
Ice and Fire Dragonseeker for Minecraft 1.16.5

Ice and Fire Dragonseeker screenshot 1If you often have to hunt dragons, we invite you to use Ice and Fire Dragonseeker for Minecraft. The main feature of this exclusive add-on is the ability to use various items to track dragons. This mod introduces four equipment options, each with its rarity level. Please remember that you cannot create them. You can only find them in your adventures and use them at your discretion. 

Ice and Fire Dragonseeker screenshot 2

And you shouldn’t rely too much on the result since these pieces of equipment will only help you roughly determine where the dragon is. After that, you should do your best to find it yourself. We wish you a pleasant adventure!

Ice and Fire Dragonseeker screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy Ice and Fire Dragonseeker mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).



khoabear23/06/2024 16:50
mkjsnhbbdbbvgvga bnghvahjvjvus
khoabear23/06/2024 16:50
mkjsnhbbdbbvgvga bnghvahjvjvus