
More Ores for Minecraft 1.16.5

More Ores screenshot 1More Ores for Minecraft is a great opportunity to go on an amazing adventure and try to take advantage of completely new ores. In total, there will be several dozen of them, so they are guaranteed to diversify the gameplay and allow you to implement much more ideas than it may seem at first glance. 

More Ores screenshot 2

Especially for such a purpose, it will be enough to actively use all your opportunities, gradually achieve success, and improve your capabilities not only in construction but also in resource processing. Have a nice game!

More Ores screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the More Ores mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (50)

FxTechGaming 23/03/2022 08:41
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does not work

Gabezz_feliz 01/01/2024 21:29
0 0
@FxTechGaming, cool

Elvac_SH 04/03/2022 11:43
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hope this works :>>>>>>>>

hakihako2012 20/12/2021 13:08
0 0

GM_ZONE 30/10/2021 04:21
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These is best mod ever, I 'cause I killed Ender Dragon just in 10 min :)

Sojith_ 25/10/2021 17:57
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really ?

INEEDMONEY193 20/10/2021 15:50
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is have only 2 ore :(

That1_Kid 12/10/2021 06:32
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It only has 2 ores for me i dont like it

That1_Kid 12/10/2021 06:32
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It only has 2 ores for me i dont like it

PhilippPlayz-1 29/09/2021 17:53
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Its bad and can harm your Pc dont install

Amrutha248 28/09/2021 15:29
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does it work

ayesus2 21/09/2021 01:36
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It doesnt work

ayesus2 21/09/2021 01:36
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It doesnt work

PanPies882 11/09/2021 23:11
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Why i have only 2 ores?

HappySadge 05/08/2021 04:09
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Creeper aww man

tanjiro_deeznuts 31/07/2021 19:16
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it's a good mod

Thiago-2021 30/07/2021 14:15
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Como se instala?

DinoggsYT 28/07/2021 11:07
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yes epic mod

Muaazopha 26/07/2021 12:45
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hope this works

hienghkk_one 26/07/2021 02:21
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nice one man

Xeno387D 21/07/2021 02:45
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QUE PASA NEBROS? Bueno, voy a ver que es esto y si funciona

CIRO3809 15/07/2021 23:27
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a mi no me funciona, for me it doesn't work

Gabezz_feliz 01/01/2024 21:30
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@CIRO3809, cool

CIRO3809 15/07/2021 23:26
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a mi no me funciona, for me it doesn't work

MLBOSS_YT1234 08/07/2021 16:01
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he is cool!

slogoiscooll 08/07/2021 13:51
0 0
noice.this mod is so cool.for funner

PranjalSi1 05/07/2021 05:41
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Is this a good mod

RedYT_ 29/06/2021 06:46
0 0
this mods is so cool

Matiasdino 24/06/2021 20:01
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NO ENTENDI XD me chupa una poya agregame en discord como Mat!as#9936 owo ahi si

LdZvSwx8GUNn3Gf4xo7j 15/06/2021 05:17
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this so good

TrevorC 09/06/2021 20:34
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picky543346 09/06/2021 15:27
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me gusta

lamborjini 09/06/2021 08:06
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bende olmuyor

Aquall_Is1 08/06/2021 15:00
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espero que sean buenos mods

asdajhsduiojkas 07/06/2021 19:42
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THIS MODS working?

iGuney 06/06/2021 17:04
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ye boy muq

iGuney 06/06/2021 17:04
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ye boy muq

AZO_54 06/06/2021 16:50
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hope it is good

AZO_54 06/06/2021 16:48
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hope it is good

Thehamsi 04/06/2021 22:27
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Thehamsi 04/06/2021 22:27
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gerçekten ilginç ama :D

Thehamsi 04/06/2021 22:26
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gerçekten ilginç ama :D

MarwaneGG1 03/06/2021 15:03
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paopier 03/06/2021 00:43
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TheShadowOfNight 02/06/2021 14:00
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cool this mod i will download it now

aditidapro 02/06/2021 12:43
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hi it looks cool

princesauwu2 01/06/2021 19:02
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joelnova 01/06/2021 17:05
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como se usa

Maicol168 30/05/2021 22:45
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ES muy bueno

Niksvideobox 30/05/2021 09:44
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