
Just Enough Items for Minecraft 1.16.1

Just Enough Items screenshot 1Just Enough Items for Minecraft is a great opportunity to get a powerful tool for viewing all existing items and recipes. Previously, there was such a mod, but it was not so stable and functional. Now the situation has changed, and you will have the opportunity to ensure favorable gameplay.

Just Enough Items screenshot 2

Now the main database will please you with its content and broad functionality because you will be able to view the recipe at any time and craft all the necessary items for yourself, quite clearly and effectively. We wish you a pleasant game and a great mood.

Just Enough Items screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Just Enough Items mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (19)

AhmedMayallow 18/01/2022 14:59
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Ahmed Mayallow

DeadcoolBlack175 17/08/2021 23:30
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sirve para la 1.16.5?

JosherIsFun 21/05/2021 05:14
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why does it say only for minecraft

Misha2154 17/10/2020 13:22
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e boi!

shimalia 08/09/2020 09:11
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i love this mod this is very good and cool

lulu7654 07/09/2020 20:04
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muy bueno el mod

BeCraftMeBoi 01/09/2020 14:15
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also stalin raided the comments too

BeCraftMeBoi 01/09/2020 14:15
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fransico franco and his bois have raided the comment section lol

rayane521 30/08/2020 11:12
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hi guys join slug club

AnimationThat00X 24/08/2020 18:35
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A mi me parece guay

agusgaming2009 22/08/2020 16:39
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no entendi mucho de la descarga

agusgaming2009 22/08/2020 16:38
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no entendi mucho de la descarga

Hacker1237 12/08/2020 11:26
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good mod for minecraft

kamiloskina 04/08/2020 23:04
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А как им пользоваться?)

beckbroender 04/08/2020 11:39
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w0rsma 28/07/2020 22:17
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я его качаю:/

_Valentin2008_ 17/07/2020 21:24
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а можна сделать на java а не на fabrik

Semo4kaYT 13/07/2020 07:49
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Мда, есть что-то такое)

kiryha123123 12/07/2020 11:02
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я этот мод искал пол года классный мод