
Iron Chests for Minecraft 1.16.1

Iron Chests screenshot 1To optimize the storage system in the Minecraft game expanses, it is enough to effectively apply various add-ons. For example, today you will have the opportunity to use the Iron Chests mod for Minecraft that adds a large number of various chests to the game expanses, designed to store particular resources.

Iron Chests screenshot 2

Especially for this purpose, you will just need to craft these chests and try to test their storage system. At the same time, all the crafted chests will please with a large capacity and visual display of distribution.

Iron Chests screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Iron Chests mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (19)

Daniel20132023 17/11/2023 17:40
0 0
I want for 1.16.5 pls

kola-kola 28/04/2022 13:06
0 0

Manas81 20/02/2022 08:17
0 0
i want this for 1.18.1 plz upgrade it and its very nice

shivanshbhatia 31/12/2021 09:15
0 0
j jdwadnwankd

LeoGamerXa3015 16/11/2020 19:21
0 0
verdad coño maldito youtube

fraxner 07/11/2020 20:39
0 0
Maldito You tube

fraxner 07/11/2020 20:38
0 0
Y yo soy la princesita Sofia como crees yo soy un puto jugado que está modificando Minecraft y no te creo

spacealien365 25/09/2020 14:20
0 0

icepeach 30/08/2020 00:22
0 0
крутой мод. все работает

Yara_2012 11/08/2020 15:56
0 0

Godbiel_owo 07/08/2020 19:04
0 0
Hola a Todos como mode de mincraft

ProstoGreenWolf_YTmm 28/07/2020 11:09
0 0
hi im youtuber

Krizenchik_Pro 25/07/2020 08:21
0 0
мод крутои но зделаите мод комес аливе на 1.16.1

loquendo99102 22/07/2020 02:42
0 0
es la misma mierda que la otra pagina que habia visitado antes

Unicorn39 20/07/2020 17:18
0 0
прив мод плохое

NikMayor555 17/07/2020 19:22
0 0

nika2223 17/07/2020 11:18
0 0

Wacum 12/07/2020 17:46
0 0
покааххахахахахахахахахха лалка

ZIKFAMAS 12/07/2020 04:03
0 0