no se como funciona

japnoor777 22/05/2021 14:26
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Its really cool

XxmoixX 14/02/2021 16:11
0 0
i dont know how to add to a server

WafflesMan 28/11/2020 21:49
0 0
know, this resource pack is function and work

hydrodragon10000 10/10/2020 17:53
0 0
how does this mod work im lost

hydrodragon10000 10/10/2020 17:53
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how does this mod work im lost

hydrodragon10000 10/10/2020 17:53
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how does this mod work im lost

hydrodragon10000 10/10/2020 17:53
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how does this mod work im lost

hydrodragon10000 10/10/2020 17:53
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how does this mod work im lost

hydrodragon10000 10/10/2020 17:53
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how does this mod work im lost

xjuanx_YT 15/08/2020 14:31
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el peor mod es mejor pixelmon

NewFissy 22/07/2020 00:04
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ta bien

SauElnob 17/06/2020 14:02
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The best mod in the world

Radack 13/06/2020 00:21
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Requer Bubbles Mod que é para colocar os bla bla

FranklinJosue829 10/06/2020 17:56
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no entiendo como poner el mod

jCOBxD 06/06/2020 15:29
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modnya kayak pixelmon?

Santy235 05/06/2020 19:35
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como lo uso al mod? como me lo pongo jaja?

wyfvdfshdggkabf55 03/06/2020 12:03
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XxKODPRROxX 27/05/2020 17:41
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loooooooon 27/05/2020 16:06
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maxim5239 26/05/2020 05:39
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где покеболы

fedejr 25/05/2020 21:17
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es el mejor mod del mundo

jksama479 25/05/2020 19:44
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i laugh at this mod

cotoznaczytgg 25/05/2020 15:52
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so pokebole ?

cotoznaczytgg 25/05/2020 15:50
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so pokebole ?