
Mutant Beasts for Minecraft 1.16.4

Mutant Beasts screenshot 1If the Minecraft world started to seem to you as simple as possible, and you do not experience problems while traveling around it anymore, then we suggest you just to apply the Mutant Beasts add-on for Minecraft that will allow you to easily use various interesting opportunities in terms of active confrontation with new enemies. 

Mutant Beasts screenshot 2

This time you will have to use all your skills and knowledge to fight against large and dangerous mutant mobs. Some types have undergone mutation and are now craving for destruction, so you will have to promptly react to them and try to use any of your opportunities to achieve a good result. Be extremely careful!

Mutant Beasts screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Mutant Beasts mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (64)

Flavio1233 12/01/2023 00:35
0 0
wow the mutant creeper is crazy explotion

sang123sang 19/07/2022 07:42
0 0
wow so cool the zombie

AlDRANIC 01/05/2022 07:57
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what is the mod file

TZEninja 06/09/2021 03:35
0 0
wow so cool the seleton ⊙⊙ V

TZEninja 06/09/2021 03:34
0 0
wow so cool (⊙_⊙;)

gregariousepoch 09/07/2021 16:16
0 0
So cool! Thanks!

gregariousepoch 09/07/2021 16:16
0 0
So cool! Thanks!

NatanGamingSK 04/05/2021 13:38
0 0
WOW its so cool

AMIRREZANITRO 01/05/2021 07:09
0 0
nice mod i like this

asimoman 24/04/2021 14:30
2 0

Groomingelk 23/04/2021 15:43
0 0

Kingjain96 28/03/2021 16:14
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Kingjain96 28/03/2021 16:13
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It's not going in the list when I am dragging it there>>>> WHY THE HECK IS IT HAPPENING?

kian20202085 28/03/2021 10:02
0 1
good mod the good

FQKER 20/03/2021 07:14
0 0
how do you spawn them?

ycaneter 19/03/2021 05:13
0 0
гавно собачье рилл

Logan--OG 12/03/2021 08:11
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i cannot open the world

Fokcra 23/02/2021 06:24
0 0
я даже устоновить не могу

rols_1232 21/02/2021 10:29
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ну хз много багов как то..

juju122 17/02/2021 11:56
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is there any one that can help

juju122 17/02/2021 11:53
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i dont know how to spawn them

Alpha_century 09/02/2021 13:09
0 0
this mod is very cool, add more difficult to the survival and is funny on servers :)

baklashan2009 06/02/2021 12:27
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jgames008 02/02/2021 09:39
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its very working..bruv..XD

Basical 02/02/2021 07:46
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It's working fine and KingDronzerLegend it works you just need to install fabric API and fabric

KingDronzerLegend 24/01/2021 07:47
0 0
* it! nothing is working tho

KingDronzerLegend 24/01/2021 07:44
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i think they need to upgrade on installing

KingDronzerLegend 24/01/2021 07:42
0 0
this mod is not working

Retab 21/01/2021 12:22
0 0
Настальгический мод так круто сиграть с ним на 1.16

qnxk 20/01/2021 08:26
0 0
best mod i think

EraseMyLife_ 19/01/2021 21:32
0 0
meu pc está falando que o arquivo pode ser corrompido

saviam_haryne 11/01/2021 13:44
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bjr je me demande comment aller dans le mod multi joueur moi quand jy vais j ai ma barre de connexion pleine et je peux pas y entrer quelqu un pourrai mexpliqué?

saviam_haryne 11/01/2021 13:44
0 0
bjr je me demande comment aller dans le mod multi joueur moi quand jy vais j ai ma barre de connexion pleine et je peux pas y entrer quelqu un pourrai mexpliqué?

saviam_haryne 11/01/2021 13:41
0 0
bjr je me demande comment aller dans le mod multi joueur moi quand jy vais j ai ma barre de connexion pleine et je peux pas y entrer quelqu un pourrai mexpliqué?

TheKingRGB 11/01/2021 01:48
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woah its cool but its too easy to kill them all in survival hahahahahaha but great job for making this mod and making the game more exciting

TheKingRGB 11/01/2021 01:48
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woah its cool but its too easy to kill them all in survival hahahahahaha but great job for making this mod and making the game more exciting

saviam_haryne 10/01/2021 23:42
0 0
bjr je me demande comment aller dans le mod multi joueur moi quand j y vais j ai ma bar de connection pleine et je peut pas y entré quelqu un pourrai mexpliqué?

Meedak2008123 10/01/2021 21:50
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u did very great with the mod

Rubius12433YT 10/01/2021 21:12
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tommas55 10/01/2021 11:33
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bello molto bello

52baranpro52 10/01/2021 09:28
0 0
açamadım ki

NeonGamingYT 10/01/2021 01:23
0 0
nice! thanks for mod mutant

Dariusbot84 09/01/2021 14:23
0 0
this is cool

stiivo123 09/01/2021 14:05
0 0
noice ,

balon4 08/01/2021 19:49
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is cool

RicsuBicsu 08/01/2021 13:43
0 0

YusufKrals 08/01/2021 07:53
0 0
en sevdiğim mod lardan biri

cristoneri 08/01/2021 04:48
0 0
its cool

STANDOFFKRAZYYTP 07/01/2021 13:43
0 0
топчик класс просто супер

Error_pog 07/01/2021 07:33
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Im not sure how to download

kohok_228 06/01/2021 07:56
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спосибо сайт крутой буту всегда играть на их лаунчере

Bolillito3000 06/01/2021 03:38
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me puso que puede que la descarga dañe mi ordenador ):

lIllIIIllIIIll 06/01/2021 01:22
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Rehan79_Gamer 05/01/2021 10:09
0 0
This mod is very nice

Rehan79_Gamer 05/01/2021 10:09
0 0
This mod is very nice

jimed67 04/01/2021 11:55
0 0
الموقع جميل وهو افضل موقع

luckyNooB_Yt 04/01/2021 02:02
0 0
incredible mod nice

z3f 02/01/2021 18:34
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YashkaGulyashka 02/01/2021 14:52
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Yuri_16 02/01/2021 12:29
0 0
Nice, played it on older versions and its great!

Bruno_e_felipe_games 30/12/2020 19:29
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my download no working, is true

D_a_n_i_1_k_a123 30/12/2020 18:00
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RAPOSINHA180 30/12/2020 17:12
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Nuraitemirova 30/12/2020 05:02
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я не знаю что писать и что сказать