
Avaritia Furnace for Minecraft 1.16.5

Avaritia Furnace screenshot 1To make your adventure more effective, you just have to install Avaritia Furnace for Minecraft. This modification will make it possible to create a powerful furnace that can be used for various purposes. 

Avaritia Furnace screenshot 2

But the main advantage is that now you can cook, smelt resources, etc. much faster. Don’t underestimate the new furnace! Even though it makes the game easier, it blends in seamlessly with the whole environment. So, don’t miss the opportunity to add it to your game world and get a lot of fun.

Avaritia Furnace screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Avaritia Furnace mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (8)

BIFFTOP 05/11/2023 11:24
0 0

Artik_2 05/01/2023 11:05
0 0
хз пупупупупупупупу

fasbigame 23/11/2022 19:43
0 0
кру то

fasbigame 23/11/2022 19:43
0 0
кру то

fasbigame 23/11/2022 19:43
0 0
кру то

MAKER2ANDRES 12/11/2022 19:11
0 0
Tanck you

trol4954 06/10/2022 14:42
0 0
+что паовдлпшщкрувщпрщварпорлворапшнвшрамирвшарпшруркщращшршщрагшырашгвырашыврашгршгроашпрывгарырагшыаршпровгщрпгврпшгврпшгрвшгрмгшврпгшврпштмлочршгвпоыптвшрпшварпщшвшащпвышарпщшвырщпрыщврпшгыщврпщфенлыр авшщуырагщрывщшгар9ы8шуращшыурфыащрфщшарощшр74237420472309470295730275275983472897598257472гкцуфнке897а98ф7ке9ф7афц97афц7а98ф7цуа897фцу98а7фц7а89фц7уа897фуца87фу7а8797а89УЦ7УА7ау97А97а7А8ц7а87А9ц7а89У7А87а87А87а877878757239872876277583475892379238найдь слово фен

RUF1287 26/09/2022 09:48
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