
Player Mobs for Minecraft 1.16.5

Player Mobs screenshot 1Player Mobs for Minecraft is an interesting mod that allows one to actively evaluate all the new features and just enjoy each game moment. Now there will be much more challenges during your adventures.

Player Mobs screenshot 2

All because there will be hostile mobs that will receive players’ appearance, along with the customizable nicknames, and will follow you . Of course, such an improvement is minor, but it is quite enough to take advantage of the new options for gameplay enhancement. We wish you a good result and all the best!

Player Mobs screenshot 3

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Player Mobs mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (51)

televizionchik 28/12/2023 09:05
0 0

skvud 03/11/2023 05:41
0 0
сделайте для фордж

skvud 03/11/2023 05:41
0 0
сделайте для фордж

skvud 03/11/2023 05:41
0 0
сделайте для фордж

skvud 03/11/2023 05:41
0 0
сделайте для фордж

skvud 03/11/2023 05:41
0 0
сделайте для фордж

skvud 03/11/2023 05:40
0 0
сделайте для фордж

skvud 03/11/2023 05:40
0 0
сделайте для фордж

YounesElcaidiArabic 05/06/2022 14:52
0 0
nice player

minh1602pro 25/05/2022 09:50
0 0
nó rất hay

chikibam2456 13/03/2022 11:51
0 0

King_Goku 12/03/2022 06:23
0 0
coll players

jigoxy 19/02/2022 16:13
0 0
dobry mod bardzo fajny na nagrywanie

DragonFPT2022 13/02/2022 14:33
0 0
đụ mẹ khét

Zanya116 26/01/2022 07:39
0 0
Oh, i love mod! Good!

sarahbouali10 16/12/2022 13:29
0 0
@Zanya116, ,bhki8y

mimi-mochi 07/01/2022 01:59
0 0
ko cho mod vào được

mimi-mochi 07/01/2022 01:56
0 0
khà khà

buroofficial 31/12/2021 06:52
0 0

DreamLmfaoo 11/12/2021 12:29
0 0
Yo this is good to pretend ur doing manhunt lol

Purpleheat 23/11/2021 11:14
0 0

54Goku45 15/11/2021 13:50
0 0
good mode? i kill all players one hit

Laky_2010 04/11/2021 08:18
0 0
good mode

Laky_2010 04/11/2021 08:18
0 0
good mode

Vizziado0_x 24/10/2021 02:53
0 1
xd xd xd xd xd xd xd xd xd xd xd xd

rickyvarasxd 17/09/2021 20:39
0 0
rr8i.gogjrgjijkg md´bk´hihmk opm

robertxel 09/09/2021 16:00
0 0
y aunque hables ingles no te dejare SALIR XD

rambly70 07/09/2021 16:26
0 0

Ameritaion 03/09/2021 07:26
0 0
i check it

EAI1 03/09/2021 01:06
0 0
my minecraft forge crash

EAI1 03/09/2021 01:06
0 0
my minecraft forge crash

Parham4242 28/08/2021 16:03
0 0
they damage player :/

OlafToJa123 25/08/2021 13:33
0 0
oceniam 8/10

itmoonberry 24/08/2021 09:44
0 0
Does'nt Work im done downoad the fabric but still Does'nt Work sorry for my grammar

AddinYT_12 18/08/2021 01:57
0 0
It looks great but does it work?

nutsboi69 17/08/2021 23:15
0 0
my user name is funny right?

Coolplayz_2815 16/08/2021 04:48
0 0
I like it :)

mehrad13A 13/08/2021 15:10
0 0
its is good

Slijler 01/08/2021 06:22
0 0
its look like good

ishansharma051181 27/07/2021 06:23
0 0
I an heroberaem

dream2088 25/07/2021 23:39
0 0
I will Check

shubhanker2008 22/07/2021 16:29
0 0
i will work?

Alex_Gamer_2021 22/07/2021 12:30
0 0
open tl mod click at mod and type player mobs it will come

Criador2 21/07/2021 19:15
0 0
funcionou mais crasho meu mine

Mejusticonic 17/07/2021 06:08
0 0
not working

AndresYT1092 01/07/2021 00:43
0 0
si funciona

Rafaeljaragaray 24/06/2021 01:03
0 0
The Mod Looks Great

TahanDude 18/06/2021 06:49
0 0
Does'nt Work :(

TahanDude 18/06/2021 06:49
0 0
Does'nt Work :(

LMN_Skity 18/06/2021 02:36
0 0
does it work

deunchingazo777 17/06/2021 19:08
0 0
holaç dff