
Neat for Minecraft 1.16.5

Neat screenshot 1Neat for Minecraft is a great opportunity to have a good time and enjoy each moment of your adventure. All because thanks to such an add-on, it will be possible to expect new information in the form of a special bar indicating mob health status. 

Neat screenshot 2

However, to see it, you will have to get as close as possible and make sure that there are no obstacles between you and a mob. Now you will be able to take advantage of such information and not worry too much about the effectiveness of your adventure. We wish you all the best and great success in your new adventure!

Neat screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Neat mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (38)

1undra 19/08/2024 11:28
1 2

maksuta_solo 12/08/2024 13:11
1 1
У меня не работает не показывает мод хотя он есть в папке

Tapok12pro13 29/07/2024 15:37
0 0

carnations5 09/07/2024 11:50
0 0
крутая штучка класс!

Pavel_Durov79 13/10/2023 11:50
0 0
меф имба хочу ещё

HIKAMORI228 11/10/2023 09:48
0 0
имба спс за мод

szxg228 05/10/2023 10:27
0 0
норм мод

YT_Hovrio 01/09/2023 12:31
0 0

MrReFFYT 24/08/2023 16:08
0 1
не работает

Rompix666 03/08/2023 04:32
0 1
я майнкрафтер ромпекс

miIashkins 14/07/2023 22:26
0 1
деф имба

sasiskaq11455 27/06/2023 17:49
0 1
вот это да

Kvakushka_228 25/06/2023 06:33
0 1
ну ладно

TheDonutYT 07/06/2023 13:47
0 3
на игроков работает?

akimafon 07/06/2023 10:05
1 3
я сасу

akimafon 07/06/2023 10:05
1 1
я сасу

afinka_top 12/05/2023 19:38
1 0
пон омега пон

CAXAP11112 12/05/2023 11:00
0 2
я Коннор и я скачаю это чтобы проверить

chaeyok 20/03/2023 04:31
2 1
хОЧУ [****]АТЬСЯ

AmdjedTRICKY 01/03/2023 21:14
1 2
good nd its nice bro

X_A_C_K_O 27/01/2023 07:10
0 0

MrMarkDiamond1 10/01/2023 05:39
1 0

VLADICKKK44 03/10/2022 19:35
0 0
хз щас проверим

__LATR__ 04/06/2022 13:07
1 0
сum cum cum cum syka 4mo

06042004 03/02/2022 15:53
0 0
Ща буду проверять!

Tomass_R9 26/08/2021 19:56
0 0
me dice q puede dañar mi dipositivo asique no se si es bueno

DarkLightGamerBoi 18/06/2021 06:10
0 0
oof it can harm my device

Laluci24 31/05/2021 12:08
0 0
esta bueno para saber cuando curar a tus mascotas o cuanto falta para matar un mob

KutsalPandaYT 01/05/2021 13:11
0 0
valla hiç bilemedim

shephard2020 01/05/2021 01:26
0 0
me gusto los graficos

DJraf220 10/04/2021 23:18
0 0
muito bom

Nazarko1234 20/03/2021 16:54
0 0
Wow nice mod!

OBAMKA17 10/03/2021 13:34
0 0

smsm6777 10/03/2021 04:50
0 0
it hard for me to activat

KingBubba100 02/03/2021 10:55
0 0

KingBubba100 02/03/2021 10:54
0 0

Alexcrafth 02/03/2021 10:29
0 0
sugma balls

saragato03 01/03/2021 20:39
0 0
me gusto