
Castia Inventory Tools for Minecraft 1.16.5

Castia Inventory Tools screenshot 1Castia Inventory Tools for Minecraft is a special add-on intended exclusively for multiplayer servers. The fact is that this update offers several tools for changing inventory and implementing a system for converting diverse resources.  

Besides, users will be able to get an updated interface, a large number of various improvements, and other interesting details. It remains only to take advantage of this add-on on your server and start to act. Be sure that with this add-on, you are guaranteed to be able to realize your potential. We wish you a pleasant adventure!

Castia Inventory Tools screenshot 2

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Castia Inventory Tools mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (2)

GUM7453 15/01/2022 21:36
0 0
здавствуйте, хочу узнать что за мод используется для вкладок в инвенторе?

GUM7453 15/01/2022 21:35
0 0
здавствуйте, хочу узнать что за мод используется для вкладок в инвенторе?