SlimyFloor for Minecraft 1.17
SlimyFloor for Minecraft is an unusual add-on that promises to be not only interesting and in-demand but also original. To begin with, let’s recall a situation when the main character had to run through slime chunk areas.
Given the high concentration of slime, it was amazing to watch that players can freely overcome such sections without any consequences. You have to agree that this situation is far from satisfactory, to put it mildly, and requires urgent correction. That is why we suggest using this mod, which radically changes this state of affairs and now dirties the main character with slime, both in visual and audio terms.
How to install the modification:
First step: download and install Fabric and Fabric API.
Second step: download the mod file.
Third step: copy the SlimyFloor mod package to the .minecraft/mods folder (if it does not exist, install Forge again or create it yourself).
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