
Sky Bees for Minecraft 1.16.5

Sky Bees screenshot 1Sky Bees for Minecraft is another interesting collection of add-ons that will easily allow you to carefully explore the interactive world and enjoy each minute of the game time. In one pack, the fan has gathered more than 100 mods at once that are perfectly combined and offer ample scope for adventures. 

Thus, this time you will have to take advantage of at least 50 new mobs and a personal quest book that will be updated and offer a variety of challenges throughout your adventure. Now travel around the game world will be much more interesting than before. Good luck!

Sky Bees screenshot 2

How to install the modification:

First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.

Second step: download the mod file.

Third step: copy the Sky Beesmod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).


Comments (2)

AceDjVN 01/04/2022 04:26
0 0
như cứat

juantrax1616naruto 27/04/2021 15:22
0 0
que me funcione porfa